Saturday, July 29, 2006

long time no blog..... -_-'...

hmmmz... been suppppeerrr long since i've blogged.... really nothing much to type .. all tt i wan to type.. danver already koped and typed in his blog.. -_-'... but i think this week had enough stuff to warrant a post... =)

i think someday this week.... while our class was waiting for some J1 class to siam out of our base class... suddenly,,.. ryan gomes said "let's play pepsi-cola!",... and then ... me.. ryan wong.. ryan gomes and mathan and esten( p.s i hope i spelt his name correctly.. but i think it's wrong LOL.. )
we played pepsi-cola in our sch U on the small grass patch nxt to e NL... damn funnie la... mathan tried to attack me but he missed twice.. -_-'.. and he ended up having his foot just 10 cm away from mine... and it was MY turn.... soooo.. mathan had e honour of being the first one out... hahahhax... then esten came and attacked me.. dammit.. he just grazed e side of my foot.. so i was out.. -_-'... then while esten attacked gomes finish... ryan wong backstabbed esten.. hahahx... damn funnie la... and i found out weiqiang and e other sd6 guys were also watching us... lol... and our class girls found it damn amusing..... -_-'..

and on a side note... J1's are damn irritating.... zzzz... wonder how last yr's J2's felt .... bleah.... always eating and throwing stuff in our base class... and damn noisy la... -_-'...

o yar... yesterday.... it was damn FUN!!!!.. y?.. coz we disturbed lynette and ryan wong!!... hahhahax.... coz bong keep disturbing her.. and our bio teacher... hmmz.. oops suddenly got mental block can;t rmb her name.. said that by disturbing each other.. tt's how relationships start out... hahax.. and those 2 immediately said "EEE"..and moved away from each other.... but after e lesson they were back with each other again.. -_-'... hahax.. and during lunch.. we irritated them.. and we saw their "unity" in trying to beat me up... hahhahax... super fun!... and when they went back to class... ryan wong was stoning... while lynette was extremely high... so totally not their usual selves... i suspect something... hahax.. so stay tuned to Investigations Part 2 : The Unveiling Of The Bong And The Baby...... =p ...

see?.. nothing much happens nowadays in sch,.. sianz ... -_-'... always studying... hahhax... and can someone sponsor me like 100 bucks.. then i can go build my models already... hahax... damn poor...zzzz....

i am deficient in money... so i am a CURRENCYPHILE ... =X... too much chem... hahhax...

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