Sunday, July 16, 2006

wah nb cb... -_-'..

knnccb... lol... my bloody com restarted itself while i was typing... OMFG... sianz.. so wadever i typed for like 10 mins got deleted off... great..... -_-'..zzzzzzzz... and i dun feel like typing it again... hahhaax...

o well.. continuing from where i left off... which no one except me will know what i wrote previously.. =) ... hahax..
hmmmz.. o crap.. i forgot wad i typed previously......... -_-'...

o yar... i think i was typing bout nallu then it hanged... hahax... =X...

then we ate first... and then danver went to bring his tk classmate to where we were... a girl named i chun ( ??.. did i spell wrongly... lol.. )

and mathan the diq teased me in front of her.. -_-'... diq.. tml he die... muahahha... =p..

i haf absolutely no idea why i;m spacing after every sentence...... zz...

pirates of the carribean 2 was nice.. but i think i like e first one better.. =) ... and we watched for free...!.. lol.. coz they had damn MAJOR technical glitches.. but it was still manageable... u wan full acct come 2sd4 i tell u fairy tale .... lol ...

mathan was exceptionally high... hahahhax.... =) .. but tt's the way we like him er hur er hur... ( shakes booty) ... lol .... -_-'... think i kena affected liao....

danver i wanna talk to u on monday!... =) ... lol...

o btw.. high sch musical is nice... hahax...

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