Friday, May 05, 2006

always always u..

lol.. i damn slack to blog nowadays sia... -_-'... hmmmz.. my mood la... cannot blame anything else.. actually can... lol.. =p ... and xs is making my fingers ache.. sms like siao.. hahax.. today quite fun.. i was FREAKING high in e morning... kept disturbing j.c... LOL.. =x... and i finally found out the truth from him!!!!.. yay!!!.. =) ... ownage... lol.. o yar i forgot...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUILING!!!.. though it's kinda late but... NVM la... =) ... lol ...

hmmmz... okiez... danver and me kept suaning each other during bio lec?.. hahahx... damn funnie la.. i acted like ***** and made him feel like dying... =p ... LOL.. damn fun la.. and he suaned... ********... -_-'... stupid diq.. but at least it was fun.. =) ,... and ryan wong ah.. i tried wad mathan always does to me.. go brush against the leg the inside part there... and ryan wong was gonna kill me.. hahahax... =X.. and speaking of mathan.. lol .. nvr come sch... got bad stomachache.. coz go white sands eat nasi pandang the gravy i think the milk spoil or something... -_-'... lol ... diq....

and did napfa today.. and i ate my least today.. not bad i can survive.. =)... eat so little .. lol .. raisin loaf not bad leh.. and deborah asked me if i was alright.. coz she see me eat bread.. lol .. and asked if i was dieting.. -_-'... lol.. maybe i should.. but i tried b4.. no use.. =X... lol .... and napfa damn funnie.. i run shuttle until my soles came out.. zzz.. stupid shoe so long nvr wear,.. 5 years leh...zzz.. then i failed 2.4 by 1 sec.. coz i din push myself... but the teacher many nice.. said the 1 sec was due to reaction time.. and let me PASS!!! hahahax... yay!!!.. =) .. i love that guy man.. lol ..

hmmmz.. long time since i felt a twinge in my heart... been looking at her all day... kinda.. lol .. also not sure when i look at her.. but definitely got look.. -_-'... hmmmz... sometimes got eye contact... but i nvr say anything.. i feel as though i haf nothing to say... really nothing to say.. like mental block... sighz... dunno la.. i also not sure if she's looking at me also... soooooo.. unsure... wanted to ask her out for tml.. some Hwa Chong concert... but i think she;ll be too tired after cca.. confirm reject.. so nvr ask lor.. -_-'... o wellz.... danver looks so happy.. lol .. kinda.. =X... at least he TALKS to her... i dunno wad's happening to me... -_-'.. zzzz
do i still like her?.. that's wad i;ve been asking myself.. and YES i still do... but i dunno wad to do... i'm kinda lost now..................

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