Saturday, May 27, 2006

to do or not to do...

o welllz... another highly anticipated post... NOT!!!... hahhax... i feel so contradictory today... -_-'.... ankle pain.. so dun wan go soccer... but ended up going to gym...... muz train up my arms liao... at least try.... sianz .... so i smsed danver to ask him if he wanna go... woke up late... lol.. and waited for 33 like half an hour!!!.. in e hot sun.!!!... =( ... lucky i nvr sweat much.... zzz.... and wenqing became my morning sms buddy!...hahax... i think 3 msgs?.. -_-'.. lol.. better then nothing.... no one was awake.. though i know one that would be at that time..but confirm she wun reply.. sooooooo... =X.....

found out danver also just woke up.. hahhax.. and he got stomachache....... we chionged the pull-up machine... and other stuff that used hands =) ... lol .... and i cycled!... lol .. the medium warmup not bad... i lost 21 calories... -_-'... according to e machine.. did for one hour of all these funnie exercises... and then went to watch sd5 play frisbee.. not bad.. i can throw but cannot catch... lol ... =X....

and after gym... decided to bring danver to acsi to eat.. but found out that now become 5-day week.. so cca is shifted to fridays...( most ) ... so they din haf food... sianz.. and it was PTM somemore..and for the less intellectual... it stands for parent-teacher meeting... =) .. so much food .. as danver said.. it was a international buffet.. but onli teachers allowed to eat.. and parents.. so u see 2 yellow ac shirt pple running about.. hahahax... trying to look for food.. XD.... met miss kuo siew lei.. ( er pardon me for e spelling.. i think it's wrong... LOL.. ) ... the pro chem teacher la.. and she could rmb me!!!>. =) .. said there weren;t many handsome boys in ac hahax... -_-'... then also met judy ho... my history teacher!... she asked me if i had a gf yet.. =X... i preferred not to answer e qn... lol.

then we met edwina!!... and ....***..... nvm.. u go find out yourself.. =) ... lol ... and i tot e cafe was open.. so i ran first to go check.. the uncle just closed... -_-'.. aiyo uncle!!!.. lol ... lucky i know most of e pple in ac like personally... coz most of us ac pple haf good pple to pple relations.. =p ... hahhax... then tot ITE foodcourt was open... then edwina and the rest of them and *** went to dover market... lol .. okie i think i wun use asterisks for her name anymore.. -_-'... i use secret code... hahhaax... then i jacked danver the 2nd time... and ITE foodcourt was closed also... lol ... and danver so sooooo hungry he was gonna faint.. but i felt kinda high... wonder why.. i felt kinda sad when she din say bye to me.. but onli wina did... sighz... though wina say bye i also felt happy.. but diff kind of happy la... bleah....

then went dover market also... but ate at some hawker centre.. coz danver wanted to eat some fried fish thingy... -_-' then i ended up thinking wad to buy.. 3 reasons why.....
1st... i din wanna go into dover market.. coz the whole lot of them was sittting inside.. bleah.. so means i cannot order food from there...
2nd..i cannot pack food from e market to bring into e hawker centre coz they say no outside food.. bleah.. but it was due to e first reason that i din go inside.. sighz.. no guts to face her.... sianz...
3rd...they DIN haf mini pot noodle!! hahax... my fav noodles.. =)...
ended up ordering roti john.. which was 10 times better then ac's one, in terms of taste and looks... danver and wina can testify to this.. =p ... looked kinda small but was filling... YUM!..

i called edwina over when i saw her alone washing her hands.... and she came over to talk to me for a while... o wellz... glad i haf her as my gd fren.. =) ... o and she made me stare at my food for like 5 mins.. coz i had to hold her drink for her while she went to e washroom.. hahahhax.. =X,.... muz make her feel bad.... lol .... k la... =p... and i dunno if she actually did wad i told her to do..... hahax.. hope she did it in a tactful way... sianz... and i din say bye.. coz *** din look in my direction... .. i was like gonna fall off my seat watching her walk away.. danver knows this.. hahax.. he was like watching free comedy.. -_-'...

maybe it's me.. maybe it's her... wad's WRONG??.. sianz.... edwina says that she's just shy... but i think it's just she doesn;t want to talk... and when pple feel like that i can't do anything.. i only talk when pple are able to respond.... and when both of us meet it's a bad combination..... one dun wanna talk coz he thinks that she isn;t gonna respond.. and why?.. coz she gives the look of those that wun respond or respond with daft reponses...... looks like cannot ask her for NJ concert... haf CIP with danver on that day too... sianz.... and i dunno if i should ask her out since i know her june timetable is packed.... i really am at a loss of wad to do...
looking towards tomorrow has nvr been worse off.......

thnx to those who stayed and read till the end of this post... i really appreciate it... it may not be entertaining.. but it just reflects how i feel... =)...

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