Wednesday, May 24, 2006


okie.. damn long nvr blog liao.... dunno why also.... hmmmz... i think it's becoz i got banned for playing com for 2 days... hahax.. coz played too much dota.. like 5 hours 2 days ago.. -_-'... lol.. so sianz....

reverting back to old school games like pokemon yellow..hahax.. but cannot play.. coz cannot save.. my stupid gameboy color is spoilt.. -_-'..zzzz.. o wellz.. at least it was quite fun beating brock again... lol.... i owned him with a nidoran =) ... double kick!... hahhaax.,..

sch is dumb... doing e same things over and over... -_-'.. so monotonous...but at least now i can control my sleepiness.. =) ... lol ...

played lan with ryan wong.. edwin.. and mathan... on tues.. LOL>. damn funnie l;a.. we played cs until can cry.. all e funnie stuff... XD... i knifed mathan to death.. lol .. and we p[layed some gay map that jump a bit wrong can die liao.. -_-'...

and i haf a new thing to irritate danver with!!!.. hahhax.. T.T DURAI!!!!.. hahahhahax.. =X.... lol... i sooo feel like calling her that again.. confirm she wun know i'm calling her that.. =) ... and watch as danver goes nuts... -_-'..

OMG.. i feel like slapping myself.. for i'm such a *&%^(&%(^(&%( ... zzzzz... i can;'t believe i had like 30 mins all alone with HER and i said NOTHING!!!!..... -_-'... lol ... my heart was beating damn fast though... hahax... sianz la.... and she avoided sitting nxt to me by waiting for others to pass first then sitting down.. sianz./.. when i wanted to talk to her... zzzz... lol... omfg... wtf...( WAH! THAT's FIERCE!!)
.... er... nvm... i'm going blur... i really like her.. and i dun think i'm gonna give up so easily.... but.... -_-'... bleah...

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