Tuesday, May 16, 2006


okiexz.... lol... shang called me a pantat... -_-'... stupid shang... nvr ask me play dota liao.... learn my secret then dun play with me.. =( ... hahax..

today's a day off from sch!... =) ... coz of some funnie polling thingie.. dun ask me .. i also dunno and dun care... as long got holiday can liao.... hmmmz.... quite sianz at home ... kinda.. tried to do C.R.V tutorial.. but it looks so foreign to me... -_-'... onli managed to do one full qn and 2 half qns...hahax... the rest looks scary.. =X....

actually no mood to blog one.. but my stupid ares is rehashing all my files..... so it;s like gonna take half an hour.. which i haf to spend it... coz u cannot do anything to ares while it's rehashing...zzzz.. dunno why so jialat... i veri sianz.... wonder wad websites to visit... bleah....

hmmmz.. edwin's watching MI:3 with some girl at TBP!!!!.. hahahx.. too bad i too lazy to go check out which girl izzit... apparently she doesn;t know her way around here.. soooo i think muz be those bukit timah rich rich type one la.... lol.. edwin... going for MG girl sia.. =X..... or SC girl..

i love magnum almond!... i got 6 bars... but now left 5... =P.... cut my hair today.. feel so lost without my thick crown of hair... zzzzzzz.. well at least it's cooler around here...... some kind of consolation..... -_-'....wonder how my class will react tml,.. confirm edwina will go touch my hair one.. lol ... -_-'... doh......... especially........ =X....

hmmmz... now that i got quite some time on my hands... i can't help thinking about her...thinking bout wad happened.... thinking bout how things became like this.. thinking about the future... wad am i gonna do...... i think i think too much,... -_-'... but if i dun think then my mind is useless..... and zzzz it;s raining now.............. sunny yet rainy........ a exact replica of my current situation?.. maybe.... not sure... dunno... dun wanna know..... -_-'....

still haf like 20 mins more to go b4 my stupid ares can work...zzzz.... okie.. enough entertainment for u shang?.. -_-'... diq.... nothing to really blog about lor..... WTH!!.. rain is coming into my hse!!!.. -_-'... my com's nxt to e window!!.. 'zzzzzzzz..... lol.. tt was random... bleah.... u better tag u stupid shang.... lol... =X.. play with me dota!...

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