Saturday, May 13, 2006


hmmmz... lol.. i can't rmb wad happened these few days.. memory lapse.. and i dunno wad to type either.. =X.... sianz.... but at least i still haf my *troop* of loyal blog followers... =) ... hahhax...

i think nothing much happened today... i think the onli thing i can say is that SILENCE IS BROKEN!!... lol ... coz during pe today e girls were doing 2.4 km run... and the rest of us took the timing down for them... and i just went forward and told ******** that her timing was wad wad wad... and she actually replied with a question/remark sort of answer... cool.. and i replied again!!.. hahax.. it's been so long since i talked to her... and then i met her fren.... and i talked more with her fren then with her!!!.. -_-'... lol.. wad a failure i am.. o well.. =) ...

morning soccer match... supposed to wake up early but dunno why overslept..zzzz... and i reached there on time... and supposed to eat breakfast with xs at jurong point(jp)... but i so late he just ate without me... zzz.. then i went subway and bought myself a warm cold cut trio..zzz. lol.... and xs ate one cookie!!.. and narvin ate half of another one!!!!.zzz.. hhax... then we went to ntu field to play match... then i was left back.. -_-'...hmmmz.. so wanted to attack.. o wellz... then defended .. and cleared.. and it repeats... lol ... then richard was shouting as usual.. =) ... hahahax... if he dun shout means something wrong la.. lol... and i did one trick!!.. faked the striker lol.. and managed to get past him =p ... shiok.. we won 2-1... not bad.. comeback sia in 2nd half... =) ...

went marina after tt to eat YUKI & YAKI AGAIN~!!,., zzzzz stupid richard... and he screwed up e soup.. smelt damn sick... and i ate quite a bit too.... and we completed the funnie arcade game again!!.. =) .. and i bought another gundam model... the force impulse... =) ... die la.. no money.........and shang knows how to play drow ranger courtesy of me.. =) ...

TODAY"S XS"S BIRTHDAY!!!!... lol ... went late to soccer again.. zzzz.z.. stupid me... coz yesterday nite too bz building my freedom gundam bought earlier with jasmin.. ryan.. and gupreet... =p .. on tues i think...played soccer.... scored onli 2 ... and one nice ram hit e post... bleah from half line leh... lol ... looks like i place too much liao.. placed like 4 shots today all hit post... -_-'...zzzz... then we bought a cake for xs and celebrated in e soccer court.. =) .. centre somemore.. hahax.. the small circle... and xs cannot cut a cake for his life.... -_-'.. lol... and soooo many pple owe me money!!!... hahax... o wellz.... but it was a nice cake though..went home.. and josh kept me from alighting at tiong bahru..zzzz... held on to my bag.... zzz... o wellz.. wasted 5 mins.. hahax.. and i had to swear in e mrt somemore.. -_-'... hahahax... quite dumb.. and BO LIAO!!!!..

THOUGHTS.. kinda random now.. dunno why am i typing in letter type format.. got headings somemore.. -_-'... lol... talking to her tt day felt quite nice.... and i wanna do it more... but only she wans.. i dunno how to approach her... bleah... =X... sianz la... why is this coming back to me now....................................................

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