hahax.... wad a crappy sat.. raining when i woke up at 7.30 am.. -_-'.. immediately msged josh.. and he say cancel soccer liao.. so i spread e msg.. lol... then went to play com coz too early to do anything and i was already WIDE awake... lol ... zzz.. then smsed shang to tell him meet wad time at city hall mrt... hmmmz.. and supposed to be at 11.30am meet.. but i played dota until i met him at 12.30!!... hahahx... =p .. sorry la shang... then we walked around looking at gifts for his god-sis... cool... and say some funnie book for girls one.. quite nice... but 47.40!!!!..zz.. damn ex... lol.. and we went over to e humour section.. it;'s like a private thing with shang la.. we always go bookshop and see humour section coz some got really damn good jokes... lol.. can laugh until die.. and we found a book on bunny suicides... =) ... hahahax.. super funnie!!.. 15 bucks!!.. and i wanna buy !! =X... lol ... okiexz.. then we walked to suntec and back when we found out chee had arrived at city hall.. and we koped some dating agency service thing to give to both of them..and bryan actually wanted to call.. -_-'...
okiexz.. then we walked around at suntec again........ and we ate at some new eatery .. called "just noodles"... and it was dirt cheap and had free flow of coffee/peach tea/orange juice... and the food was realtively good.. and if i say relatively good means should be good for most pple.. =) ... lol ... prices starting from 4.80 onwards!!.. and the free flow rocks!.. i drank 4 cups!!.. =p ... and my bulgolgi beef set was nice.. and shang koped my chicken wing!!!!!... =@... lol ... then we went marina to play lan!!!.. and i played damn crap... anyhow play... zzz i actually died?... lol ... my luna sux.. maybe i should go practise.. =) ... and then richard came ..!!!>. lol.... hmmz...then we went to walk around a bit first.. and had some funnie encounters.. with a man kneading dough of the A1 curry puffs damn hiong.. and looked as though he was humping the counter.. i got e video!!.. =p ... i'll show u on my handphone!... lol..then we went to yuki and yaki to eat dinner... zz had to withdraw 30 from my acct... -_-'...
and fang and chee went back home.. -_-'... so onli me and richard and shang ate... lol ..then we did a lot of stupid crap... and ate quite a bit too... lol ... and richard was damn funnie la... kept trying to scare e pple looking through e window that were looking at us eating...

<--------this was wad we were supposed to eat... lol ...

then when we ate until damn full.... richard decided that we had to dispose of our uneaten food.. and for a while we thought he was brillant.. to discard food into e tom yum soup pot.. but then..... a tiger nvr changes it's stripes sooooooo... LOL.... -_-'..

went home and dead beat....
then went back home and died..LOL.. spent my time fixing the model..while watching the elections results... =p ... looked good man... nice color.. din seem like a fake... pieces fitted together nice tooo... bet no one can tell e diff sia... and it cost onli 1/3 of the real one's price... the real one is 11.95.. =) .. mine = 3.90 .. LOL..!!.. =X....

ROCKS!!>..looks real right?.. and can morph into 2 forms.. so nice!!. =) ..gonna buy more sia,... ownage!!!.. =p .. hmmmz.. dun think i gonna blog bout today.... typed too much.. maybe tml.. =p .. and stupid bryan.. i wanna play with u and melvyn dota...zzzz.. <>
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