Monday, June 05, 2006


firstly... LOVE U WENQING!!.. hahax.. not the type of love... but that kind of love.. -_-'... okie i dunno wad i talking.. i decided to type this for u coz u tagged!!.. hahax.. even when stupid danver din tag,... =) ... o u sianz also?.. msg me!. hahax.. got nothing to do... -_-'...

hmmm... okie... on sat.. by a stroke of fortune.. ( or misfortune ) .. i decided to msg someone... and turned out.. i found out stuff that i had guessed beforehand... well... my reaction to it was quite unforeseen.... VERI unforeseen... ( maybe it's becoz i was playing dota and having like 20 plus kills with my veno.. =X... ) .. okiexz.. but besides that... i din really feel sad... maybe becoz my heart was quite dead liao... i dun really care....

k that was saturday.... sunday was CO concert... or enCOre... hahax... =p ... edwina finally realised why they called it enCOre... apparently the bold and capital CO letters were quite the obvious.. -_-'... hahahax.. and met danver with fang at tbp after tuition.... ate grillers.. the chicken cutlet i ordered for lunch was SO big that i din even eat dinner later... but that's for me to talk bout later.. =) ... went to comics connection .. and saw the MASTER GRADE freedom gundam.. i want!!!...hhahax.. bet it;'s over 200 bucks... bleah.. but i WILL get it... confirm... =X...

fang left.. coz he saw 195.. -_-'.. lol ... and danver went to order guinness stout... omg omg omg.. sucks la.. smelt terrible.. i rather drink my sapporo draft beer.. =) ... but coffeeshop dun haf... lol .... he drank until red.. hahax... VERI red.. and considering he's veri fair... the red look damn obvious la.. and i got drunk on teh bing.. -_-'... LOL... how come?... we stood in e mrt ... and i actually swayed around.. while danver din sway.. and he drank beer somemore la... zzz... and when i was trying to msg edwina.. i ended up msging him instead... hahhahax.. he got a shock coz he tot it was ***** that msged him... =X... hahahax..

we went to VCH.. but not b4 danver tried some ingenius ways to make himself look less red... -_-'... lol.. damn funnie la... we came earlier then edwina!.. hahax.. and danver made me change seats like twice.. we almost kena front row la...zzz.. stupid diq... and wina came and made us sit at e left side so can see jac... -_-'.. hahax... edwina has good taste!... chrysantanum white tea.. =) .. i also bought that drink in e morning after tuition!.. hahax.. din know it was new though... =p ..

the CO were good... reminded me of band.... but less impressive DUH.... -_-'... but the CO were good enough on their own terms.. even wina agreed with me... hahax... danver gave a flower to his classmate during e interval... and ____________________....... i wun type it here... private matters of other pple... but at least know something happened LOL>... -_-'... edwina gave jac chocs.. later she complain fat again... hahax... and later when we saw jac perform.. quite pro... =o .. lol ... but a bit rigid.. hahax.. and edwina!>. u also laughed k... dun poke me !!!........ haha...

after the concert... went to macs to study with danver... coz his father giving me lift home!>. woot!>.. hahahx.. so long nvr take pple's car liao.. like shang's father bringing us to go play soccer.. =) ... like a few months ago... okie.. diverting already.. lol .. losing concentration typing so much.... i drank green teaX2... -_-'.. too much hahax... coz din feel hungry.... and i think it's time to study biochem.. =) ..

gym today.. arms aching... edwina weighs _ _ kg... hahahhax... =X... should i type? hahax.. later she kill me... =) .. lol. ... but i can tell u i'm close to 80.. bleah.... so much for exercising.. -_-'...

u know.. finally this has been brought to a close... END.. FINISH.. -_-'
and boy am i glad for that.. this has been draggin on for too long.. and when i nvr do anything i finally get to see her thoughts on the matter.. FINALLY... -_-'... and if she wans to be loner then SO BE IT.. i had enough.... i can;t change her.. and if she doesn;t wanna change.. FINE BY ME... zzzzzzz.... i haf had better times... though i admit i do miss e old days.... zzzzz.... come danver.. lets go drink.. =) .. but i wan saporro draft beer ah..

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