yesterday.. danver made a damn sick remark... he said .. "are u still going for brian? "( not the CJC bryan.. hahax.. dun mix up.. ) ... then i was like... wtf?... wad talking you... -_-'.. turns out he wanted to ask.. "are u still going for chess club?.. ".. and he was thinking of brian at that moment.... i wonder why.......... o_0... hahahx... and i played daidee for 2 hours plus.. ahhax.. seems i'm still quite skilled in it.. and danver play power cards with me i drained him... then he lost.... hahahax.. =) .. woot.....
during bio lecture today... we found out a new thingy called climacteric , and i told danver that to rmb it... just rmb got my name in it can liao.. =) ...hahax.. and it had something to do with tomatoes... and in bio lec they talk bout tomatoes like free liddat.. -_-'.. causing danver to laugh at every thing associated with tomatoes.... lol ... and there's something called coumarin ( say KUMAR-RIN ) ... hahahhax... so a few of us that knew kumar laughed in e LT... coz we knew he was there.. and the teacher was curious.. "how come u all know it already?".. then someone said.. KUMAR!!.. hahhaax... then we all laughed sia... .. but coumarin was onli for illustration purposes onli... much like the original one.. hahahax.. just joking kumar.. dun run me down... =X....
YIPEE!!.. -_-'.. lol... not prepared to do napfa one... dun haf mental preparation... wrong pair of shoes.. ( adidas superstar 2 ) .. and a veri veri slack mentality... hahax... mathan wanted to do his test today.. coz he could do a ass-whopping 6 pullups!!.. actually he did 7 today.. X_X .. lol .. and i did... 2 !!!!.. =) .. so happy.. hahax.. means i can get bronze!... =p... actually i was afraid my stressed out right arm cannot do today.. but eh?.. it did it!... =) ... turns out my left arm is useless... always not pulling one.... -____-'.... okie.. then did e shuttle run nxt.. and though i scared my stupid shoes cannot run.. i did a 9.6 secs... oooo.. lol .. i beat edwin!.. =p ... hahax.. but i think still lose to fang.. he got 9.4??.. zzzz.. o_0 .... then sit-ups usual got A.. lol.. and sit and reach dunno wad i got... i think 49 cm... not bad la.. then jump i heck liao.. hahhax.. 225 cm.. =X... then the 2.4km run.. i run damn slack.. zzz.. dunno why like so hard to run.. bleah.... i ended up 13 mins 36 secs...zzz.. my worst ever... hahax.. but still got E !... and thus i got a bronze... shiok.. means go NS minus one month then if i had failed... i think.. they better do.... hahax.. if not..zzz.. -_-'...
and though this pass is not NS pass... but it is still a PASS... so means.... i can get 50 bucks from my father.!!!.. hahax.. he say i pass napfa he gimme.... yay.. =X... eh.. but this means u all that owe me money still pay me back ah.. i still got a lot of shopping nvr do yet leh... zzz. =) ... woot... but now muz work another 2 more pull-ups... here i go... and if i can do 5 pull-ups.. edwina muz do 1 !!... hahahx.. =X...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
the tale of three diqs who just cut their hair..
lol...went to cut hair in e morn.. =X... well not as bad as i always expected it to be.... =) ... and with bryan's out of bed gel.. confirm i can make it look nicer... =p... then suposed to go orchard at 1.30pm to meet fang for lunch.. but i was playing dota.. so he called me at 1.45pm .. and i was... "huh?.. i'm still dotaing leh.. ".. lol ... so i left e game.. and chionged to orchard... wah lao.. the bus packed until can die... hahax..and i still sweat.. bleah.. damn hot and packed in e bus.. onli i sweating as usual.. lol ... then met fang and melvyn for e first time.. hahax.. he looks bigger then how he looks like in photos though.. =X... but still veri nice guy.. lol .. we went toilet and styled our hair.. but bryan as usual.. -_-'... hair like stand 5 secs then droop again coz too short..... lol .. and melvyn also just cut his hair... and he say he cut until damn ugly also.. lol .. so we styled ( or tried to style ) ... and then melvyn went Chipper to order some cheesy curry chicken thingy.. lol .. and fang as usual started koping.. then we went scouts ( scotts ) .. to eat lunch.. lol.. bryan's warped pronunciation again.. -_-'.. hot koka ( cocoa ) already not enough... hahax... still muz screw this one up... and ordered beef.. =) .. so fang cannot kope.. =X... lol...
then walked to heeren in e rain ... lol.. to buy my bag! at first e strap looked DAMN short.. but then i try to lengthen.. and then got e bloody price tag there preventing me from lengthening it to max... then i damn scared to buy.. but i always did things on impulse.. so i bought it.. and tested it out IMMEDIATELY at e toilet .. and it seemed fine... just not as low as my previous bag.. but this is a mess bag... sooo.. -_-'... here's a pic..
not bad right?.. but i still wan a longer strap.. =( .. lol ... but the color supposed to be brighter.. i think i was shading e light when taking this pic.. color is satellite blue.. =) .. hahax.. but knn no discount.. the guy say nett price ...zzz.. soo..
Cost: S$39.00 .. wa i damn broke ..
hahax.. then we all walked around in e rain.. to e bus stop.. supposed to study but wadever la.. raining i dun wan to go anywhere to study... so headed home.. and in e end nvr study.. LOL.. -_-'... zzz.. i'm soooo dead..... muz mug for chem test on fri!.. i think.. =X...
then walked to heeren in e rain ... lol.. to buy my bag! at first e strap looked DAMN short.. but then i try to lengthen.. and then got e bloody price tag there preventing me from lengthening it to max... then i damn scared to buy.. but i always did things on impulse.. so i bought it.. and tested it out IMMEDIATELY at e toilet .. and it seemed fine... just not as low as my previous bag.. but this is a mess bag... sooo.. -_-'... here's a pic..

not bad right?.. but i still wan a longer strap.. =( .. lol ... but the color supposed to be brighter.. i think i was shading e light when taking this pic.. color is satellite blue.. =) .. hahax.. but knn no discount.. the guy say nett price ...zzz.. soo..
Cost: S$39.00 .. wa i damn broke ..
hahax.. then we all walked around in e rain.. to e bus stop.. supposed to study but wadever la.. raining i dun wan to go anywhere to study... so headed home.. and in e end nvr study.. LOL.. -_-'... zzz.. i'm soooo dead..... muz mug for chem test on fri!.. i think.. =X...
Friday, June 23, 2006
my mother vs your mother...
hmmm.. kinda late post for wad happened yesterday and the day after..coz i'm sooooo tired... hahax....
met bryan at orchard at 12.30.. lol ... supossed to be 2 at first.. but he say wake up early.. so meet earlier.. -_-'... diq.. then supossed meeting time was 12..but i was late... hahahx... and he STILL turned up later then me.... -___-'.... we walked first to heeren.. where i got my new wallet!!.. =) .. from The Wallet Shop ...
nice msg right?... i was actually looking at 2 other wallets i saw last time i went... but hard to make a decision.. then i saw this at e lower shelve... * instant attraction * !!.. =) .
so i looked at it for 5 secs and shoved the other 2 back... and bought it!...
Cost: S$26.00 .. lol ..
then i also saw a quite nice adidas bag in their flagship shop in heeren.. and it's quite good compared to all e rest so far.. with e exception of mine.... mine's phrased out liao.. but i think it's e best adidas sling bag so far lor.. -_-'.. zzz... hahax... fang say must pin pins on it then will look nice.. coz looks a bit plain... but i think okie wad... =X... lol ..
Cost:S$39.00 before 20% discount ... but i nvr buy yet... =P....
then me and fang walked like 1 hour plus in orchard... first to taka... then to cini.. then to far east... WHY?... coz fang wanted to find a hair saloon to trim his hair and get advice... diq... so we walked by many many and many hair saloons... but he all dun wan.. scared got pple inside la... scared not enough money.... lol... and some is too ex... imagine just cutting hair... Cost:S$59.00 .. -___-' ... and tt's e cheapest thing in e saloon at taka.. some shop there... hahax... in the end he go cut hair at Pointer's Saloon in Far East ... -_-'... then he cut all e sides.. then left e fringe there... lol.. really look like a neater Paul Twohill...... =X.... hahax.. then he complain he look damn ugly.. and blamed me for not telling him not to cut.... =X... doh.. hahax...
went to jec after that.. and studied for like 3 hours plus!!!>.. b4 Xs came and we went to his hse together.. =X... lol .. sounds sick.... but i watched like 50 mins of e portugal and mexico match,,, wa.. nice la.. exciting... both counterattack like siao... but portugal won.. =P.. i felt mexico should haf won though.. they had more chances.. MUCH MORE... =X...
at Xs's hse.. we played lego soccer!!.. hahax.. i found out i can fling my player into Xs's goal when i'm supposed to fling e ball.. =P.... lol .. and i can own goal even in lego soccer... -_-'... lol ... and we played dota!.. =X.. Xs owned a razor at 6 with terrorblade!!.. ( maybe coz the razor had double digit hp left... ).. =P... '
then went to macs again to watch holland vs argentina... hmmmz... how to say?.. the match was boring beyond doubt...zzz... both dun wanna attack.. sianz .... and messi was a flop.. as marvin said.. "cut left !.. cut right!... lose ball!. ".. and it exactly tt case whenever messi got e ball.. and he onli passed to ricquelme once near e penalty box... -_-'.. diq... and i had fun irritating marvin and shang with bryan's "your mother "retort... hahax...okie b4 they start killing me again.... guess wad we ordered?...
=) ... 6 cups of water plus one curry sauce.... hahax,.,. coz shang wanted 3 cups.. i wanted one.. Xs wanted one... and marvin also... and curry sauce was for marvin's soggy fries... =X..
Cost: S$2.00.. how come?.. coz i ordered a breakfast set at tt time.. hahax.. shiok.. love mac's breakfast muffins... =) ..
then went back to Xs's hse.. and we played cards!... hahax.. asshole daidee!!!!!...damn funnie.. marvin held e record for being asshole the longest... lol.. and once i was asshole with like 3/4 hand full of picture cards.... hahahax... =p... but still asshole.. coz i went to challenge richard the president.. who had MUCH bigger cards... lol ... richard president coz Xs let him play starting as president OMFG... lol .. coz Xs wanted to go play dota.. tt diq.. so we played until 6 plus am.. and nvr sleep.. Shiok!... =p ... and took bus 198 to buona vista then walked to ghim moh market for some breakfast then went to play soccer... it was hot.. and humid.. sweat like siao.. even the sweat damn little bryan also sweat until whole body glittering.. =p... scored onli 2... hahax.. and bryan scored none!... lol ... his power dwindling liao.. must start ponning soccer again... =X... and richard and shang damn funnie.. they stripped fang... hahax.. coz fang was sort of insulting them.. then they started attacking him.. LOL... they not as nice as me.. =) .. hahax.. then went home and slept many many... hahax... so sianz.. muz study!... and i can do ONE pull-up!!!.. =) .. tried at Xs's house.... yay!... =P...
met bryan at orchard at 12.30.. lol ... supossed to be 2 at first.. but he say wake up early.. so meet earlier.. -_-'... diq.. then supossed meeting time was 12..but i was late... hahahx... and he STILL turned up later then me.... -___-'.... we walked first to heeren.. where i got my new wallet!!.. =) .. from The Wallet Shop ...

nice msg right?... i was actually looking at 2 other wallets i saw last time i went... but hard to make a decision.. then i saw this at e lower shelve... * instant attraction * !!.. =) .
so i looked at it for 5 secs and shoved the other 2 back... and bought it!...
Cost: S$26.00 .. lol ..
then i also saw a quite nice adidas bag in their flagship shop in heeren.. and it's quite good compared to all e rest so far.. with e exception of mine.... mine's phrased out liao.. but i think it's e best adidas sling bag so far lor.. -_-'.. zzz... hahax... fang say must pin pins on it then will look nice.. coz looks a bit plain... but i think okie wad... =X... lol ..
Cost:S$39.00 before 20% discount ... but i nvr buy yet... =P....
then me and fang walked like 1 hour plus in orchard... first to taka... then to cini.. then to far east... WHY?... coz fang wanted to find a hair saloon to trim his hair and get advice... diq... so we walked by many many and many hair saloons... but he all dun wan.. scared got pple inside la... scared not enough money.... lol... and some is too ex... imagine just cutting hair... Cost:S$59.00 .. -___-' ... and tt's e cheapest thing in e saloon at taka.. some shop there... hahax... in the end he go cut hair at Pointer's Saloon in Far East ... -_-'... then he cut all e sides.. then left e fringe there... lol.. really look like a neater Paul Twohill...... =X.... hahax.. then he complain he look damn ugly.. and blamed me for not telling him not to cut.... =X... doh.. hahax...
went to jec after that.. and studied for like 3 hours plus!!!>.. b4 Xs came and we went to his hse together.. =X... lol .. sounds sick.... but i watched like 50 mins of e portugal and mexico match,,, wa.. nice la.. exciting... both counterattack like siao... but portugal won.. =P.. i felt mexico should haf won though.. they had more chances.. MUCH MORE... =X...
at Xs's hse.. we played lego soccer!!.. hahax.. i found out i can fling my player into Xs's goal when i'm supposed to fling e ball.. =P.... lol .. and i can own goal even in lego soccer... -_-'... lol ... and we played dota!.. =X.. Xs owned a razor at 6 with terrorblade!!.. ( maybe coz the razor had double digit hp left... ).. =P... '
then went to macs again to watch holland vs argentina... hmmmz... how to say?.. the match was boring beyond doubt...zzz... both dun wanna attack.. sianz .... and messi was a flop.. as marvin said.. "cut left !.. cut right!... lose ball!. ".. and it exactly tt case whenever messi got e ball.. and he onli passed to ricquelme once near e penalty box... -_-'.. diq... and i had fun irritating marvin and shang with bryan's "your mother "retort... hahax...okie b4 they start killing me again.... guess wad we ordered?...

=) ... 6 cups of water plus one curry sauce.... hahax,.,. coz shang wanted 3 cups.. i wanted one.. Xs wanted one... and marvin also... and curry sauce was for marvin's soggy fries... =X..
Cost: S$2.00.. how come?.. coz i ordered a breakfast set at tt time.. hahax.. shiok.. love mac's breakfast muffins... =) ..
then went back to Xs's hse.. and we played cards!... hahax.. asshole daidee!!!!!...damn funnie.. marvin held e record for being asshole the longest... lol.. and once i was asshole with like 3/4 hand full of picture cards.... hahahax... =p... but still asshole.. coz i went to challenge richard the president.. who had MUCH bigger cards... lol ... richard president coz Xs let him play starting as president OMFG... lol .. coz Xs wanted to go play dota.. tt diq.. so we played until 6 plus am.. and nvr sleep.. Shiok!... =p ... and took bus 198 to buona vista then walked to ghim moh market for some breakfast then went to play soccer... it was hot.. and humid.. sweat like siao.. even the sweat damn little bryan also sweat until whole body glittering.. =p... scored onli 2... hahax.. and bryan scored none!... lol ... his power dwindling liao.. must start ponning soccer again... =X... and richard and shang damn funnie.. they stripped fang... hahax.. coz fang was sort of insulting them.. then they started attacking him.. LOL... they not as nice as me.. =) .. hahax.. then went home and slept many many... hahax... so sianz.. muz study!... and i can do ONE pull-up!!!.. =) .. tried at Xs's house.... yay!... =P...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
movie director!!!
lol.... raining damn heavy.. this morning.. din wanna wake up.. but dragged myself out.. -_-'.. wad a disservice to myself after a night of dota...... zzz... hahax... pro kai... lousy marvin.. stoning xs.. and normal me... =) ...
went to sch... chem was quite waste time.. but at least i know my mistakes in e chem paper... =) ... can go read and find out.. also got bio chem answers.. so can start doing liao... yay!.. -_-'... for once i'm overjoyed to do work....
went to jec with mathan.. while ky.. alodie.. zhilei..and qingyu went to lot 1... lol ... i think they made a better choice... jec nothing to walk one... LOL... -_-'.. we went to e new fast food outlet.. ZingDo... basically a korean Pepper Lunch.. =) ,.. but got bulgolgi beef!... hahax.. many nice... and the kimchi soup had chilli oil floating on top!.. so scary.. so din drink.. lol ... -_-'...
damn bored in mrt station... so me and mathan started talking bout how i would become a movie director.. LOL.. not the blockbuster kind...
DISCLAIMER: if u are not accustomed to such explicit details.. please refrain from reading after this.. if u do read and are affected physically or mentally.. the writer is not responsible for any mishap.. and any use of names is purely coincidental and fictional in use.. =X..
--> scene starts with james bond in spandex and walking .. u know the camera thingy one?.. then he shoots?.. lol ... this one is he walk damn gay .. then bend and "shoots"... =X..
--> he's the man with the "License To Drill.." =)
---> He's the Queen's Secret "Service" LOL... movie plots starts with him in the queen's bed and the james bond music plays... then he will sit up suddenly.. and go... " I hope i haf displayed a rather significant performance yesterday night my majesty...I'm ALWAYS in your service"
----> when he seduces a lady... he brings her to a seemingly normal looking bed... and the lady tells him... "i expected better from u Bond.."
and he replies... "u haven't seen the best yet.. '.. he throws her unto e bed and presses a button.. and all these ropes will fling out from under the bed and wrap themselves around her and lift her up... then Bond takes off his shirt... and with the camera facing him.. he goes.. "I'm Bond.. James BOND.. ".. and the scene blackens out....
---> in those arctic scenes... where Bond has to fight eskimos... he distracts them by removing his fur coat to reveal a G-string with boots... ONLY... hahhax... cool gear to wear in freezing temperatures.. imagine that...
INDIANA's JOHN( the temple of "DOOM")
---> evil doctor JOHN .. he has created a fortress known as the temple of "DOOM".. where no one enters and ESCAPES alive...
---> people are seen entering the temple... albeit by force... and as they enter... his cronies with whips stand in a line by the sides and start whipping the pple as they enter... so u can hear the SCREAMS issuing from the temple...MUHAHAHAHA.. -_-'..
---> the pple become his SLAVES.... u know for wad purpose.. and most will commit suicide if they manage to survive his TORTURE...
---> in *say this veri quickly*COMES indiana jones.. to save the day...
---> he swings his ropes and starts whipping all e enemies.. and then turns to the evil doctor.. and gives him such a good ASS-WHIPPING...
that he SURRENDERS to indiana jones.. and the day is saved...
*indiana jones music playing again.. *
Lord Of The Gays ( The Fellowship Of The ****** )
---> The Gay LORD.. got defeated and got his ****** cut off...
---> it is known as the Bane.. becoz the human tt kept it found that his one too small compared to the Gay Lord's.. so he killed himself...
--->one day.. a little guy found the ****** .. and found out he could use it to great effiency.. he had fun with the BIG people all day...
---> then one day.. the Gay Lord returned as a Eunuch.. he spoke with a extremely gay accent.. "i WAN my ****** back... !!"... so he sent the nine forgotten RIDERS to get his ****** back...
---> at RIVEN's DILL.. a fellowship is formed.. and the nine gays set out against the nine riders...
---> Smeegol , Frolo.. and Sham.. gay together in the wilderness... and when Captain Pharameer sees them.. he orders his men to join in .. and that is when he finds out.... that Frolo holds the ONE ****** , as Frolo reluctantly pulled it out and said .. "Behold the ONE ****** ! "...
ONE ****** to rule them all , ONE ****** to find them , ONE ****** to bring them all and in the DARKNESS BIND them..
Sorry dun haf last part of trilogy.. me and mathan no time on mrt.. hahax... =X..
lol.. so we laughed and laughed on e mrt train... oblivious tt there were other pple on e train too.. lol .. i heck la.. wear sch shirt doesn't mean i scared... lol.. but it was good.. damn good.. first time i thought so much... future movie director!.. and mathan thought of e movie names btw.. =) .. hahax..
went to sch... chem was quite waste time.. but at least i know my mistakes in e chem paper... =) ... can go read and find out.. also got bio chem answers.. so can start doing liao... yay!.. -_-'... for once i'm overjoyed to do work....
went to jec with mathan.. while ky.. alodie.. zhilei..and qingyu went to lot 1... lol ... i think they made a better choice... jec nothing to walk one... LOL... -_-'.. we went to e new fast food outlet.. ZingDo... basically a korean Pepper Lunch.. =) ,.. but got bulgolgi beef!... hahax.. many nice... and the kimchi soup had chilli oil floating on top!.. so scary.. so din drink.. lol ... -_-'...
damn bored in mrt station... so me and mathan started talking bout how i would become a movie director.. LOL.. not the blockbuster kind...
DISCLAIMER: if u are not accustomed to such explicit details.. please refrain from reading after this.. if u do read and are affected physically or mentally.. the writer is not responsible for any mishap.. and any use of names is purely coincidental and fictional in use.. =X..
--> scene starts with james bond in spandex and walking .. u know the camera thingy one?.. then he shoots?.. lol ... this one is he walk damn gay .. then bend and "shoots"... =X..
--> he's the man with the "License To Drill.." =)
---> He's the Queen's Secret "Service" LOL... movie plots starts with him in the queen's bed and the james bond music plays... then he will sit up suddenly.. and go... " I hope i haf displayed a rather significant performance yesterday night my majesty...I'm ALWAYS in your service"
----> when he seduces a lady... he brings her to a seemingly normal looking bed... and the lady tells him... "i expected better from u Bond.."
and he replies... "u haven't seen the best yet.. '.. he throws her unto e bed and presses a button.. and all these ropes will fling out from under the bed and wrap themselves around her and lift her up... then Bond takes off his shirt... and with the camera facing him.. he goes.. "I'm Bond.. James BOND.. ".. and the scene blackens out....
---> in those arctic scenes... where Bond has to fight eskimos... he distracts them by removing his fur coat to reveal a G-string with boots... ONLY... hahhax... cool gear to wear in freezing temperatures.. imagine that...
INDIANA's JOHN( the temple of "DOOM")
---> evil doctor JOHN .. he has created a fortress known as the temple of "DOOM".. where no one enters and ESCAPES alive...
---> people are seen entering the temple... albeit by force... and as they enter... his cronies with whips stand in a line by the sides and start whipping the pple as they enter... so u can hear the SCREAMS issuing from the temple...MUHAHAHAHA.. -_-'..
---> the pple become his SLAVES.... u know for wad purpose.. and most will commit suicide if they manage to survive his TORTURE...
---> in *say this veri quickly*COMES indiana jones.. to save the day...
---> he swings his ropes and starts whipping all e enemies.. and then turns to the evil doctor.. and gives him such a good ASS-WHIPPING...
that he SURRENDERS to indiana jones.. and the day is saved...
*indiana jones music playing again.. *
Lord Of The Gays ( The Fellowship Of The ****** )
---> The Gay LORD.. got defeated and got his ****** cut off...
---> it is known as the Bane.. becoz the human tt kept it found that his one too small compared to the Gay Lord's.. so he killed himself...
--->one day.. a little guy found the ****** .. and found out he could use it to great effiency.. he had fun with the BIG people all day...
---> then one day.. the Gay Lord returned as a Eunuch.. he spoke with a extremely gay accent.. "i WAN my ****** back... !!"... so he sent the nine forgotten RIDERS to get his ****** back...
---> at RIVEN's DILL.. a fellowship is formed.. and the nine gays set out against the nine riders...
---> Smeegol , Frolo.. and Sham.. gay together in the wilderness... and when Captain Pharameer sees them.. he orders his men to join in .. and that is when he finds out.... that Frolo holds the ONE ****** , as Frolo reluctantly pulled it out and said .. "Behold the ONE ****** ! "...
ONE ****** to rule them all , ONE ****** to find them , ONE ****** to bring them all and in the DARKNESS BIND them..
Sorry dun haf last part of trilogy.. me and mathan no time on mrt.. hahax... =X..
lol.. so we laughed and laughed on e mrt train... oblivious tt there were other pple on e train too.. lol .. i heck la.. wear sch shirt doesn't mean i scared... lol.. but it was good.. damn good.. first time i thought so much... future movie director!.. and mathan thought of e movie names btw.. =) .. hahax..
Sunday, June 18, 2006
okiexz... sat soccer.. i came at 8.30.. sorry pple.. hahax.. stupid alarm cock... o i meant clock... -_-'... lol .. =x... hmmmz.. then i expected to see marvin.. and he would be saying "stupid eric.. always come late..".. but then....... MARWIN DIN COME!!!... lol .. stupid marwin... tell us all 8 then din come.... and nvr msg me either... -_-'... diq... go back sch i confirm whack him... hahahax.. then we played.. i goal drought sia.. 2 goals onli... lol .. and both in the space of 5 mins.. -_-'... wonder why... but nvm.. hahax... bryan as usual . is UNSTOPPABLE... -_-'... hahax.. scored many many.. that diq.. and 2 goals he scored bounced off me one la....... =( ... when i was keeper.. so acceptable.. =X... lol ...
and we become professionals liao... we got official sponsors... seasons soya bean milk.... =)...
LOL.... we got 12+1 cans for 1 buck!!!!... hahax.. my dollar leh.. skill.. but was nic's hand that put e coin in.. hahax.. coz he borrow fr0om me.. damn funnie.. so many FREE cans coming down.. =) ... shiok!.. each one 2 cans drink finish... "still wan more?"... LOL...
we raped e vending machine sia... not literally ah...and we decided to make a nice pic of the england team formation!!!.. =) ... see the tallest one?... CROUCH!!!... hahahhax... =p ...
then went jec with XS... went to play arcade instead of virtua tennis 3 is wicked ... zzz.. so hard to play compared to virtua tennis one sia.. o well.. but i own in virtua tennis one... =X... then played metal slug 5 !.. wa shiok.. damn fun... and the new metal slug is quite good.. but i still like e tank better... the new one quite hard to control... and is sluggish... lol.. literally... -_-'... then went macs to study.. not bad.. managed to do one qn which i din know how to do.. at home... and and... nvm... dun wanna type it out.. hahax... saw someone quite hot... wa... lol.. KKK>.. STOP!!!.. enough.. lol ... -_-'...
time to play dota.. =) ..
and we become professionals liao... we got official sponsors... seasons soya bean milk.... =)...

we raped e vending machine sia... not literally ah...and we decided to make a nice pic of the england team formation!!!.. =) ... see the tallest one?... CROUCH!!!... hahahhax... =p ...
then went jec with XS... went to play arcade instead of virtua tennis 3 is wicked ... zzz.. so hard to play compared to virtua tennis one sia.. o well.. but i own in virtua tennis one... =X... then played metal slug 5 !.. wa shiok.. damn fun... and the new metal slug is quite good.. but i still like e tank better... the new one quite hard to control... and is sluggish... lol.. literally... -_-'... then went macs to study.. not bad.. managed to do one qn which i din know how to do.. at home... and and... nvm... dun wanna type it out.. hahax... saw someone quite hot... wa... lol.. KKK>.. STOP!!!.. enough.. lol ... -_-'...
time to play dota.. =) ..
Friday, June 16, 2006
*hums* "I've got birds in my ears and the devil on my shoulder ".. =)
lol... suddenly i get kicked back one step when it took me eternity to take that step.. -_-'..danver i need to discuss with u!!!... =( .. hahax..
current song = *Crush* by *Cute Is What We Aim For*...
lol... suddenly i get kicked back one step when it took me eternity to take that step.. -_-'..danver i need to discuss with u!!!... =( .. hahax..
current song = *Crush* by *Cute Is What We Aim For*...
hmmmz... this whole week stoning sia.. -_-'.. bleah.. okiexz went to band concert yesterday.. met josh at raffles mrt.... and as usual.. i play tower defense until like 6.40.. -_-'.. lol.. suppossed to meet him at 7..... so i was late... =X... hahahx.. by like 2 mins plus i think.. not sure.. nvr checked... =) ... then walked there... and stupid danver sat at one corner .. STUDYING!!!!!....... ( ooo just nice he's online.... hahax.. ) hmmmz..and we went in.. and i many blur.. suppossed to tell e pple edwina's name.. but i went to say my own name... -___-' LOL... no wonder they took so long to search... hhahahx... oops... =X.. then went in and sat down.. turned out i sat near a bunch of st.magaret girls.. all know edwina!.. hahhax... -_-'.. then during interval they called us "the edwina's frens... "... lol .. and edwina got a bunch of cookies from her fren.. which she said was brownies.. i dunno who correct la.. but the packaging wrote COOKIES.. so i guess i should haf a larger probability of being correct.. =) ... and out of no where... the usual solemnness of performing in concerts became casual during e jazz ensemble... where jian wei and wen long came out with electric guitar and drum set.. -_-'... lol .. improvisation... lol ... and it was nice.. ,... and thow xin yuan and his "gang".. rocked the house with their trombones... =) ... u rock thow!!!... then seeing edwina with her hands full.. i waved bye and went off to GLUTTON"S SQUARE!!!.. hahax.. =p ... ate satay.. ownage sia.. their 2nd dip.. the black soya chilli dip was hot and NICE>>>... =X... and danver bought oyster omelette... lol ... i koped some.. =p... then we talked some crap b4 danver's dad gave me a lift home again.. =) .. hahax.. so nice... like duh i paid 10 bucks for that ride!!!... hahax.. just joking danver!!!.. =X...
( o yar... edwina was e most favoured player .. why?,.. coz she got really paid for her efforts... 30 from me and 33 from her fren.. while others got onli flowers and chocs... =p... ) .. lol.. sorry wina!... will get u flowers.... nxt time... when i got money... hahax... thnx for e tix and performance.. and zel's solo was nice too.. =) ...
*many things to think through today... -_-'... lol .. work... frens... relationships... games... music... -_-'.. lol ... head pain.. =( ... -_-'.. lol .. *
( o yar... edwina was e most favoured player .. why?,.. coz she got really paid for her efforts... 30 from me and 33 from her fren.. while others got onli flowers and chocs... =p... ) .. lol.. sorry wina!... will get u flowers.... nxt time... when i got money... hahax... thnx for e tix and performance.. and zel's solo was nice too.. =) ...
*many things to think through today... -_-'... lol .. work... frens... relationships... games... music... -_-'.. lol ... head pain.. =( ... -_-'.. lol .. *
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
hahax.. recovered from fever!... but still got recurrent headaches.. i really need to get out of here to get some fresh air sia... lol .. tml is gonna be e 3rd time i'm going to clarke quay in a week.. -_-'... going for BAND concert!.. =) .. yay.. wonder wad nice music they're gonna play again,... lol... downloading songs now.. coz damn bored.. found a damn nice band.. called RISE AGAINST... lol .. =X... more songs to upload to my zen!.. lol.. random sia.. o wellz.. nothing better to do.. and though i said not to play dota again for today.... i'll guess i'll play it again.. =P...
Monday, June 12, 2006
bleah.. muz be e rain these few days.. getting wet now really makes me feeellll sick... =( ... cold... no mood to eat... zzz... wearing my jacket... =) .. lol .... but then i haf to blog... dunno why.. but just this feeling....
hmmz.. din know why i missed this in my previous blog post...
1.thanks to miss yim for our lodgings.
2.thnx to edwina and EZ bbq for our barbecue.
3.thnx to ryan wong for being e onli other guy to stay over.. =) .
4.thnx to jac and edwina and kahyoke and tiffany for dragging our stuff into their room.... -_-'..
5.thnx to kahyoke for teaching me mahjong .. lol ..
6.thnx to jac for spreading (a lot of ) hazelnut spread on my bread.. -_-'..
7.thnx to jasmin for bringing dvds.. ( though we had no player -_-'.. )
8.thnx to edwina for bringing shampoo!..
9.thnx to e 2AA1 pple who came..
10.thnx to kahyoke for taking a video of me.. lol ..
11.thnx to e flies that lost all their wings and made the hse damn icky..
12.thnx to DX and frens who came.. lol sorry forgot wad class.. i many blur.. =X
13.thnx to e lady at e coffee shop who paid 10 cents of our meal... =)
14.thnx to e changi "night life"pple for making an appearance when we were there.. hahax.. for some reason "mathan"pops out in my head.. =p
15.THNX TO CHERYL FOR HER SPEAKERS!!! lol... if not i confirm sleep more liao.....
16.thnx to all who came... =) .. and made it enjoyable... and...
17.THNX TO E GAS GUY WHO CAME AND SHOWED us that actually we din run out of gas.. but we dunno how to change e gas cylinder... -_-'
zzz i really dun feel well. dammit.. maybe dota will cure it.. X_X... lol ...
hmmz.. din know why i missed this in my previous blog post...
1.thanks to miss yim for our lodgings.
2.thnx to edwina and EZ bbq for our barbecue.
3.thnx to ryan wong for being e onli other guy to stay over.. =) .
4.thnx to jac and edwina and kahyoke and tiffany for dragging our stuff into their room.... -_-'..
5.thnx to kahyoke for teaching me mahjong .. lol ..
6.thnx to jac for spreading (a lot of ) hazelnut spread on my bread.. -_-'..
7.thnx to jasmin for bringing dvds.. ( though we had no player -_-'.. )
8.thnx to edwina for bringing shampoo!..
9.thnx to e 2AA1 pple who came..
10.thnx to kahyoke for taking a video of me.. lol ..
11.thnx to e flies that lost all their wings and made the hse damn icky..
12.thnx to DX and frens who came.. lol sorry forgot wad class.. i many blur.. =X
13.thnx to e lady at e coffee shop who paid 10 cents of our meal... =)
14.thnx to e changi "night life"pple for making an appearance when we were there.. hahax.. for some reason "mathan"pops out in my head.. =p
15.THNX TO CHERYL FOR HER SPEAKERS!!! lol... if not i confirm sleep more liao.....
16.thnx to all who came... =) .. and made it enjoyable... and...
17.THNX TO E GAS GUY WHO CAME AND SHOWED us that actually we din run out of gas.. but we dunno how to change e gas cylinder... -_-'
zzz i really dun feel well. dammit.. maybe dota will cure it.. X_X... lol ...
Sunday, June 11, 2006
long post..
hmmm... wah a lot of stuff to type.. die.. so i'll think i'll just summarise.. practise gp at e same time lol!!.. -_-'...
start of this week.. lol incidentally i'm blogging at e end of e week.. =) .. i surprise myself sometimes... =X... hahax..
k diverting liao.. -_-'.. on tues.. went to class chalet!.. disaster.. was raining... and still had to take mahjong set from edwina coz she got band.... band... okie.. that was random... =l .. so all those who enjoyed mahjong thank me!!.. and edwina too lol.. btw e mahjong set still with me.. can play!.. =p ... anyone wanna come my hse?.. we bet money.. i damn broke... lol .. then we took taxi.. 21 dollars! ex..then we BROKE into e chalet!... hahax.. coz e door was locked and miss yim not there yet.. so we ( tiffany ) entered through e window.. which i discovered was unlocked... =p.. AA1 came!.. but i almost knew no one.. lol .. onli adrian.. sort of la.. and some girl called weilin knew me?... -_-'.. okie..... veri unexpected.. lol .. and we played animal game.. but i kept screwing up.. became comedy.. and i did forfeit!!.. danced para para.. ( sort of la.. ) .. coz jac told them i could dance e arcade one.. -_-'... lol... and i danced.. and kahyoke took a VIDEO!!!!.. in her handphone.. not bad.. i think can post on youtube.. =) ... lol ..!!... die la... and it was quite eerie upstairs though.. until some girls din wanna bathe alone.. but i din join them ah.. lol .. -_-'.. onli kept talking to edwina while she bathed.. lol .. until throat pain.. coz air-con damn COLD.... =X ... and the girls also scared to sleep alone.. lol.. so they dragged mine and ryan's matresses to their room.. and we all ended up sleeping together.. on diff matresses that is... hahhaax... =P...
wednesday morning...
woke up and found out almost e whole hse was flooded with those big big fly the wings and their wingless bodies..zzzz... omg la... zzz.. like landmines lidat... worse.. hahax.. =p ... but still managed to get some breakfast... cheese rings..!!.. =) ... and apple tea.. and watched news.. while edwina and the others slept.... and then rented our bicycles.. so fun.. i loved it.... bicycles rock!..if i was abit skinnier i think i go join X-games liao... i whole day trying to jump up stairs,... lol.. and cycling with one or no hands.. =) .. and i can sms while riding.. hahhaax.. =) .. my skill improved liao... lol .. o yar././ karmen just reminded of this.. lol.. i walked to e coast and took some pics.. coz morning muscles veri cold.. muz warmup =) .. lol .. and then all e pple came and we barbarcued!!.. lol .. class fund owes me many money.. but tt;'s another story soooo.. lol.. dun waste time typing it.. =) .. barbarcued until die.. o wellz.. nxt time dun ask me start fire or make it bigger.. i onli can cook... sooo.. if i cannot do e fire dun come say i lousy.... go do it yourself.. bleah.. =X.. and i'm addicted to chery's (2AA1) speakers.. so shiok.. love it... whole day playing music.. hahhaax... thank you!.. but u wun know my blog soooo.. =p ... lol ... then edwina went home.. coz of... -_-',.. o wellz. wina... some pple liddat one u cannot expect anything la... just be nice to them.. =) .. lol .. like me!... hahax... and zel din got dvds but no player.. -_-'
then i washed up all e stuff.. actually washing up quite fun... coz i relaly felt damn irritable.. dunno why.. so mite as well go spend e energy on something.. =) .. turn out i can clear up quite well... maybe coz i too lazy at home.. lol... that's why nvr hone my skills...but at least it was quite spick and span... then went cycling with ryan and jasmin... we got jacked by 10cents!!.. hahax... tell u e story if u ask me in sch.. too lazy to type.. and we saw a lot of eeeeeeeewwwwwww... lol.. the night life lol.. that me and mathan wanted to find... sick la.. look from e back look like man la.. zzz... and jasmin "loves" ghost stories... and ryan owes me a thanx after i effortlessly repaired his loose bicycle chain.. without getting my fingers oily!.. =) ..coz i used a leaf.. lol... went back and slept... sianz lor...
thursday.. nothing much.. we booked out.. and breakfast jac spread hazelnut spread on my bread as thick as the slice itself.. hahhax.. sooo sick... =X... lol.. o well.. my breakfast... -_-'.. and we cycled back to return e bikes... and I almost lost my bag... coz jac and jasmin decided to go shopping for triumph wonderbras.... lol... and more....-_-'... and ate at macs... with jasmine and jac.. and ryan.. played hangman on tissue.. then we went home.. sianz.. tired.. sleepy.. lol.. think i slept most this chalet.. o wellz... conditioned by sch already.. =) ..
friday..went out with fang to "STUDY".. but lol.. went to look for stuff to buy at orchard first.. and i'm damn blur... at orchard point bought a pair of flops from OP... =) .. not bad la. i lazy to search from other brands.. and i got budget.. =X... and i walked into e female toliet... coz i had parallax error.. lol ... cannot see e door sign properly.. doing my hair inside .. until some female employee came inside and told me it was female toliet.. omg so embarassed... -_-'..o wellz... then i mistook meridian for orchard emerald and walked further from bryan instead of meeting him... lol... -_-'.. went to look for portable speakers.. look damn chio la... and i saved 5 bucks by going to sim lim to buy.. but blew 4.80 on a pack of batteries that i din need.. coz need triple A.. but i bought double A instead... lol.. u should haf seen my reaction when i was trying to like place the ultra large batteries into my speakers.. -_-'.. comedy... lol.. then went clarke quay macs to study.. not bad,... quite fun.. coz veri quiet.. and my speakers providing music .. =) ... bryan now also wanna buy.. hahahx... too tech liao.. =p ... now i dunno wad i lacking in electronic equipment... -_-'..
sat.. germany won 4-2.. lol .. double of fang's prediction.. =p .. and he totally owned in soccer today la.. that stupid fang.. scored like 10 goals?.. total.. hahax.. the times he nvr came.... all pent up inside.. lol .. first thing come in 2 goals liao.. -_-'.. lol.. and i went back home and dotaed first b4 meeting richard and shang at city hall like 8 pm.. then went to eat a bit b4 fang came.. and it was comedy.. clarke quay at first no space.. then richard and fang found a DAMN GOOD SPOT to watch e england match... but pity the match sibei boring...sianz... no style at all... one stupid goal and that's it... and bryan still can't drink.. -_-'.. lol .. and tiger beer still sucks... i wan my draft beer.. =( ... then on e way back met vishbu.. my ex junior class member.. -_-'.. and she got 50 bucks for taxi ride home!.. lives near fang .. we all 3 take taxi home... knocked out first thing i went so shag... -_-'..
sunday (today!)
... lol ... raining again.. and i wore damn casual.. lol.. sianz of always wearing jeans.. muz put my flops to good use.. =) ,... and bought onli one gundam model... destiny gundam scale 1/100...coz some irritating pple.. whom i do not know,... bought out all the strike freedom and destiny gundam scale 1/144 high grade model kits...zzz.. so instead of buying 2 onli got one.. well at least i know there are decals for the 1/100 destiny gundam.. =) ... muz make it look chio sia...if i haf e time........ lol ...
nothing much today,... dreaming away again... meridian sailing.. =) .. LOL... random ?.. =) .. u go figure.... hahhaax...
start of this week.. lol incidentally i'm blogging at e end of e week.. =) .. i surprise myself sometimes... =X... hahax..
k diverting liao.. -_-'.. on tues.. went to class chalet!.. disaster.. was raining... and still had to take mahjong set from edwina coz she got band.... band... okie.. that was random... =l .. so all those who enjoyed mahjong thank me!!.. and edwina too lol.. btw e mahjong set still with me.. can play!.. =p ... anyone wanna come my hse?.. we bet money.. i damn broke... lol .. then we took taxi.. 21 dollars! ex..then we BROKE into e chalet!... hahax.. coz e door was locked and miss yim not there yet.. so we ( tiffany ) entered through e window.. which i discovered was unlocked... =p.. AA1 came!.. but i almost knew no one.. lol .. onli adrian.. sort of la.. and some girl called weilin knew me?... -_-'.. okie..... veri unexpected.. lol .. and we played animal game.. but i kept screwing up.. became comedy.. and i did forfeit!!.. danced para para.. ( sort of la.. ) .. coz jac told them i could dance e arcade one.. -_-'... lol... and i danced.. and kahyoke took a VIDEO!!!!.. in her handphone.. not bad.. i think can post on youtube.. =) ... lol ..!!... die la... and it was quite eerie upstairs though.. until some girls din wanna bathe alone.. but i din join them ah.. lol .. -_-'.. onli kept talking to edwina while she bathed.. lol .. until throat pain.. coz air-con damn COLD.... =X ... and the girls also scared to sleep alone.. lol.. so they dragged mine and ryan's matresses to their room.. and we all ended up sleeping together.. on diff matresses that is... hahhaax... =P...
wednesday morning...
woke up and found out almost e whole hse was flooded with those big big fly the wings and their wingless bodies..zzzz... omg la... zzz.. like landmines lidat... worse.. hahax.. =p ... but still managed to get some breakfast... cheese rings..!!.. =) ... and apple tea.. and watched news.. while edwina and the others slept.... and then rented our bicycles.. so fun.. i loved it.... bicycles rock!..if i was abit skinnier i think i go join X-games liao... i whole day trying to jump up stairs,... lol.. and cycling with one or no hands.. =) .. and i can sms while riding.. hahhaax.. =) .. my skill improved liao... lol .. o yar././ karmen just reminded of this.. lol.. i walked to e coast and took some pics.. coz morning muscles veri cold.. muz warmup =) .. lol .. and then all e pple came and we barbarcued!!.. lol .. class fund owes me many money.. but tt;'s another story soooo.. lol.. dun waste time typing it.. =) .. barbarcued until die.. o wellz.. nxt time dun ask me start fire or make it bigger.. i onli can cook... sooo.. if i cannot do e fire dun come say i lousy.... go do it yourself.. bleah.. =X.. and i'm addicted to chery's (2AA1) speakers.. so shiok.. love it... whole day playing music.. hahhaax... thank you!.. but u wun know my blog soooo.. =p ... lol ... then edwina went home.. coz of... -_-',.. o wellz. wina... some pple liddat one u cannot expect anything la... just be nice to them.. =) .. lol .. like me!... hahax... and zel din got dvds but no player.. -_-'
then i washed up all e stuff.. actually washing up quite fun... coz i relaly felt damn irritable.. dunno why.. so mite as well go spend e energy on something.. =) .. turn out i can clear up quite well... maybe coz i too lazy at home.. lol... that's why nvr hone my skills...but at least it was quite spick and span... then went cycling with ryan and jasmin... we got jacked by 10cents!!.. hahax... tell u e story if u ask me in sch.. too lazy to type.. and we saw a lot of eeeeeeeewwwwwww... lol.. the night life lol.. that me and mathan wanted to find... sick la.. look from e back look like man la.. zzz... and jasmin "loves" ghost stories... and ryan owes me a thanx after i effortlessly repaired his loose bicycle chain.. without getting my fingers oily!.. =) ..coz i used a leaf.. lol... went back and slept... sianz lor...
thursday.. nothing much.. we booked out.. and breakfast jac spread hazelnut spread on my bread as thick as the slice itself.. hahhax.. sooo sick... =X... lol.. o well.. my breakfast... -_-'.. and we cycled back to return e bikes... and I almost lost my bag... coz jac and jasmin decided to go shopping for triumph wonderbras.... lol... and more....-_-'... and ate at macs... with jasmine and jac.. and ryan.. played hangman on tissue.. then we went home.. sianz.. tired.. sleepy.. lol.. think i slept most this chalet.. o wellz... conditioned by sch already.. =) ..
friday..went out with fang to "STUDY".. but lol.. went to look for stuff to buy at orchard first.. and i'm damn blur... at orchard point bought a pair of flops from OP... =) .. not bad la. i lazy to search from other brands.. and i got budget.. =X... and i walked into e female toliet... coz i had parallax error.. lol ... cannot see e door sign properly.. doing my hair inside .. until some female employee came inside and told me it was female toliet.. omg so embarassed... -_-'..o wellz... then i mistook meridian for orchard emerald and walked further from bryan instead of meeting him... lol... -_-'.. went to look for portable speakers.. look damn chio la... and i saved 5 bucks by going to sim lim to buy.. but blew 4.80 on a pack of batteries that i din need.. coz need triple A.. but i bought double A instead... lol.. u should haf seen my reaction when i was trying to like place the ultra large batteries into my speakers.. -_-'.. comedy... lol.. then went clarke quay macs to study.. not bad,... quite fun.. coz veri quiet.. and my speakers providing music .. =) ... bryan now also wanna buy.. hahahx... too tech liao.. =p ... now i dunno wad i lacking in electronic equipment... -_-'..
sat.. germany won 4-2.. lol .. double of fang's prediction.. =p .. and he totally owned in soccer today la.. that stupid fang.. scored like 10 goals?.. total.. hahax.. the times he nvr came.... all pent up inside.. lol .. first thing come in 2 goals liao.. -_-'.. lol.. and i went back home and dotaed first b4 meeting richard and shang at city hall like 8 pm.. then went to eat a bit b4 fang came.. and it was comedy.. clarke quay at first no space.. then richard and fang found a DAMN GOOD SPOT to watch e england match... but pity the match sibei boring...sianz... no style at all... one stupid goal and that's it... and bryan still can't drink.. -_-'.. lol .. and tiger beer still sucks... i wan my draft beer.. =( ... then on e way back met vishbu.. my ex junior class member.. -_-'.. and she got 50 bucks for taxi ride home!.. lives near fang .. we all 3 take taxi home... knocked out first thing i went so shag... -_-'..
sunday (today!)
... lol ... raining again.. and i wore damn casual.. lol.. sianz of always wearing jeans.. muz put my flops to good use.. =) ,... and bought onli one gundam model... destiny gundam scale 1/100...coz some irritating pple.. whom i do not know,... bought out all the strike freedom and destiny gundam scale 1/144 high grade model kits...zzz.. so instead of buying 2 onli got one.. well at least i know there are decals for the 1/100 destiny gundam.. =) ... muz make it look chio sia...if i haf e time........ lol ...
nothing much today,... dreaming away again... meridian sailing.. =) .. LOL... random ?.. =) .. u go figure.... hahhaax...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
hahax.. kkz.. today's chalet day!.. as edwina reminded me YESTERDAY... ... -_-'.. so obviously i am sooooo unprepared.... lol ... dun think i can bring my xbox..zzz.. but i try bring my laptop.. if possible... lol outdoor lan gaming with ONE pc... XD... muz see how ryan wong plays dota A.I sia.. =X .. well will be back on fri.. but feel free to msg me anytime.. i'm sure confirm damn bored there one... hahax.. unless got MORE guys... maybe ryan wong coming today.. muahahaha.. -_-'.. okie tt sounds gay... well a song to describe how i feel now... * a lighted up mood these days *
I Wanna Go To A Place...
by Rie fu from Gundam SEED DESTINY (3rd ED)
I wanna go to a place where I can say,
That I'm all right and I'm staying there with you,
I wanna know if there could be anyway,
That there's no fight, and I'm safe and sound with you,
And everytime I look, I thought you were there,
But it was just my imagination,
I don't see it anymore cause I see thru you now,
imademo kidzukanai deshou kono shizuka na sora ni,
(Even now you still haven't noticed this quiet sky,)
itsudemo omoidasu kedo mou doko nimo modorenai,
(I am always thinking of it, but I can no longer return to there,)
soshite zutto kokoro de samete sotto kidzuite,
(And I will always be awake in my heart, gently taking notice,)
itsuka kitto yasashisa mietekuru you ni,
(That someday I will be able to see kindness,)
What's stopping me? I get stuck again,
Is it really OK? It's never OK for me,
What's got into me? I get lost again,
Is it really OK? It's never going to be,
soshite motto sagashite me no mae ni kidzuite,
(And I will search harder to realize the things in front of my eyes,)
asu wa kitto kazamuki mo kawaru you ni,
(Even the wind's direction will surely change tomorrow,)
kaze ga sotto sasayaku ugomeku nowa kono daichi,
(The wind whispers gently, the one that moves is the earth,)
mayawanaide yasashisa mietekuru you ni,
(Find the way and I will be able to see kindness,)
And every time I look, I thought you were there,
But it was just my imagination,
I don't see it anymore cause I see thru you now,
I wanna go to a place where I can say,
That I'm all right and I'm staying there with you.
I Wanna Go To A Place...
by Rie fu from Gundam SEED DESTINY (3rd ED)
I wanna go to a place where I can say,
That I'm all right and I'm staying there with you,
I wanna know if there could be anyway,
That there's no fight, and I'm safe and sound with you,
And everytime I look, I thought you were there,
But it was just my imagination,
I don't see it anymore cause I see thru you now,
imademo kidzukanai deshou kono shizuka na sora ni,
(Even now you still haven't noticed this quiet sky,)
itsudemo omoidasu kedo mou doko nimo modorenai,
(I am always thinking of it, but I can no longer return to there,)
soshite zutto kokoro de samete sotto kidzuite,
(And I will always be awake in my heart, gently taking notice,)
itsuka kitto yasashisa mietekuru you ni,
(That someday I will be able to see kindness,)
What's stopping me? I get stuck again,
Is it really OK? It's never OK for me,
What's got into me? I get lost again,
Is it really OK? It's never going to be,
soshite motto sagashite me no mae ni kidzuite,
(And I will search harder to realize the things in front of my eyes,)
asu wa kitto kazamuki mo kawaru you ni,
(Even the wind's direction will surely change tomorrow,)
kaze ga sotto sasayaku ugomeku nowa kono daichi,
(The wind whispers gently, the one that moves is the earth,)
mayawanaide yasashisa mietekuru you ni,
(Find the way and I will be able to see kindness,)
And every time I look, I thought you were there,
But it was just my imagination,
I don't see it anymore cause I see thru you now,
I wanna go to a place where I can say,
That I'm all right and I'm staying there with you.
Monday, June 05, 2006
firstly... LOVE U WENQING!!.. hahax.. not the type of love... but that kind of love.. -_-'... okie i dunno wad i talking.. i decided to type this for u coz u tagged!!.. hahax.. even when stupid danver din tag,... =) ... o u sianz also?.. msg me!. hahax.. got nothing to do... -_-'...
hmmm... okie... on sat.. by a stroke of fortune.. ( or misfortune ) .. i decided to msg someone... and turned out.. i found out stuff that i had guessed beforehand... well... my reaction to it was quite unforeseen.... VERI unforeseen... ( maybe it's becoz i was playing dota and having like 20 plus kills with my veno.. =X... ) .. okiexz.. but besides that... i din really feel sad... maybe becoz my heart was quite dead liao... i dun really care....
k that was saturday.... sunday was CO concert... or enCOre... hahax... =p ... edwina finally realised why they called it enCOre... apparently the bold and capital CO letters were quite the obvious.. -_-'... hahahax.. and met danver with fang at tbp after tuition.... ate grillers.. the chicken cutlet i ordered for lunch was SO big that i din even eat dinner later... but that's for me to talk bout later.. =) ... went to comics connection .. and saw the MASTER GRADE freedom gundam.. i want!!!...hhahax.. bet it;'s over 200 bucks... bleah.. but i WILL get it... confirm... =X...
fang left.. coz he saw 195.. -_-'.. lol ... and danver went to order guinness stout... omg omg omg.. sucks la.. smelt terrible.. i rather drink my sapporo draft beer.. =) ... but coffeeshop dun haf... lol .... he drank until red.. hahax... VERI red.. and considering he's veri fair... the red look damn obvious la.. and i got drunk on teh bing.. -_-'... LOL... how come?... we stood in e mrt ... and i actually swayed around.. while danver din sway.. and he drank beer somemore la... zzz... and when i was trying to msg edwina.. i ended up msging him instead... hahhahax.. he got a shock coz he tot it was ***** that msged him... =X... hahahax..
we went to VCH.. but not b4 danver tried some ingenius ways to make himself look less red... -_-'... lol.. damn funnie la... we came earlier then edwina!.. hahax.. and danver made me change seats like twice.. we almost kena front row la...zzz.. stupid diq... and wina came and made us sit at e left side so can see jac... -_-'.. hahax... edwina has good taste!... chrysantanum white tea.. =) .. i also bought that drink in e morning after tuition!.. hahax.. din know it was new though... =p ..
the CO were good... reminded me of band.... but less impressive DUH.... -_-'... but the CO were good enough on their own terms.. even wina agreed with me... hahax... danver gave a flower to his classmate during e interval... and ____________________....... i wun type it here... private matters of other pple... but at least know something happened LOL>... -_-'... edwina gave jac chocs.. later she complain fat again... hahax... and later when we saw jac perform.. quite pro... =o .. lol ... but a bit rigid.. hahax.. and edwina!>. u also laughed k... dun poke me !!!........ haha...
after the concert... went to macs to study with danver... coz his father giving me lift home!>. woot!>.. hahahx.. so long nvr take pple's car liao.. like shang's father bringing us to go play soccer.. =) ... like a few months ago... okie.. diverting already.. lol .. losing concentration typing so much.... i drank green teaX2... -_-'.. too much hahax... coz din feel hungry.... and i think it's time to study biochem.. =) ..
gym today.. arms aching... edwina weighs _ _ kg... hahahhax... =X... should i type? hahax.. later she kill me... =) .. lol. ... but i can tell u i'm close to 80.. bleah.... so much for exercising.. -_-'...
u know.. finally this has been brought to a close... END.. FINISH.. -_-'
and boy am i glad for that.. this has been draggin on for too long.. and when i nvr do anything i finally get to see her thoughts on the matter.. FINALLY... -_-'... and if she wans to be loner then SO BE IT.. i had enough.... i can;t change her.. and if she doesn;t wanna change.. FINE BY ME... zzzzzzz.... i haf had better times... though i admit i do miss e old days.... zzzzz.... come danver.. lets go drink.. =) .. but i wan saporro draft beer ah..
hmmm... okie... on sat.. by a stroke of fortune.. ( or misfortune ) .. i decided to msg someone... and turned out.. i found out stuff that i had guessed beforehand... well... my reaction to it was quite unforeseen.... VERI unforeseen... ( maybe it's becoz i was playing dota and having like 20 plus kills with my veno.. =X... ) .. okiexz.. but besides that... i din really feel sad... maybe becoz my heart was quite dead liao... i dun really care....
k that was saturday.... sunday was CO concert... or enCOre... hahax... =p ... edwina finally realised why they called it enCOre... apparently the bold and capital CO letters were quite the obvious.. -_-'... hahahax.. and met danver with fang at tbp after tuition.... ate grillers.. the chicken cutlet i ordered for lunch was SO big that i din even eat dinner later... but that's for me to talk bout later.. =) ... went to comics connection .. and saw the MASTER GRADE freedom gundam.. i want!!!...hhahax.. bet it;'s over 200 bucks... bleah.. but i WILL get it... confirm... =X...
fang left.. coz he saw 195.. -_-'.. lol ... and danver went to order guinness stout... omg omg omg.. sucks la.. smelt terrible.. i rather drink my sapporo draft beer.. =) ... but coffeeshop dun haf... lol .... he drank until red.. hahax... VERI red.. and considering he's veri fair... the red look damn obvious la.. and i got drunk on teh bing.. -_-'... LOL... how come?... we stood in e mrt ... and i actually swayed around.. while danver din sway.. and he drank beer somemore la... zzz... and when i was trying to msg edwina.. i ended up msging him instead... hahhahax.. he got a shock coz he tot it was ***** that msged him... =X... hahahax..
we went to VCH.. but not b4 danver tried some ingenius ways to make himself look less red... -_-'... lol.. damn funnie la... we came earlier then edwina!.. hahax.. and danver made me change seats like twice.. we almost kena front row la...zzz.. stupid diq... and wina came and made us sit at e left side so can see jac... -_-'.. hahax... edwina has good taste!... chrysantanum white tea.. =) .. i also bought that drink in e morning after tuition!.. hahax.. din know it was new though... =p ..
the CO were good... reminded me of band.... but less impressive DUH.... -_-'... but the CO were good enough on their own terms.. even wina agreed with me... hahax... danver gave a flower to his classmate during e interval... and ____________________....... i wun type it here... private matters of other pple... but at least know something happened LOL>... -_-'... edwina gave jac chocs.. later she complain fat again... hahax... and later when we saw jac perform.. quite pro... =o .. lol ... but a bit rigid.. hahax.. and edwina!>. u also laughed k... dun poke me !!!........ haha...
after the concert... went to macs to study with danver... coz his father giving me lift home!>. woot!>.. hahahx.. so long nvr take pple's car liao.. like shang's father bringing us to go play soccer.. =) ... like a few months ago... okie.. diverting already.. lol .. losing concentration typing so much.... i drank green teaX2... -_-'.. too much hahax... coz din feel hungry.... and i think it's time to study biochem.. =) ..
gym today.. arms aching... edwina weighs _ _ kg... hahahhax... =X... should i type? hahax.. later she kill me... =) .. lol. ... but i can tell u i'm close to 80.. bleah.... so much for exercising.. -_-'...
u know.. finally this has been brought to a close... END.. FINISH.. -_-'
and boy am i glad for that.. this has been draggin on for too long.. and when i nvr do anything i finally get to see her thoughts on the matter.. FINALLY... -_-'... and if she wans to be loner then SO BE IT.. i had enough.... i can;t change her.. and if she doesn;t wanna change.. FINE BY ME... zzzzzzz.... i haf had better times... though i admit i do miss e old days.... zzzzz.... come danver.. lets go drink.. =) .. but i wan saporro draft beer ah..
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