met bryan at orchard at 12.30.. lol ... supossed to be 2 at first.. but he say wake up early.. so meet earlier.. -_-'... diq.. then supossed meeting time was 12..but i was late... hahahx... and he STILL turned up later then me.... -___-'.... we walked first to heeren.. where i got my new wallet!!.. =) .. from The Wallet Shop ...

nice msg right?... i was actually looking at 2 other wallets i saw last time i went... but hard to make a decision.. then i saw this at e lower shelve... * instant attraction * !!.. =) .
so i looked at it for 5 secs and shoved the other 2 back... and bought it!...
Cost: S$26.00 .. lol ..
then i also saw a quite nice adidas bag in their flagship shop in heeren.. and it's quite good compared to all e rest so far.. with e exception of mine.... mine's phrased out liao.. but i think it's e best adidas sling bag so far lor.. -_-'.. zzz... hahax... fang say must pin pins on it then will look nice.. coz looks a bit plain... but i think okie wad... =X... lol ..
Cost:S$39.00 before 20% discount ... but i nvr buy yet... =P....
then me and fang walked like 1 hour plus in orchard... first to taka... then to cini.. then to far east... WHY?... coz fang wanted to find a hair saloon to trim his hair and get advice... diq... so we walked by many many and many hair saloons... but he all dun wan.. scared got pple inside la... scared not enough money.... lol... and some is too ex... imagine just cutting hair... Cost:S$59.00 .. -___-' ... and tt's e cheapest thing in e saloon at taka.. some shop there... hahax... in the end he go cut hair at Pointer's Saloon in Far East ... -_-'... then he cut all e sides.. then left e fringe there... lol.. really look like a neater Paul Twohill...... =X.... hahax.. then he complain he look damn ugly.. and blamed me for not telling him not to cut.... =X... doh.. hahax...
went to jec after that.. and studied for like 3 hours plus!!!>.. b4 Xs came and we went to his hse together.. =X... lol .. sounds sick.... but i watched like 50 mins of e portugal and mexico match,,, wa.. nice la.. exciting... both counterattack like siao... but portugal won.. =P.. i felt mexico should haf won though.. they had more chances.. MUCH MORE... =X...
at Xs's hse.. we played lego soccer!!.. hahax.. i found out i can fling my player into Xs's goal when i'm supposed to fling e ball.. =P.... lol .. and i can own goal even in lego soccer... -_-'... lol ... and we played dota!.. =X.. Xs owned a razor at 6 with terrorblade!!.. ( maybe coz the razor had double digit hp left... ).. =P... '
then went to macs again to watch holland vs argentina... hmmmz... how to say?.. the match was boring beyond doubt...zzz... both dun wanna attack.. sianz .... and messi was a flop.. as marvin said.. "cut left !.. cut right!... lose ball!. ".. and it exactly tt case whenever messi got e ball.. and he onli passed to ricquelme once near e penalty box... -_-'.. diq... and i had fun irritating marvin and shang with bryan's "your mother "retort... hahax...okie b4 they start killing me again.... guess wad we ordered?...

=) ... 6 cups of water plus one curry sauce.... hahax,.,. coz shang wanted 3 cups.. i wanted one.. Xs wanted one... and marvin also... and curry sauce was for marvin's soggy fries... =X..
Cost: S$2.00.. how come?.. coz i ordered a breakfast set at tt time.. hahax.. shiok.. love mac's breakfast muffins... =) ..
then went back to Xs's hse.. and we played cards!... hahax.. asshole daidee!!!!!...damn funnie.. marvin held e record for being asshole the longest... lol.. and once i was asshole with like 3/4 hand full of picture cards.... hahahax... =p... but still asshole.. coz i went to challenge richard the president.. who had MUCH bigger cards... lol ... richard president coz Xs let him play starting as president OMFG... lol .. coz Xs wanted to go play dota.. tt diq.. so we played until 6 plus am.. and nvr sleep.. Shiok!... =p ... and took bus 198 to buona vista then walked to ghim moh market for some breakfast then went to play soccer... it was hot.. and humid.. sweat like siao.. even the sweat damn little bryan also sweat until whole body glittering.. =p... scored onli 2... hahax.. and bryan scored none!... lol ... his power dwindling liao.. must start ponning soccer again... =X... and richard and shang damn funnie.. they stripped fang... hahax.. coz fang was sort of insulting them.. then they started attacking him.. LOL... they not as nice as me.. =) .. hahax.. then went home and slept many many... hahax... so sianz.. muz study!... and i can do ONE pull-up!!!.. =) .. tried at Xs's house.... yay!... =P...
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