Friday, June 16, 2006


hmmmz... this whole week stoning sia.. -_-'.. bleah.. okiexz went to band concert yesterday.. met josh at raffles mrt.... and as usual.. i play tower defense until like 6.40.. -_-'.. lol.. suppossed to meet him at 7..... so i was late... =X... hahahx.. by like 2 mins plus i think.. not sure.. nvr checked... =) ... then walked there... and stupid danver sat at one corner .. STUDYING!!!!!....... ( ooo just nice he's online.... hahax.. ) hmmmz..and we went in.. and i many blur.. suppossed to tell e pple edwina's name.. but i went to say my own name... -___-' LOL... no wonder they took so long to search... hhahahx... oops... =X.. then went in and sat down.. turned out i sat near a bunch of st.magaret girls.. all know edwina!.. hahhax... -_-'.. then during interval they called us "the edwina's frens... "... lol .. and edwina got a bunch of cookies from her fren.. which she said was brownies.. i dunno who correct la.. but the packaging wrote COOKIES.. so i guess i should haf a larger probability of being correct.. =) ... and out of no where... the usual solemnness of performing in concerts became casual during e jazz ensemble... where jian wei and wen long came out with electric guitar and drum set.. -_-'... lol .. improvisation... lol ... and it was nice.. ,... and thow xin yuan and his "gang".. rocked the house with their trombones... =) ... u rock thow!!!... then seeing edwina with her hands full.. i waved bye and went off to GLUTTON"S SQUARE!!!.. hahax.. =p ... ate satay.. ownage sia.. their 2nd dip.. the black soya chilli dip was hot and NICE>>>... =X... and danver bought oyster omelette... lol ... i koped some.. =p... then we talked some crap b4 danver's dad gave me a lift home again.. =) .. hahax.. so nice... like duh i paid 10 bucks for that ride!!!... hahax.. just joking danver!!!.. =X...

( o yar... edwina was e most favoured player .. why?,.. coz she got really paid for her efforts... 30 from me and 33 from her fren.. while others got onli flowers and chocs... =p... ) .. lol.. sorry wina!... will get u flowers.... nxt time... when i got money... hahax... thnx for e tix and performance.. and zel's solo was nice too.. =) ...

*many things to think through today... -_-'... lol .. work... frens... relationships... games... music... -_-'.. lol ... head pain.. =( ... -_-'.. lol .. *

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