Monday, June 12, 2006


bleah.. muz be e rain these few days.. getting wet now really makes me feeellll sick... =( ... cold... no mood to eat... zzz... wearing my jacket... =) .. lol .... but then i haf to blog... dunno why.. but just this feeling....
hmmz.. din know why i missed this in my previous blog post...

1.thanks to miss yim for our lodgings.
2.thnx to edwina and EZ bbq for our barbecue.
3.thnx to ryan wong for being e onli other guy to stay over.. =) .
4.thnx to jac and edwina and kahyoke and tiffany for dragging our stuff into their room.... -_-'..
5.thnx to kahyoke for teaching me mahjong .. lol ..
6.thnx to jac for spreading (a lot of ) hazelnut spread on my bread.. -_-'..
7.thnx to jasmin for bringing dvds.. ( though we had no player -_-'.. )
8.thnx to edwina for bringing shampoo!..
9.thnx to e 2AA1 pple who came..
10.thnx to kahyoke for taking a video of me.. lol ..
11.thnx to e flies that lost all their wings and made the hse damn icky..
12.thnx to DX and frens who came.. lol sorry forgot wad class.. i many blur.. =X
13.thnx to e lady at e coffee shop who paid 10 cents of our meal... =)
14.thnx to e changi "night life"pple for making an appearance when we were there.. hahax.. for some reason "mathan"pops out in my head.. =p
15.THNX TO CHERYL FOR HER SPEAKERS!!! lol... if not i confirm sleep more liao.....
16.thnx to all who came... =) .. and made it enjoyable... and...
17.THNX TO E GAS GUY WHO CAME AND SHOWED us that actually we din run out of gas.. but we dunno how to change e gas cylinder... -_-'

zzz i really dun feel well. dammit.. maybe dota will cure it.. X_X... lol ...

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