Saturday, June 24, 2006

the tale of three diqs who just cut their hair..

lol...went to cut hair in e morn.. =X... well not as bad as i always expected it to be.... =) ... and with bryan's out of bed gel.. confirm i can make it look nicer... =p... then suposed to go orchard at 1.30pm to meet fang for lunch.. but i was playing dota.. so he called me at 1.45pm .. and i was... "huh?.. i'm still dotaing leh.. ".. lol ... so i left e game.. and chionged to orchard... wah lao.. the bus packed until can die... hahax..and i still sweat.. bleah.. damn hot and packed in e bus.. onli i sweating as usual.. lol ... then met fang and melvyn for e first time.. hahax.. he looks bigger then how he looks like in photos though.. =X... but still veri nice guy.. lol .. we went toilet and styled our hair.. but bryan as usual.. -_-'... hair like stand 5 secs then droop again coz too short..... lol .. and melvyn also just cut his hair... and he say he cut until damn ugly also.. lol .. so we styled ( or tried to style ) ... and then melvyn went Chipper to order some cheesy curry chicken thingy.. lol .. and fang as usual started koping.. then we went scouts ( scotts ) .. to eat lunch.. lol.. bryan's warped pronunciation again.. -_-'.. hot koka ( cocoa ) already not enough... hahax... still muz screw this one up... and ordered beef.. =) .. so fang cannot kope.. =X... lol...

then walked to heeren in e rain ... lol.. to buy my bag! at first e strap looked DAMN short.. but then i try to lengthen.. and then got e bloody price tag there preventing me from lengthening it to max... then i damn scared to buy.. but i always did things on impulse.. so i bought it.. and tested it out IMMEDIATELY at e toilet .. and it seemed fine... just not as low as my previous bag.. but this is a mess bag... sooo.. -_-'... here's a pic..

not bad right?.. but i still wan a longer strap.. =( .. lol ... but the color supposed to be brighter.. i think i was shading e light when taking this pic.. color is satellite blue.. =) .. hahax.. but knn no discount.. the guy say nett price ...zzz.. soo..
Cost: S$39.00 .. wa i damn broke ..

hahax.. then we all walked around in e rain.. to e bus stop.. supposed to study but wadever la.. raining i dun wan to go anywhere to study... so headed home.. and in e end nvr study.. LOL.. -_-'... zzz.. i'm soooo dead..... muz mug for chem test on fri!.. i think.. =X...

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