Sunday, June 11, 2006

long post..

hmmm... wah a lot of stuff to type.. die.. so i'll think i'll just summarise.. practise gp at e same time lol!!.. -_-'...

start of this week.. lol incidentally i'm blogging at e end of e week.. =) .. i surprise myself sometimes... =X... hahax..

k diverting liao.. -_-'.. on tues.. went to class chalet!.. disaster.. was raining... and still had to take mahjong set from edwina coz she got band.... band... okie.. that was random... =l .. so all those who enjoyed mahjong thank me!!.. and edwina too lol.. btw e mahjong set still with me.. can play!.. =p ... anyone wanna come my hse?.. we bet money.. i damn broke... lol .. then we took taxi.. 21 dollars! ex..then we BROKE into e chalet!... hahax.. coz e door was locked and miss yim not there yet.. so we ( tiffany ) entered through e window.. which i discovered was unlocked... =p.. AA1 came!.. but i almost knew no one.. lol .. onli adrian.. sort of la.. and some girl called weilin knew me?... -_-'.. okie..... veri unexpected.. lol .. and we played animal game.. but i kept screwing up.. became comedy.. and i did forfeit!!.. danced para para.. ( sort of la.. ) .. coz jac told them i could dance e arcade one.. -_-'... lol... and i danced.. and kahyoke took a VIDEO!!!!.. in her handphone.. not bad.. i think can post on youtube.. =) ... lol ..!!... die la... and it was quite eerie upstairs though.. until some girls din wanna bathe alone.. but i din join them ah.. lol .. -_-'.. onli kept talking to edwina while she bathed.. lol .. until throat pain.. coz air-con damn COLD.... =X ... and the girls also scared to sleep alone.. lol.. so they dragged mine and ryan's matresses to their room.. and we all ended up sleeping together.. on diff matresses that is... hahhaax... =P...

wednesday morning...
woke up and found out almost e whole hse was flooded with those big big fly the wings and their wingless bodies..zzzz... omg la... zzz.. like landmines lidat... worse.. hahax.. =p ... but still managed to get some breakfast... cheese rings..!!.. =) ... and apple tea.. and watched news.. while edwina and the others slept.... and then rented our bicycles.. so fun.. i loved it.... bicycles rock!..if i was abit skinnier i think i go join X-games liao... i whole day trying to jump up stairs,... lol.. and cycling with one or no hands.. =) .. and i can sms while riding.. hahhaax.. =) .. my skill improved liao... lol .. o yar././ karmen just reminded of this.. lol.. i walked to e coast and took some pics.. coz morning muscles veri cold.. muz warmup =) .. lol .. and then all e pple came and we barbarcued!!.. lol .. class fund owes me many money.. but tt;'s another story soooo.. lol.. dun waste time typing it.. =) .. barbarcued until die.. o wellz.. nxt time dun ask me start fire or make it bigger.. i onli can cook... sooo.. if i cannot do e fire dun come say i lousy.... go do it yourself.. bleah.. =X.. and i'm addicted to chery's (2AA1) speakers.. so shiok.. love it... whole day playing music.. hahhaax... thank you!.. but u wun know my blog soooo.. =p ... lol ... then edwina went home.. coz of... -_-',.. o wellz. wina... some pple liddat one u cannot expect anything la... just be nice to them.. =) .. lol .. like me!... hahax... and zel din got dvds but no player.. -_-'
then i washed up all e stuff.. actually washing up quite fun... coz i relaly felt damn irritable.. dunno why.. so mite as well go spend e energy on something.. =) .. turn out i can clear up quite well... maybe coz i too lazy at home.. lol... that's why nvr hone my skills...but at least it was quite spick and span... then went cycling with ryan and jasmin... we got jacked by 10cents!!.. hahax... tell u e story if u ask me in sch.. too lazy to type.. and we saw a lot of eeeeeeeewwwwwww... lol.. the night life lol.. that me and mathan wanted to find... sick la.. look from e back look like man la.. zzz... and jasmin "loves" ghost stories... and ryan owes me a thanx after i effortlessly repaired his loose bicycle chain.. without getting my fingers oily!.. =) ..coz i used a leaf.. lol... went back and slept... sianz lor...

thursday.. nothing much.. we booked out.. and breakfast jac spread hazelnut spread on my bread as thick as the slice itself.. hahhax.. sooo sick... =X... lol.. o well.. my breakfast... -_-'.. and we cycled back to return e bikes... and I almost lost my bag... coz jac and jasmin decided to go shopping for triumph wonderbras.... lol... and more....-_-'... and ate at macs... with jasmine and jac.. and ryan.. played hangman on tissue.. then we went home.. sianz.. tired.. sleepy.. lol.. think i slept most this chalet.. o wellz... conditioned by sch already.. =) ..

friday..went out with fang to "STUDY".. but lol.. went to look for stuff to buy at orchard first.. and i'm damn blur... at orchard point bought a pair of flops from OP... =) .. not bad la. i lazy to search from other brands.. and i got budget.. =X... and i walked into e female toliet... coz i had parallax error.. lol ... cannot see e door sign properly.. doing my hair inside .. until some female employee came inside and told me it was female toliet.. omg so embarassed... -_-'..o wellz... then i mistook meridian for orchard emerald and walked further from bryan instead of meeting him... lol... -_-'.. went to look for portable speakers.. look damn chio la... and i saved 5 bucks by going to sim lim to buy.. but blew 4.80 on a pack of batteries that i din need.. coz need triple A.. but i bought double A instead... lol.. u should haf seen my reaction when i was trying to like place the ultra large batteries into my speakers.. -_-'.. comedy... lol.. then went clarke quay macs to study.. not bad,... quite fun.. coz veri quiet.. and my speakers providing music .. =) ... bryan now also wanna buy.. hahahx... too tech liao.. =p ... now i dunno wad i lacking in electronic equipment... -_-'..

sat.. germany won 4-2.. lol .. double of fang's prediction.. =p .. and he totally owned in soccer today la.. that stupid fang.. scored like 10 goals?.. total.. hahax.. the times he nvr came.... all pent up inside.. lol .. first thing come in 2 goals liao.. -_-'.. lol.. and i went back home and dotaed first b4 meeting richard and shang at city hall like 8 pm.. then went to eat a bit b4 fang came.. and it was comedy.. clarke quay at first no space.. then richard and fang found a DAMN GOOD SPOT to watch e england match... but pity the match sibei boring...sianz... no style at all... one stupid goal and that's it... and bryan still can't drink.. -_-'.. lol .. and tiger beer still sucks... i wan my draft beer.. =( ... then on e way back met vishbu.. my ex junior class member.. -_-'.. and she got 50 bucks for taxi ride home!.. lives near fang .. we all 3 take taxi home... knocked out first thing i went so shag... -_-'..

sunday (today!)
... lol ... raining again.. and i wore damn casual.. lol.. sianz of always wearing jeans.. muz put my flops to good use.. =) ,... and bought onli one gundam model... destiny gundam scale 1/100...coz some irritating pple.. whom i do not know,... bought out all the strike freedom and destiny gundam scale 1/144 high grade model kits...zzz.. so instead of buying 2 onli got one.. well at least i know there are decals for the 1/100 destiny gundam.. =) ... muz make it look chio sia...if i haf e time........ lol ...
nothing much today,... dreaming away again... meridian sailing.. =) .. LOL... random ?.. =) .. u go figure.... hahhaax...

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