Sunday, April 30, 2006

find a way..

lol... so we'll find a way.... -_-'... hmmmz.. woke up at 8 today!!.. omg... so early...!!..zzz.. had nothing to do..* in this particular order*.. so brushed teeth.. unplugged my zen from charging.. turned on my phone... ate noodles while reading newspaper.. lol.. then packed my bag for tuition and then played pokemaul ruby as i still had one hour to spare.. and it was too early to study.. -_-'.. like duh.. hahax... not bad i pokemaul top kills... =p.. though i'm noob in it..

went to tuition.. and guess who called me>?>?... ryan gomes!!!.. hahahax... he was damn funnie la... asked me tbp where got the ramen i couldn't visualize him at tbp... -_-'.. and he called me druing tuition!!!... zzz... and i got shocked when some girl sat nxt to me.. last week also sat nxt to me.. hmmmz.. lol.. nah i heck care.. =p ... i think bryan more interested,... =X.... and as usual.. tuition was as slack... and nxt week got relief teacher again.. and guess who i met?... serene!!.. hahax... and her fren also from sd3... cool... =p... hahax... and fang said my shirt looked like from F.O.S one leh.. yay!... finally one shirt he say nice.. but i dun care la,.,. lol.. and foo suaned me with my shirt,.. called me a bad girl.. -_-'.. he die la..

hmmz.. walked around orchard.. and spent 6.50 on wanton noodles!!!.. but is resturant type one and DAMN nice... =) ... worth it sia.. 5 wantons full of prawns and is damn big la... hahax... =p ... and had nice char siew too.. hahax... at e stupid food republic there... I wan new pencil case.. new bag..... hmmz.. dunno wad else liao.. lol ...

aiyo... now jac also knows my blog.. lol .. wanted to keep it secretive.. =X... lol... i too lazy to tag.. sooo... yes huiling.. i know u like ice cream.. i just ate like 3 coconut potong ice creams -_-'.. and i'm coughing .. hahax...

hmmmz... fun fun fun... legs hurt... dunno how to play soccer tml.. -_-'.. bleah... should i ask for nxt sat?... dunno la... i feel kinda sianz.... and i think i haf better choices... hahahax... stupid bryan.. psycho me until liddat... o wellz.. We'll Find A Way.. =) ..

Still Listening To ... *Find The Way* by Mika Nakashima...

Saturday, April 29, 2006


hahax... hmmz.. nvr blog for quite long,... kinda lazy to blog already... and it;s either too much happening to blog down or too little that happened so i dun bother,. but finally there's something to 'type down........ -_-'... lol

k.. on fri... which means yesterday.... we had half e day of partying.. coz we were having a farewell party for charlie chan... he was so touched by our gestures... and some bitch decided that my stuff was rubbish and decided to avoid it... my vanilla cream puffs were a hit lor.. not as good as lynette's lasagna... but good enough for a dessert....(p.s they din get forced to eat it unlike some other thing...) at least i made my contribution.. not like some pple who just tag along with others to get something done and claim all e credit for it... stupid bitch... kkz.. enough of scolding... then edwina's beehoon also many nice.. =) ... but she made too much.. =X.... hahax... and xm and his fishballs and popiah.. =) .. and i forgot who made e taiwan sausages though.. but still nice.. =) ... and the card!!.. hahax.. i think i wrote too little.. -_-'... and jasmin damn funnie la... draw a new organic compound called charmon.. lol.. sounds like a pokemon.. =X.... hahax.... looks quite cute la... and xs kept msging me,......... lol ... so i was msging throughout,... -_-'... stupid xs...

no mood to study for e rest of e day.. so just talked cock with mathan.. -_-'.. and danver too..!!!.. lol... then got weiqiang join us and we waited for e movie screening to start.... in e viewing gallery coz it was raining like siao... and the basketball court damn wet... o yar.. forgot.. had pe there too.. basketball.. -_-'.. i tell u.. i play it so comical i was laughing at myself... lol.. i even lost to alodie in scoring... hahhax.. o wellz... wad can u expect from one tt doesn;t use hands much... =p ...

the movie was dreamship surprise.. and it was DAMN funnie.. can die la.. but it's those type of movies that u watch one time then funnie.. watch again no kick liao.. hahax.. but it was still good... not bad la.. then me and mathan laugh like siao.. coz we always knew wad they were implying.. the hidden meanings la... damn funnie sia.. and i too lazy to type out e details.. =p ..

got my new phone!!!.. =) .. need i say more?.. hahax

hmmz.. nvr felt so emo in a while... dunno why la.. sianz... i think i should just give up.. no point... pushing.... stupid.. hate it.. -_-'... and the stupid ending theme 3 of gundam seed is gonna make me cry anytime soon.. so nice.. =( ...

*Find The Way* by Mika Nakashima..

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


okiexz... blogger is damn screwed up.. i mite go change blog liao.. go use livejournal.. lol .. =X.// taking ages to load.... and after i typed yesterday the stupid thing hanged on me... so yesterdays post din appear..... hmmz.. but it was basically like.. charlie's leaving!... -_-'... and it's damn sad..... zzzz... and i;m not gonna type how i felt yesterday again.. waste time..and my energy... bleah.... but all i can say.. is... that.. i'm so gonna miss him la.... his energetic teachings... and his extremely fast pace of teaching chem.. hahax.. =( .... i think that these deep feelings haf like developed over the last year... and even more this year.... sighz.... all we can do is just wish his wife recovers.... and that he will be back to e old charlie again... * there's something bout tears which i wun write again.. kinda heart breaking.. *

okiexz.. for today.... came to sch cold.. -_-'... and huiling needed help with NMR.. i nearly died.. ahhax.... cannot count in e morning.. at least my theories still was correct.. then thinking bout chem reminded me of charlie.... sighz.. and he din come today.... =( ... really miss him... our big teddy bear..... =X.... a smart one though... hhax... slept in lib.. with mathan... lol.. =p ... sounds kinda wrong but wadever... -_-'... and we woke up just on e dot.. 12.30... hahahx... =p ... reading biochem booklet really does make u sleepy... lol ...

i want my new phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... -_-'... lol .. i'm making such a fuss over it.......yay.. gundam seed again later!.. though i think i watched today's episode b4 liao.. but anyway.. still nice .. =)...

i think no other teacher can take e place of charlie chan in my heart... why?.. he's the onli teacher who's had a significant impact on me... a certain dislike became a like... at first i really din agree with his methods... and i felt i would fail chem.. but now my chem is picking up... and i think i haf more confidence in this sub now..... thnx to him...and to see him haf tears well up in his eyes... and seeing my classmates cry... is disheartening.... but becoz of his faith in us... i WILL do my best... and hope i get an A and show it to him.... then maybe.. maybe.. i mite cry with him.. when i get back my A's.....

I'll miss u sir...

Monday, April 24, 2006

hahahax.... back to sch once again!!... -_-'.. how come i so happy... maybe it's becoz i'm back to being me!!... and though it comes with e added perks of being reckless... free... and comical.... it has the drawbacks of being a bit introvert... zzz... o well... i'm quite liddat already so i dun think it matters much.... hmmmz... b4 lunch my stomach hurt.. coz hungry... then charlie chan dropped a bombshell on us.. though not exactly a bombshell... but it was still hard to bear....... it seems like he got domestic problems... and he's got a lot of probs on his hands... and yet he's still worried bout us... i'm really touched by his gestures...... it seems like he will be gone for a long time... and another teacher is g0nna take over him.. but i wan charlie...!!!.. =X... sighz... lynette and jasmin cried nxt to me when charlie announced that./... and though charlie wasn't crying..i could see tears welled up in his eyes.... bleah... i felt sad... but i dunno why i din cry.. as lynette said.. guys dun easily show their emotions... well.. quite true... but... guys will show emotions to other guys.... -_-'... sighz.. let's wish charlie's wife a speedy recovery....

gundam seed!...

hahahax.... back to sch once again!!... -_-'.. how come i so happy... maybe it's becoz i'm back to being me!!... and though it comes with e added perks of being reckless... free... and comical.... it has the drawbacks of being a bit introvert... zzz... o well... i'm quite liddat already so i dun think it matters much....

hmmmz... b4 lunch my stomach hurt.. coz hungry... then charlie chan dropped a bombshell on us.. though not exactly a bombshell... but it was still hard to bear....... it seems like he got domestic problems... and he's got a lot of probs on his hands... and yet he's still worried bout us... i'm really touched by his gestures...... it seems like he will be gone for a long time... and another teacher is g0nna take over him.. but i wan charlie...!!!.. =X... sighz... lynette and jasmin cried nxt to me when charlie announced that./... and though charlie wasn't crying..i could see tears welled up in his eyes.... bleah... i felt sad... but i dunno why i din cry.. as lynette said.. guys dun easily show their emotions... well.. quite true... but... guys will show emotions to other guys.... -_-'... sighz.. let's wish charlie's wife a speedy recovery....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

hit the lights...

okiexz.. i'm addicted to frenster.. stupid bryan..hahax.. cannot play fake bnet..zz.. had to reinstall warcraft TWICE!!!.. wasted so much time.... and my idiotic blogger din work yesterday... =(... well at least it works now.. -_-'....

NOVEMBER: Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

well i think it does describe me a bit.. or a lot.. -_-'.. hahax... depends on my mood,.... o well.. i dunno how to cross out on blogger so i dun cross out.. hahax... those in bold are my characteristics,, =) sort of.. if not bolded does not mean i dun haf ah.... kinda not my traits that i show to pple... bleah...

OMFG.. i almost got my new handphone today!!!!!... but wad happened ???... i found out my phone is worth 60 dollars!!!!!!!!.... down by 10 dollars from last month!!!!!. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... and mine is worth 40... coz i got one piece missing.... -_-'... omg... tt's y my parents dun let me buy.. coz they say so low mite as well dun trade in.. BUT I ALMOST GOT MY SAMSUNG D820C!!!!!... SO CLOSE!!!... hahax.... =p ... nvm.. go bug them this week then....

hmmz... played soccer... onli scored 2 .. pathetic.. couldn't dribble today.. and my def was crap also... tried to def.. but always cannot...zzzz... then ate at macs... where Xs koped the macdonalds advertisement for the double fish o fillet burger... hahhaax...!!!.. -_-'.. damn funnie la.. i wanted to bring back home... =( .... but scared they call police....... lol ...

wad navin said today makes a lot of sense and more reason then wad others haf been saying.... bout the vjc guy that committed suicide?.. i mean i argued that his gf already din mind.... but he still go kill himself.... but navin said.... "Why the hell he go kill himself and write a note to his gf ?? i mean write a damn note to your parents la.. wad did your gf ever do for you?... "... and i felt that this was damn true... his parents nurtured him to be so intelligent... and he had a bright future in front of him.... and yet he din really care bout how they felt but only how his gf or others mite think of him becoz of his apparently small private parts.... his parents must be heartbroken... and to his gf he will probably be just another passing gleam... i realy empathize with his parents.... hope no one else will suicide becoz of such stupid things anymore.. i hate it when pple throw life away... bleah...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


lol... crappy day.. studied chem test... and died... failed my maths,.. can calculate wrongly.. went all edgy when left onli 5 mins more for e last page... charlie's so gonna kill me.. =X.... then ate breakfast cereal in class.. wah. pro sia.. pour into milk carton... =p.... not bad.. but too much milk.... hahax... and stupid leadership talk.. though i thought if she was there also listening she mite open up more to me.. -_-'... lol .. nvm .. gonna play dota with fang and melvyn first b4 blogging more.. hahax.. BRB!!!.. =) ..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

catch your wave,,,

hmmmxzzz.. today ain't a bad day after all.. !!.. =) .. started off sleepy.. and found out i cannot do probability tutorial.. ahhax.. took e whole to just do one part of a question.. ONE PART... not even one ques... wah lao.. hahax.. -_-'... then morning still okie... gave wina her cereal.. =p .. hahax... then i haf 4 packs coz she onli wants 2 .. lol ... -_-'... zzz.. got milo cereal!... hahax... but no milk...... and i'm a bit lactose intolerant... zzzzzz...... scared to drink milk sia.... then me and mathan and danver went crazy in chem lecture.. or was it bio lecture?.. i think both la.. hahhax... we cracked a damn lame joke about a spoof of the power rangers show... mighty morphine power rangers.. -_-'.. IT"S MORPHINE TIME~!!!.. hahax... lol.. we almost died from thinking a story for it.... =p... then also got captain bhangra and captain porno.. and also teletubbies on crack!!!!... hahax.... damn lame la... and plus the day b4 the gay sergeant... -_-'.... and i think i'm slowly regaining myself.. so happy.. =) ... and to spread the joy around.. is wad i think i was meant to be in the first place.. but many events haf clouded who i really am.. time to get back in business... =p...

*The Click Five- Catch Your Wave* ..

hmmmz... looks like all sagis haf problems of their own... and it sux being alone to overcome it.... well time to help someone overcome hers.... together sure can one.. =) ... though i think i muz shower more love on her first....hahahax.... lol... rain rain rain... dying from a runny nose again..zzz.. sianz..... maybe i go sing this song to her tml la... -_-'..

Sunday, April 16, 2006


HAPPY EASTER!!!!.. -_-'... though i dun really feel that happy inside.... maybe i woke up too early in e morn,... realized it was 8.06 instead of 9.06 which my stupid bedside clock displayed.... omg la... one hour diff.. no idea how it happened..... zzzzzzz.... sianz still got tuition later.... and it's still complex numbers..... -_-'... and fang's gonna be late... as usual...... when i haf a thousand and one things to tell him.......... =X ..... when it can basically be summarised into this........


"All Or Nothing"

i'm sorry for every apology

but you'll never know how much you mean to me

until you put me in the ground

until my body is found

until the day i'm buried

you'll find me at the end of my rope

hanging on your every word

i'm finally getting the hang

of getting hung up on girls like you

don't let me let you go

don't leave me here all alone

because every night i spend without you

is like a knife held to my throat

your eyes are the only stars i want to see

your lips is the only air i want to breath

so please tell me that i'm not asking for too much

because there's so much of myself that i've given up

i knew your smile would mean the death of me

but i couldn't care less, no i couldn't care less

so sweet heart kills me constantly

she takes my last breath, you took my last breath

and i'll choke on my last words

Saturday, April 15, 2006

all or nothing....

okiexz.... nvr blogged for one whole day.. wow... -_-'... hmmz.. nothing much to type..... played soccer in morning... then badminton.. then a VERI short while of soccer... again.... bleah... then it rained... zzzz... lucky though... if not i think i would break my ankle....

so much going through me right now...... dunno wad to believe in or think about... why does it always happen to me????... -_-'.... not thinking of her already... but it seems i'm just keeping it in.. and just hiding it there... sort of like a landmine... hidden.. and then when u tread on it..... BOOM!!!... -_-'... speaking of boom.... i think i'm already the confirmed keeper killer... in front of goal i also blast... i mean.. i'm the blasting type wad... u wan to blast or not , it's your decision.. not mine.... and i dun blast all e time... * maybe more occasional today then usual... * ... but.. i dun aim keeper lor.. i aim e net... u think i out to kill pple meh?.. i onli wanna score... and i found out that if i play seriously... i look as though i'm out to kill... -_-'.. o wellz... but whenever i play seriously... i noticed games always end much much faster......................................... -_-'.. bleah... dunno how am i gonna play soccer and improve.... if not i'm just gonna stand there and be keeper and let all e balls fly past me.... okiexz.. back to my main theme for today.... ball+me+mood swing+after letting in 4 plus goals in 2 mins= BOOM.. -_-'...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


o wellz.... today went to sch... nvr see my classmates for one day like quite weird..and edwina was early for once!!...hahax... and i disturbed huiling and j.c .. XD.. karmen was involved also.. -_-'.. they so good.. at least not lonely.. look at me.. sighz... =X.... then had the most crappy p.e ever... 2 sets of 5 pull-ups.. 43 sit-ups... and 6 rounds.. -_-'... i just recovered eh.. almost died.... felt like dying when i was queueing up to buy drinks... and i missed my jacket today.. din bring... and ryan wong got a full blast of the gay me...hahhax... damn funnie la.. watching him threaten to whack me.. or actually to reveal........................................ -_-'.. and now more pple know.. wth... zzz... stupid... now i'm so dead,..

okiexz.. i should slap myself today... din do anything... except to ask.. "are u going for lunch now? ".. and after i finished eating then she came down... -_-'... then i din know wad to do.. and realized that she has no cca today.... okiexz...... and i got badminton...zzzz.. crap... if not ....... bleah.. dun think i would haf asked also... wad's wrong with me... i dunno.... i dunno.... -_-'... wad's happening to me????.... wad am i doing?... i really like her a lot... i think this is the most serious one i haf so far...... and yet i'm doing nothing...... crap... think i'm gonna make this fail.... sighz... think i'm gonna fall sick again... hugging my jacket at home... means something;s wrong with my body temp... =( ...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


okiexz... nvr went sch today... coz of a bad flu.. wah lao .. can die one la... sneeze like free.... -_-'.. and slept in for veri late.. veri tired...... and stupid panadol... lol... okiexz.. then did bio .. and maybe i'm gonna do maths later... if probability doesn't make me sleep again... -_-'... my head's gonna crack... okiexz...wad a boring day.. but wad can u expect?.. i'm sick... bleah....

okiexz... from wad i heard from mathan and danver... she was with them today and talking and laughing... sighz... when she's not with the person she goes and sits with mathan.. -_-'... and when i'm not in sch somemore.... SIGHZ.. -_-'... y am i such a diq.... dammit... OPEN YOUR MOUTH ERIC!!.. AND SPEAK SOMETHING!! TIME TO GET THAT BRAIN OF YOURS WORKING!!!!.. B4 U LOSE HER FOR GOOD!!!.............. here goes nothing.....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


wellz... bad day today... caught a bad cold...zzzzz.. during gp test somemore... and mochi ice cream doesn't like me.. when i ate it just now my teeth became frozen solid.... =( .... hmmz... crazy gp package... got one 11 page thingy i nvr read at all.. hahhax.. lost 6 marks to it.. =X... who cares sia.. 11 pages of crap for just 6 marks.. lucky sia..... so far lost 10 marks.. hahax....

okiexz... she's sticking to some person... always.. and i dunno why.. it's like so irritating.... i can't talk.. =( ... and i waved at her today.. and instead onli the other person waved back INSTEAD of her.... -_-'... okiexz... crap.... zzzzzzz... if she dun wan me just say so la.. i'm prepared... dun haf to mind game me like this... sianz... wellz gonna make operation zinedine zidane soon... b4 fri duh... stupid mathan.. lol..

dun feel like going to sch tml... no point.. waste another day trying to interact with her.............

Monday, April 10, 2006

perfect situation..

hmmmz... today not bad.. nvr really slept... onli once in a free period.. and kept myself awake in gp by trying to fold cranes with a piece of cardboard that measures about 2cm x 2cm in length.. =) .. skill right? with paper i can la.. i got picture.. but with cardboard.. omg omg omg.. cannot.. too thick.... zzz.. fingers veri veri pain.. so ended up onli folding a veri small flapping bird that cannot flap its wings... hahahax..... wellz... better go get a bottle first b4 i start folding my mini cranes.. =) ... love them.. so cute.... XD.... as jasmin jeanette said..i haf feminine fingers......... -_-'... dunno if compliment or insult... lol ... and edwina and jac were crazy over animaniacs songs.. well they're not bad.. but too much of it is damn irritating.. once u lose concentration with it... it becomes like mindless chattering... -_-'... zz.. and got one song me and mathan identified bangladesh!!!!... XD..... hahax.... wellz.. and me and mathan also disturbed danver... and i made a powerful suan.. =X... hahahax... he ah... got girl dun wan chiong... haiz... at least he got better chance then me...............

o wellz.... how did my situation become like this?... do i haf myself to blame for this?.... i think so.... -_-'.. well i tried to intitiate conversation with her... like some stupid stuff like "are u going back to class?".. when i perfectly know she's going back to class...zzzzzzzzzzz..... if not she always crowds herself with girls... and i dunno wad to talk... bleah..... and edwina said i was lousy... -_-'.. okie fine i know... i'm trying.... wad to do!!!!!!!!!..... hahahx.... think i'm gonna do drastic stuff soon... be thick skinned.... bleah...

Sunday, April 09, 2006


zzz wtf is it with younger sisters..... cannot stand them... freaking hell... ask me for favour then run away then say not scared of me... zzz.. =@... fang has the same problem also ... lol.... but at least his sister is older... mine is like ... -_-'... say young also cannot.. say old also cannot... something like the stupid term exam gp paper passage liddat.... stuck in a world of their own.. preteen... -_-'.... hmmz.. off to happier stuff... went to tuition.. and the relief teacher came coz i forgot tt foo went off for vanity operation... hahhahax... muz suan him nxt week sia... XD.... and very few pple came today.. dunno why.. all pon??.. zzz... hahax... and the teacher was many funnie.. taught us p&c in a interacting way.. got 4-D somemore... lol.. shiok.... =p... then fang is many happy... hahax.. how come?... coz... =X... cannot say... this one is many confidential.. hahax.. aren't u glad tt i can keep secrets fang???.. =) .... and we went walking around... and we actually played the joga soccer thingy.. at cini.. lol.. damn fun... anyhow play.. we cannot score but we tackle until can die.. we best team in tackling.. but cannot score... -_-'... and xs came when we called him coz needed 3 pple.. and he scored one!!!.. i scored 2 !!!.. and fang scored .................................................. none.... XD... lol.. coz he more of defence mah... he kena blacklisted la... he tackle all the pple all fall down.... hahahx.. referee cautioned him sia.. pro... =p .... sweaty... but fun.. =) .. and i realised i dunno how to wear bibs... -_-'...

hmmmz.. i explained to fang my situation... he was actually more interested in his hair... but.... lol... i "persuaded" him to gimme advice...hahahx.... he said that she more or less should be mentioning me in her blog... which i cannot be sure of... but i just haf that feeling... -_-'... zzz my feelings haf been my downfall all this while.. dunno if can trust a not... but o well... sagis go with their feelings... so.... =X.... haf to see how it goes tml then... should i say hi?.. morning?.. -_-'... so plain... maybe it's time to start planning wad should i do now.... u know.... one more time i get hurt by her i think i'm just gonna give up..... i dunno.. fang said i wun... but i mite... seeing how things are going now............................



If you want it, you can have it

But you've got to learn to reach out there and grab it

'Cause everybody wants some love

Shooting from the stars above

And though my heart will break

There's more that I could take

I could never get enough

If you need it, you should show it

'Cause you might play so monastic that you blow it

'Cause everybody wants some hope

Something they can barely know

And though my heart will break

There's more that I could take

I could never let it go

It's in the photograph

It's in the photograph

It's in the photograph of love

'Cause everybody wants a dream

Something they can barely see

And though my heart will break

There's more that I could take

I could never let it be

It's in the photograph

It's in the photograph

It's in the photograph of love

If you blew it, don't reject it

Just sit drawing up the plans and re-erect it

Just sit drawing up the plans and re-erect it

Just sit drawing up the plans and re-erect it

....okiexz.... this song here describes my current situation.. -_-'... sort of.. but it's a nice song anyway.... hope she sees this... which she will NVR coz she doesn't know this blog.. =P...


WAH LAO EH... SOMEONE GO TAG ON MY BOARD!!!!.. =( .... okiexz... tt was dumb....... -_-'...... bad headache yesterday.... din go service becoz of tt.. sorry xm.. i already brought change of clothes.. but din know tt i would kena so bad headache.. zz.. slept from yesterday until about now... zzzz.... so much time now.. not a good thing.... too much time = time to think = thinking about her = sad .......... lol... got 2 weezer songs!!!.. thnx to mathan.. =) .. wa many nice.. i love it..... XD... * ps. love u too mathan.. HAHAX.. * ... and danver the diq.. first time go queensway.. hahax... then he many happy... said it was teenage heaven...... -_-'.. yar duh... but if u go enough times it's your money burning place... lol .. saw a pair of adidas campus shoes that looked quite good.. and got additional shoelaces with it as well.. hahax.. looked good... but price.. $119..... -_-'..... and the samsung d-820 is out!!!!!!!!!!... wheeeee... but it's $698 without contract...zzzz.. sooooo exxxx... but i really wan it... sooooo.... XD... i'm gonna start bugging my parents... hahahhaax...

hmmmz... she finally blogged again... and this time with a msg.... -_-'.. dunno if it's pertaining to me....... if it isn't then i gg la... -_-'.... dunno wad she's thinking... yesterday i got left alone for one hour plus..... and she was totally m.i.a....... danver told me a possibility that she woke up late.. and left her phone at home... but...... she told me she was going to sch early .... -_-'... and before i slap myself for continously turning off my ares when i need it................................... nvm... tt was random.. -_-'........ tired... tired.. still got tuition later........ and fang and me are gonna get suaned by foo again.. lol ... well.. at least there's a nice episode of GSD later to keep my spirits high...................

Friday, April 07, 2006

long shot...

hmmmz.... quite a nice day tml... found out the song "medication"by waking ashland is nice leh... hahax.. the piano part is shiok.. =) .. and i think the highlight of the day was pe.. soccer with girls... -_-'... wa... got swarmed and i was keeper... lol... let in 2 goals.. all scored by wenqing.. so pro... XD.... at least i provided one.. NICE TEAMWORK ELAINE!!!.. lol... i miskicked and she tapped it in.. surprising me and xm... hahhaax... =p... so tired..... coz me and xm b4 that was doing stupid stuff... we had to tackle each other and i oled him twice!!... hahax...

hmmmz... another day has passed.. i folded cranes in maths lesson coz i was ultra bored.... made one super super small one.. =) .. i haf a pic too.. hahax... and played with the dream of giving it to her... but knowing her....... -_-'... no chance... and in soccer... she looked so imposing... with e soccer ball... hahax... and i got suaned by roberta... -_-'..zzz.. and she's quite enthu bout soccer... that's nice.. =) .. and i kept passing to her... made her complain lol... but o wellz... and edwina said band got june concert... hmmmz... should i go?... though edwina said someone that sleeps all day in class should go.............. is it time to visit the flower shop again????.... and i'm pondering to msg her on sunday or ask her out for this concert that my fren asked me to go..................................... bleah.... -_-'....

Thursday, April 06, 2006

waking ashland...

hahax... waking ashland the song "Long Shot".. the guitar part is many many nice.... =) ... makes me wanna play a guitar too... XD... pe today was crap... captain's ball.. -_-'... zzz.. wah heng.. my standing broad jump is like 224?.. lol .. not bad not bad... considering.. i wear a pair of stupid shoes.... zzz..... and my hands haf many many pain blisters...zzzzzz...ow... =( .. and even though there's always 2 pple sleeping in class in lessons... onli i get called... -_-'... maybe coz i'm sitting in front.... and i haf to hug my jacket .... lol.. and jac calls it my security blanket... -_-'... i dun use blankets on my bed anyway..............
then played badminton.. wah not bad.. i can use my racquet better already.. =) ... lucky i nvr waste my money... zzz...

hmmmz.. a rift is growing between both of us again...dunno why... o wellz... looks like she still prefers girls company... and especially one girl..zzzzzzzzz... with her around i'll NVR be able to haf a decent convo.. believe me.... i know that DAMN well.... -_-'... it seems like she's content with just watching me?.. zzz... bleah... i think i'm not tt passive.... even if passive also not until liddat.... well she seemed quite enthu about captain's ball today... and smiled also... and i passed to her!!... -_-'.. okie tt was damn stupid... and i scored one too!!.. when no one expected me to shoot.. =) ... aisae... okie.. off to the worser points of my life... -_-'.. so tired.... dunno why.. just many tired... especially during lessons.. when teachers drone on about tutorials.... i love my jacket.. with it i think i can sleep in like 30 secs of a gp lesson or bio.. hahax.. bio is a new addition.. coz i hate animal transport qns... gp is usual... miss yim knows i'm a compulsive sleeper anyway... and so does she.. =) .. bleah.. no idea wad to do in sch.. on one hand it's nice to see mathan and the guyz... and also the girls.. lol .. -_-'... but in sch time i can't talk to her.. i dunno why,, it's just damn hard....... and i think she thinks i'm not trying...... i just wanna talk to her one on one... as we did last sat... the best sat in my life.... one on one i'll talk until the skies come down.. really... sighz........ maybe this week she's not in tune with me... zzzz.. nvm... still haf months to go... still can.. as edwina said... PERSERVERE!!!.. darn i think i spelt it wrongly... wadever.... -_-'..

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


hmmz... wad can i say?.. usual day... just that xm and mathan din do pull-ups today.. and jacked me ... so i went down and did 1 set off pull-ups.... zzzz.... then went back up to e hall... lol... then marvin and me talked many .. and xm wanted to make him join bryan's and clements's team... LOL... he said die also dun wan... hahahx... -_-'... o wellz.. ,marvin always has a weird taste for teams... XD... hmmz.. then basically stoned and slept for like 4 periods in a row.. thnx to e timetable committee.... zzzzzz... then had a lot of laughter coz mathan and i were going high.... -_-'... then i think i was a complete diq.. dunno la... then went to dover to eat... and again i was a complete diq... zzzz... and then went swimming meet.. where mathan got 3rd in his round.. but overall 4th placing la.. pro la mathan.. hahax.. he's my suggee... XD.. so dumb.. wanted to sleep...

hmmmz.. i think i screwed up real bad today.... think she was in bad mood... and i tried to make her feel happier... but i think it backfired...zzzzz... she din even like bother about me.. i tried to talk to her... get her off her boredom... smiled more... -_-'.. and all i got was nothing.... sighz...u know... maybe i tried too hard... but mathan said virgos tend to be like this sometimes... but.. but... it din mean that she could be so mean to me?.. i've tried... but to no avail... haiz... just dunno wad to do... i mean,... she's always surrounded by girls... so she's extremely inaccessible.... hmmz.. die la... dunno la.. i'm just like wad edwina said.. my public relations skill lousy... sighz... but wad can i do?.. if nothing comes to mind i also wun talk wad... and i think she'll interact more with girls then with me... sighz................... all muz go well tml... GG to me for now...... hope tml she gives me a smile... and say hi too,... as we always do....................

Monday, April 03, 2006

always u...

hmmmz... good day?.. -_-'... lol... did pull-ups again in e morning.. hahax.. think those who support me get a better work-out then doing the pull-ups themselves... lol... XD.. sorry la.. not my fault... =X.... then as usual the huiling come disturb me... then j.c also come disturb me.. those 2 ah... scandalous couple...XD... * hope they dun come here and read this.. *.. then had a crappy first period of pccg.. where we did nothing..

basically in acsi interaction with form teachers is called pccg period... soooo... i call it that.. like the hall is the audithorium.. or is it the audithorium is the hall???.. -_-'.. i'm blur already.... hahax..

hmmmz.. then had a veri veri sleepy 2 periods of bio.. lucky miss chia many nice.. give us last period free.. =) .. i stoning in class la..she ask me qn i many blur... -_-'... hahax... then charlie chan also quite slack... lol .. and he quite upset that gomey and jasmon din attend chem.. i mean gomey got season.. but jasmon..?? -_-'... nvm i dun say anything......
then had a free period.. where i spent in e canteen.. =).... nice moments... * omg omg omg.. i was listening to a song and it sang the word "moments"when i just typed it out..* .. wellz.. just a bit of randomness to add a bit of color.. =P... then in gp... watched some video that was quite cool.. and i hate those racists.. i mean poke a bit of fun can la.. but to hurt them physically and abuse them, i think is over the line.. zzzz.. and miss yim said that i sleep with my jacket in a veri R(A) way... -_-'.. and she agreed with wina that i always sleep as long i haf my jacket.. hahax..

hmmmz... quite a nice day today.. first sch day after the event.. had a lot of funnie interactions..and i showed her how blur i was... -_-'.. self jacked myself.. courtesy of danver.... zzzz.... and it seemed so shocking... she actually walked over to me and asked if i was staying in e canteen.. and sat with us... wow... coz i had some funnie hand sign interaction with her across like halfway the canteen.. and then she walked over.. hmmz.. tt was unexpected... but i still haf my doubts... -_-'.. i'm such an indecisive diq...zzzz... and wina told me something today that made me feel quite happy.. lol... and she bugged me like hell to get to know e ans... -_-'... but at least she can help me.. in this plan.. =).. wellz.... gl hf.. those that play dota will know wad that means.. .. hahax..

wad a long post................................... -_-'

Sunday, April 02, 2006

the saga begins..

okiexz.. one day has passed... and it seems not bad.. just that i seem to haf forgotten wad she told me yesterday and wad i asked her specifically.. -_-'... hahax... maybe i go ask again tml.... =X... .. lol ... happy belated april fool's day!!!!.. -_-'.. but.. thnx especially to mathan.. and the rest.. * u know who u are* .. lol ... o wellz.. wad's done is done... hmmz... need a pair of new shoes.. zzz.. superstar broken liao.. hahax.. yay!!.. =X... but nvr saw any shoe that caught my eye.. o well... onli one thing has caught my eye so far............... -_-'.... hmmmz.. walked around in far east.. and ate also.. and i suaned someone todae.. hahax.. XD... * dun kill me fang...* ... then while walking out think we saw jacob seet... hahhax.. damn funnie.. fang had a lot of comments bout his gf... -_-'... bad ones duh... lol.... then we met lindy.. hahax.. XD... went to cini and played arcade.. and i died horribly. in my aircraft game... lost to my top score by like about 100k... -_-'.. lol .. not concentrating in e later parts... coz stupid marwin called me... zzzz...

hmmmz... seems like all things are going well now .. but being the pessimistic me... i will always be prepared for the worst scenario.. i think i prepared myself mentally the most for this... -_-'.. hmmmz... i'm still veri unsure myself.. i think sat's prep talk was too short.. hahax... nxt sat also haf another one then.. =) .. set la... lol.. need to fish out more answers... but for now... plan A is currently in operation... hope it works... good luck to myself... -_-'.... wonder wad to talk to her tml.. hahahhax... =X.... muz think of stupid convo topics... which i think i'm quite good in ............

Saturday, April 01, 2006


HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!!!... -_-'... speaking of which.. nice one bryan.. u almost had me in tears.... zzzzzzz... hahax... idiot... zzz.. hmmz... went to sch to settle stuff... -_-'... then met xs and marwin and jiaying on e way.. lol... those 2 stupid diqs.. wanted to drag me off to ulu pandan.. XD ... then played a bit of soccer.. but veri tired.. bleah... so played bout an hr.. then went home.. and shang came along too.. lol... then went to e doctors... sighz,.. stupid rusty pin on my badge.. poked me twice.. and the doctor gave me a JAB!!!.. omg omg.. so basically i got pricked by needles 5 times this week... 2 in medical checkup.. 2 by my stupid badge.. then one tetanus booster by e doc... hahax... but becoz i took this jab now.. maybe NS that time i dun need take.. !!.. XD... lol.. better not take again.. it's quite pain.. zzzz....

hmmmz... finally did it... let out a lot of stuff in my mind.. my heart... and body.. feel sooooo tired... it's finally over..... hmmmz.. it was so funnie.. obviously she knew wad i was gonna say.. and was just waiting.. and i kept going through wad i was gonna say over and over again in my head.. while chatting irrelevant stuff to her... -_-'.. like the hockey players... the sch... band... soccer... my t-shirt... hahahax.... and of course... xing yuan... lol.. poor guy.. i used him as a convo topic... XD..... then when he finally crossed the 100m mark...
hmmz... the rest is up to u to find out... not gonna write it out.. good ?.. bad??.. u decide then.. i'll just keep it in me.. and maybe in a few other frens... * mathan u better dun anyhow talk to ryan wong this time* ..