Sunday, April 30, 2006

find a way..

lol... so we'll find a way.... -_-'... hmmmz.. woke up at 8 today!!.. omg... so early...!!..zzz.. had nothing to do..* in this particular order*.. so brushed teeth.. unplugged my zen from charging.. turned on my phone... ate noodles while reading newspaper.. lol.. then packed my bag for tuition and then played pokemaul ruby as i still had one hour to spare.. and it was too early to study.. -_-'.. like duh.. hahax... not bad i pokemaul top kills... =p.. though i'm noob in it..

went to tuition.. and guess who called me>?>?... ryan gomes!!!.. hahahax... he was damn funnie la... asked me tbp where got the ramen i couldn't visualize him at tbp... -_-'.. and he called me druing tuition!!!... zzz... and i got shocked when some girl sat nxt to me.. last week also sat nxt to me.. hmmmz.. lol.. nah i heck care.. =p ... i think bryan more interested,... =X.... and as usual.. tuition was as slack... and nxt week got relief teacher again.. and guess who i met?... serene!!.. hahax... and her fren also from sd3... cool... =p... hahax... and fang said my shirt looked like from F.O.S one leh.. yay!... finally one shirt he say nice.. but i dun care la,.,. lol.. and foo suaned me with my shirt,.. called me a bad girl.. -_-'.. he die la..

hmmz.. walked around orchard.. and spent 6.50 on wanton noodles!!!.. but is resturant type one and DAMN nice... =) ... worth it sia.. 5 wantons full of prawns and is damn big la... hahax... =p ... and had nice char siew too.. hahax... at e stupid food republic there... I wan new pencil case.. new bag..... hmmz.. dunno wad else liao.. lol ...

aiyo... now jac also knows my blog.. lol .. wanted to keep it secretive.. =X... lol... i too lazy to tag.. sooo... yes huiling.. i know u like ice cream.. i just ate like 3 coconut potong ice creams -_-'.. and i'm coughing .. hahax...

hmmmz... fun fun fun... legs hurt... dunno how to play soccer tml.. -_-'.. bleah... should i ask for nxt sat?... dunno la... i feel kinda sianz.... and i think i haf better choices... hahahax... stupid bryan.. psycho me until liddat... o wellz.. We'll Find A Way.. =) ..

Still Listening To ... *Find The Way* by Mika Nakashima...

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