Saturday, April 01, 2006


HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!!!... -_-'... speaking of which.. nice one bryan.. u almost had me in tears.... zzzzzzz... hahax... idiot... zzz.. hmmz... went to sch to settle stuff... -_-'... then met xs and marwin and jiaying on e way.. lol... those 2 stupid diqs.. wanted to drag me off to ulu pandan.. XD ... then played a bit of soccer.. but veri tired.. bleah... so played bout an hr.. then went home.. and shang came along too.. lol... then went to e doctors... sighz,.. stupid rusty pin on my badge.. poked me twice.. and the doctor gave me a JAB!!!.. omg omg.. so basically i got pricked by needles 5 times this week... 2 in medical checkup.. 2 by my stupid badge.. then one tetanus booster by e doc... hahax... but becoz i took this jab now.. maybe NS that time i dun need take.. !!.. XD... lol.. better not take again.. it's quite pain.. zzzz....

hmmmz... finally did it... let out a lot of stuff in my mind.. my heart... and body.. feel sooooo tired... it's finally over..... hmmmz.. it was so funnie.. obviously she knew wad i was gonna say.. and was just waiting.. and i kept going through wad i was gonna say over and over again in my head.. while chatting irrelevant stuff to her... -_-'.. like the hockey players... the sch... band... soccer... my t-shirt... hahahax.... and of course... xing yuan... lol.. poor guy.. i used him as a convo topic... XD..... then when he finally crossed the 100m mark...
hmmz... the rest is up to u to find out... not gonna write it out.. good ?.. bad??.. u decide then.. i'll just keep it in me.. and maybe in a few other frens... * mathan u better dun anyhow talk to ryan wong this time* ..

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