Thursday, April 13, 2006


o wellz.... today went to sch... nvr see my classmates for one day like quite weird..and edwina was early for once!!...hahax... and i disturbed huiling and j.c .. XD.. karmen was involved also.. -_-'.. they so good.. at least not lonely.. look at me.. sighz... =X.... then had the most crappy p.e ever... 2 sets of 5 pull-ups.. 43 sit-ups... and 6 rounds.. -_-'... i just recovered eh.. almost died.... felt like dying when i was queueing up to buy drinks... and i missed my jacket today.. din bring... and ryan wong got a full blast of the gay me...hahhax... damn funnie la.. watching him threaten to whack me.. or actually to reveal........................................ -_-'.. and now more pple know.. wth... zzz... stupid... now i'm so dead,..

okiexz.. i should slap myself today... din do anything... except to ask.. "are u going for lunch now? ".. and after i finished eating then she came down... -_-'... then i din know wad to do.. and realized that she has no cca today.... okiexz...... and i got badminton...zzzz.. crap... if not ....... bleah.. dun think i would haf asked also... wad's wrong with me... i dunno.... i dunno.... -_-'... wad's happening to me????.... wad am i doing?... i really like her a lot... i think this is the most serious one i haf so far...... and yet i'm doing nothing...... crap... think i'm gonna make this fail.... sighz... think i'm gonna fall sick again... hugging my jacket at home... means something;s wrong with my body temp... =( ...

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