Sunday, April 02, 2006

the saga begins..

okiexz.. one day has passed... and it seems not bad.. just that i seem to haf forgotten wad she told me yesterday and wad i asked her specifically.. -_-'... hahax... maybe i go ask again tml.... =X... .. lol ... happy belated april fool's day!!!!.. -_-'.. but.. thnx especially to mathan.. and the rest.. * u know who u are* .. lol ... o wellz.. wad's done is done... hmmz... need a pair of new shoes.. zzz.. superstar broken liao.. hahax.. yay!!.. =X... but nvr saw any shoe that caught my eye.. o well... onli one thing has caught my eye so far............... -_-'.... hmmmz.. walked around in far east.. and ate also.. and i suaned someone todae.. hahax.. XD... * dun kill me fang...* ... then while walking out think we saw jacob seet... hahhax.. damn funnie.. fang had a lot of comments bout his gf... -_-'... bad ones duh... lol.... then we met lindy.. hahax.. XD... went to cini and played arcade.. and i died horribly. in my aircraft game... lost to my top score by like about 100k... -_-'.. lol .. not concentrating in e later parts... coz stupid marwin called me... zzzz...

hmmmz... seems like all things are going well now .. but being the pessimistic me... i will always be prepared for the worst scenario.. i think i prepared myself mentally the most for this... -_-'.. hmmmz... i'm still veri unsure myself.. i think sat's prep talk was too short.. hahax... nxt sat also haf another one then.. =) .. set la... lol.. need to fish out more answers... but for now... plan A is currently in operation... hope it works... good luck to myself... -_-'.... wonder wad to talk to her tml.. hahahhax... =X.... muz think of stupid convo topics... which i think i'm quite good in ............

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