Tuesday, April 04, 2006


hmmz... wad can i say?.. usual day... just that xm and mathan din do pull-ups today.. and jacked me ... so i went down and did 1 set off pull-ups.... zzzz.... then went back up to e hall... lol... then marvin and me talked many .. and xm wanted to make him join bryan's and clements's team... LOL... he said die also dun wan... hahahx... -_-'... o wellz.. ,marvin always has a weird taste for teams... XD... hmmz.. then basically stoned and slept for like 4 periods in a row.. thnx to e timetable committee.... zzzzzz... then had a lot of laughter coz mathan and i were going high.... -_-'... then i think i was a complete diq.. dunno la... then went to dover to eat... and again i was a complete diq... zzzz... and then went swimming meet.. where mathan got 3rd in his round.. but overall 4th placing la.. pro la mathan.. hahax.. he's my suggee... XD.. so dumb.. wanted to sleep...

hmmmz.. i think i screwed up real bad today.... think she was in bad mood... and i tried to make her feel happier... but i think it backfired...zzzzz... she din even like bother about me.. i tried to talk to her... get her off her boredom... smiled more... -_-'.. and all i got was nothing.... sighz...u know... maybe i tried too hard... but mathan said virgos tend to be like this sometimes... but.. but... it din mean that she could be so mean to me?.. i've tried... but to no avail... haiz... just dunno wad to do... i mean,... she's always surrounded by girls... so she's extremely inaccessible.... hmmz.. die la... dunno la.. i'm just like wad edwina said.. my public relations skill lousy... sighz... but wad can i do?.. if nothing comes to mind i also wun talk wad... and i think she'll interact more with girls then with me... sighz................... all muz go well tml... GG to me for now...... hope tml she gives me a smile... and say hi too,... as we always do....................

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