Monday, April 10, 2006

perfect situation..

hmmmz... today not bad.. nvr really slept... onli once in a free period.. and kept myself awake in gp by trying to fold cranes with a piece of cardboard that measures about 2cm x 2cm in length.. =) .. skill right? with paper i can la.. i got picture.. but with cardboard.. omg omg omg.. cannot.. too thick.... zzz.. fingers veri veri pain.. so ended up onli folding a veri small flapping bird that cannot flap its wings... hahahax..... wellz... better go get a bottle first b4 i start folding my mini cranes.. =) ... love them.. so cute.... XD.... as jasmin jeanette said..i haf feminine fingers......... -_-'... dunno if compliment or insult... lol ... and edwina and jac were crazy over animaniacs songs.. well they're not bad.. but too much of it is damn irritating.. once u lose concentration with it... it becomes like mindless chattering... -_-'... zz.. and got one song me and mathan identified bangladesh!!!!... XD..... hahax.... wellz.. and me and mathan also disturbed danver... and i made a powerful suan.. =X... hahahax... he ah... got girl dun wan chiong... haiz... at least he got better chance then me...............

o wellz.... how did my situation become like this?... do i haf myself to blame for this?.... i think so.... -_-'.. well i tried to intitiate conversation with her... like some stupid stuff like "are u going back to class?".. when i perfectly know she's going back to class...zzzzzzzzzzz..... if not she always crowds herself with girls... and i dunno wad to talk... bleah..... and edwina said i was lousy... -_-'.. okie fine i know... i'm trying.... wad to do!!!!!!!!!..... hahahx.... think i'm gonna do drastic stuff soon... be thick skinned.... bleah...

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