Saturday, April 15, 2006

all or nothing....

okiexz.... nvr blogged for one whole day.. wow... -_-'... hmmz.. nothing much to type..... played soccer in morning... then badminton.. then a VERI short while of soccer... again.... bleah... then it rained... zzzz... lucky though... if not i think i would break my ankle....

so much going through me right now...... dunno wad to believe in or think about... why does it always happen to me????... -_-'.... not thinking of her already... but it seems i'm just keeping it in.. and just hiding it there... sort of like a landmine... hidden.. and then when u tread on it..... BOOM!!!... -_-'... speaking of boom.... i think i'm already the confirmed keeper killer... in front of goal i also blast... i mean.. i'm the blasting type wad... u wan to blast or not , it's your decision.. not mine.... and i dun blast all e time... * maybe more occasional today then usual... * ... but.. i dun aim keeper lor.. i aim e net... u think i out to kill pple meh?.. i onli wanna score... and i found out that if i play seriously... i look as though i'm out to kill... -_-'.. o wellz... but whenever i play seriously... i noticed games always end much much faster......................................... -_-'.. bleah... dunno how am i gonna play soccer and improve.... if not i'm just gonna stand there and be keeper and let all e balls fly past me.... okiexz.. back to my main theme for today.... ball+me+mood swing+after letting in 4 plus goals in 2 mins= BOOM.. -_-'...

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