Friday, April 07, 2006

long shot...

hmmmz.... quite a nice day tml... found out the song "medication"by waking ashland is nice leh... hahax.. the piano part is shiok.. =) .. and i think the highlight of the day was pe.. soccer with girls... -_-'... wa... got swarmed and i was keeper... lol... let in 2 goals.. all scored by wenqing.. so pro... XD.... at least i provided one.. NICE TEAMWORK ELAINE!!!.. lol... i miskicked and she tapped it in.. surprising me and xm... hahhaax... =p... so tired..... coz me and xm b4 that was doing stupid stuff... we had to tackle each other and i oled him twice!!... hahax...

hmmmz... another day has passed.. i folded cranes in maths lesson coz i was ultra bored.... made one super super small one.. =) .. i haf a pic too.. hahax... and played with the dream of giving it to her... but knowing her....... -_-'... no chance... and in soccer... she looked so imposing... with e soccer ball... hahax... and i got suaned by roberta... -_-'..zzz.. and she's quite enthu bout soccer... that's nice.. =) .. and i kept passing to her... made her complain lol... but o wellz... and edwina said band got june concert... hmmmz... should i go?... though edwina said someone that sleeps all day in class should go.............. is it time to visit the flower shop again????.... and i'm pondering to msg her on sunday or ask her out for this concert that my fren asked me to go..................................... bleah.... -_-'....

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