Sunday, April 09, 2006


WAH LAO EH... SOMEONE GO TAG ON MY BOARD!!!!.. =( .... okiexz... tt was dumb....... -_-'...... bad headache yesterday.... din go service becoz of tt.. sorry xm.. i already brought change of clothes.. but din know tt i would kena so bad headache.. zz.. slept from yesterday until about now... zzzz.... so much time now.. not a good thing.... too much time = time to think = thinking about her = sad .......... lol... got 2 weezer songs!!!.. thnx to mathan.. =) .. wa many nice.. i love it..... XD... * ps. love u too mathan.. HAHAX.. * ... and danver the diq.. first time go queensway.. hahax... then he many happy... said it was teenage heaven...... -_-'.. yar duh... but if u go enough times it's your money burning place... lol .. saw a pair of adidas campus shoes that looked quite good.. and got additional shoelaces with it as well.. hahax.. looked good... but price.. $119..... -_-'..... and the samsung d-820 is out!!!!!!!!!!... wheeeee... but it's $698 without contract...zzzz.. sooooo exxxx... but i really wan it... sooooo.... XD... i'm gonna start bugging my parents... hahahhaax...

hmmmz... she finally blogged again... and this time with a msg.... -_-'.. dunno if it's pertaining to me....... if it isn't then i gg la... -_-'.... dunno wad she's thinking... yesterday i got left alone for one hour plus..... and she was totally m.i.a....... danver told me a possibility that she woke up late.. and left her phone at home... but...... she told me she was going to sch early .... -_-'... and before i slap myself for continously turning off my ares when i need it................................... nvm... tt was random.. -_-'........ tired... tired.. still got tuition later........ and fang and me are gonna get suaned by foo again.. lol ... well.. at least there's a nice episode of GSD later to keep my spirits high...................

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