Sunday, April 16, 2006


HAPPY EASTER!!!!.. -_-'... though i dun really feel that happy inside.... maybe i woke up too early in e morn,... realized it was 8.06 instead of 9.06 which my stupid bedside clock displayed.... omg la... one hour diff.. no idea how it happened..... zzzzzzz.... sianz still got tuition later.... and it's still complex numbers..... -_-'... and fang's gonna be late... as usual...... when i haf a thousand and one things to tell him.......... =X ..... when it can basically be summarised into this........


"All Or Nothing"

i'm sorry for every apology

but you'll never know how much you mean to me

until you put me in the ground

until my body is found

until the day i'm buried

you'll find me at the end of my rope

hanging on your every word

i'm finally getting the hang

of getting hung up on girls like you

don't let me let you go

don't leave me here all alone

because every night i spend without you

is like a knife held to my throat

your eyes are the only stars i want to see

your lips is the only air i want to breath

so please tell me that i'm not asking for too much

because there's so much of myself that i've given up

i knew your smile would mean the death of me

but i couldn't care less, no i couldn't care less

so sweet heart kills me constantly

she takes my last breath, you took my last breath

and i'll choke on my last words

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