Tuesday, April 25, 2006


okiexz... blogger is damn screwed up.. i mite go change blog liao.. go use livejournal.. lol .. =X.// taking ages to load.... and after i typed yesterday the stupid thing hanged on me... so yesterdays post din appear..... hmmz.. but it was basically like.. charlie's leaving!... -_-'... and it's damn sad..... zzzz... and i;m not gonna type how i felt yesterday again.. waste time..and my energy... bleah.... but all i can say.. is... that.. i'm so gonna miss him la.... his energetic teachings... and his extremely fast pace of teaching chem.. hahax.. =( .... i think that these deep feelings haf like developed over the last year... and even more this year.... sighz.... all we can do is just wish his wife recovers.... and that he will be back to e old charlie again... * there's something bout tears which i wun write again.. kinda heart breaking.. *

okiexz.. for today.... came to sch cold.. -_-'... and huiling needed help with NMR.. i nearly died.. ahhax.... cannot count in e morning.. at least my theories still was correct.. then thinking bout chem reminded me of charlie.... sighz.. and he din come today.... =( ... really miss him... our big teddy bear..... =X.... a smart one though... hhax... slept in lib.. with mathan... lol.. =p ... sounds kinda wrong but wadever... -_-'... and we woke up just on e dot.. 12.30... hahahx... =p ... reading biochem booklet really does make u sleepy... lol ...

i want my new phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... -_-'... lol .. i'm making such a fuss over it.......yay.. gundam seed again later!.. though i think i watched today's episode b4 liao.. but anyway.. still nice .. =)...

i think no other teacher can take e place of charlie chan in my heart... why?.. he's the onli teacher who's had a significant impact on me... a certain dislike became a like... at first i really din agree with his methods... and i felt i would fail chem.. but now my chem is picking up... and i think i haf more confidence in this sub now..... thnx to him...and to see him haf tears well up in his eyes... and seeing my classmates cry... is disheartening.... but becoz of his faith in us... i WILL do my best... and hope i get an A and show it to him.... then maybe.. maybe.. i mite cry with him.. when i get back my A's.....

I'll miss u sir...

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