Monday, April 03, 2006

always u...

hmmmz... good day?.. -_-'... lol... did pull-ups again in e morning.. hahax.. think those who support me get a better work-out then doing the pull-ups themselves... lol... XD.. sorry la.. not my fault... =X.... then as usual the huiling come disturb me... then j.c also come disturb me.. those 2 ah... scandalous couple...XD... * hope they dun come here and read this.. *.. then had a crappy first period of pccg.. where we did nothing..

basically in acsi interaction with form teachers is called pccg period... soooo... i call it that.. like the hall is the audithorium.. or is it the audithorium is the hall???.. -_-'.. i'm blur already.... hahax..

hmmmz.. then had a veri veri sleepy 2 periods of bio.. lucky miss chia many nice.. give us last period free.. =) .. i stoning in class la..she ask me qn i many blur... -_-'... hahax... then charlie chan also quite slack... lol .. and he quite upset that gomey and jasmon din attend chem.. i mean gomey got season.. but jasmon..?? -_-'... nvm i dun say anything......
then had a free period.. where i spent in e canteen.. =).... nice moments... * omg omg omg.. i was listening to a song and it sang the word "moments"when i just typed it out..* .. wellz.. just a bit of randomness to add a bit of color.. =P... then in gp... watched some video that was quite cool.. and i hate those racists.. i mean poke a bit of fun can la.. but to hurt them physically and abuse them, i think is over the line.. zzzz.. and miss yim said that i sleep with my jacket in a veri R(A) way... -_-'.. and she agreed with wina that i always sleep as long i haf my jacket.. hahax..

hmmmz... quite a nice day today.. first sch day after the event.. had a lot of funnie interactions..and i showed her how blur i was... -_-'.. self jacked myself.. courtesy of danver.... zzzz.... and it seemed so shocking... she actually walked over to me and asked if i was staying in e canteen.. and sat with us... wow... coz i had some funnie hand sign interaction with her across like halfway the canteen.. and then she walked over.. hmmz.. tt was unexpected... but i still haf my doubts... -_-'.. i'm such an indecisive diq...zzzz... and wina told me something today that made me feel quite happy.. lol... and she bugged me like hell to get to know e ans... -_-'... but at least she can help me.. in this plan.. =).. wellz.... gl hf.. those that play dota will know wad that means.. .. hahax..

wad a long post................................... -_-'

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