Saturday, April 29, 2006


hahax... hmmz.. nvr blog for quite long,... kinda lazy to blog already... and it;s either too much happening to blog down or too little that happened so i dun bother,. but finally there's something to 'type down........ -_-'... lol

k.. on fri... which means yesterday.... we had half e day of partying.. coz we were having a farewell party for charlie chan... he was so touched by our gestures... and some bitch decided that my stuff was rubbish and decided to avoid it... my vanilla cream puffs were a hit lor.. not as good as lynette's lasagna... but good enough for a dessert....(p.s they din get forced to eat it unlike some other thing...) at least i made my contribution.. not like some pple who just tag along with others to get something done and claim all e credit for it... stupid bitch... kkz.. enough of scolding... then edwina's beehoon also many nice.. =) ... but she made too much.. =X.... hahax... and xm and his fishballs and popiah.. =) .. and i forgot who made e taiwan sausages though.. but still nice.. =) ... and the card!!.. hahax.. i think i wrote too little.. -_-'... and jasmin damn funnie la... draw a new organic compound called charmon.. lol.. sounds like a pokemon.. =X.... hahax.... looks quite cute la... and xs kept msging me,......... lol ... so i was msging throughout,... -_-'... stupid xs...

no mood to study for e rest of e day.. so just talked cock with mathan.. -_-'.. and danver too..!!!.. lol... then got weiqiang join us and we waited for e movie screening to start.... in e viewing gallery coz it was raining like siao... and the basketball court damn wet... o yar.. forgot.. had pe there too.. basketball.. -_-'.. i tell u.. i play it so comical i was laughing at myself... lol.. i even lost to alodie in scoring... hahhax.. o wellz... wad can u expect from one tt doesn;t use hands much... =p ...

the movie was dreamship surprise.. and it was DAMN funnie.. can die la.. but it's those type of movies that u watch one time then funnie.. watch again no kick liao.. hahax.. but it was still good... not bad la.. then me and mathan laugh like siao.. coz we always knew wad they were implying.. the hidden meanings la... damn funnie sia.. and i too lazy to type out e details.. =p ..

got my new phone!!!.. =) .. need i say more?.. hahax

hmmz.. nvr felt so emo in a while... dunno why la.. sianz... i think i should just give up.. no point... pushing.... stupid.. hate it.. -_-'... and the stupid ending theme 3 of gundam seed is gonna make me cry anytime soon.. so nice.. =( ...

*Find The Way* by Mika Nakashima..

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