Monday, April 24, 2006

gundam seed!...

hahahax.... back to sch once again!!... -_-'.. how come i so happy... maybe it's becoz i'm back to being me!!... and though it comes with e added perks of being reckless... free... and comical.... it has the drawbacks of being a bit introvert... zzz... o well... i'm quite liddat already so i dun think it matters much....

hmmmz... b4 lunch my stomach hurt.. coz hungry... then charlie chan dropped a bombshell on us.. though not exactly a bombshell... but it was still hard to bear....... it seems like he got domestic problems... and he's got a lot of probs on his hands... and yet he's still worried bout us... i'm really touched by his gestures...... it seems like he will be gone for a long time... and another teacher is g0nna take over him.. but i wan charlie...!!!.. =X... sighz... lynette and jasmin cried nxt to me when charlie announced that./... and though charlie wasn't crying..i could see tears welled up in his eyes.... bleah... i felt sad... but i dunno why i din cry.. as lynette said.. guys dun easily show their emotions... well.. quite true... but... guys will show emotions to other guys.... -_-'... sighz.. let's wish charlie's wife a speedy recovery....

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