Friday, March 31, 2006

the last time..


"The Last Time"

I faintly remember yesterday,

Oh so close yet far away,

From the lives that we once etched in stone

Who would think that it would last

Please just give it one more chance

Forever is a word that only grows

And never in this saddest moment

I feel we're letting go

And if you take me, please don't leave me

I'll never let you go

This is goodbye

'Cause we're growing older

This is forever in the words you never said

This is goodnight

'Cause we're getting colder

This is the last time I'll kiss your lips again

I close my eyes,

All I think about is you

I miss the girl that I once knew

A sleepless night

A dying wish

Please don't leave me here like this

This is goodbye

'Cause we're growing older

This is forever in the words you never said

This is goodnight

'Cause we're getting colder

This is the last time I'll kiss your lips again

And never in this saddest moment

I feel we're letting go

And if you take me, please don't leave me

I'll never let you go

This is goodbye

'Cause we're growing older

This is forever in the words you never said

This is goodnight

'Cause we're getting colder

This is the last time I'll kiss your lips again


okiexz... that summarises all i felt today... sighz.. slept so much today.. even in lesson also... loved this song today... dunno why... why??.. how i know.. -_-'.. pe was crap today.. lol.. arms and back aching.. hmmz..

thunderstorm now at my hse... wonder if her place also thunderstorm....... feel like msging her... but ... but... -_-'.. ah wadever... go read the song lyrics... lol...

Thursday, March 30, 2006


This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

lol... wad a dumb test.. o wellz... wa i veri average type of score sia... hahax.. decided to take.. if u take muz tell me ah.. i wanna read.. XD... hmmz.. today so crappy... pe was soooo slack.. lol.. and i can do a bit of pullups!!! happy.. =) ..bleah... no jacket today,... so sad... cannot sleep... -_-'.. dun feel warm... had a bit of time which i really concentrated and did bio tutorial.. =X... hahax.. and fang say i many free.. sch still can msg him.. -_-'... then i again comedy central... move whiteboard also can laugh like siao and anyhow push... and miss yim said that a wire also can stop me from pushing a board.. lol... and that 1 min of exercise made me sweat for 5 mins.. -_-'... then it rained many many.. and i haf a hole in my shoe...zzzzzz... die la.. i wan new shoes..XD... then borrowed wenqing's brolly to ferry lynette and ryan wong across to e canteen there... -_-'... lol ,.. great service.. o did i mention i was edwina's fedEX service?.. took her pe clothes to her and took her chem book back to e NL for her... hahax... played badminton.. many tired.. and i can smash better with my racquet.. =X... hahax... muz train sia.. still veri weak...

hmmz... the test above came from her blog also... and her love score is 2.1???... -_-'... does that mean anything good for me???if im a 4 and they say it's low.... zzzz.. .. i dunno.. as fang said today.. i'm ambivalent... * lol his english suddenly so pro.. XD * coz i wanna talk to her... but on the other side i dun wanna talk to her........-_-'.. so the side that doesn't wan me to talk bout her won,... and so i nvr talk to her... sighz.... wad's wrong with me sia.... wad happened to the die die also heck care bout everything eric..... =(... i wan him back... =( ...sighz... well sat is approaching... time to carry out my plans... here goes.....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

waste time!!

omg omg omg... i'm still feeling cold today.. zzzz... sneeze sneeze non-stop.. hahax.. many sick.... and got bio back today... wa not bad.. got another A.. now cannot ban myself from computer.. =) .. darn.. missed getting same grade as her by HALF mark..zzzz... nvm ... not bad.. she got one A??.. i dunno.. i think so.. not bad la i guess.... sighz... hmmz... miss yim gave me pink slip today.. though it was white in color... lol.. -_-'.. and miss yim forgot to sign it when giving me so i was rejected by e security guards at e gate... lol.. then had to go find her.. lucky sia... almost late.. well actually late for the checkup.. hahhax... lucky they cannot pump us if not die sia.. every 10 secs late pump 10 !!!!!.. zzz.. then die.. hahax.. =X
the checkup was a complete waste of time..... got so many stations to go la... 9 in total!!!!!.. got check eyes.. ears... and the ears damn funnie... suppose to raise your respective hand when u hear a sound in the corresponding ear.. and when u see e pple raise their hands so funnie.. all got diff way of raising their hands... the room was creepy.. all sound was blocked out until u can hear your own heartbeat VERY VERY clearly..
-_-'. .. then got 2 blood test.. urine test also.. and fang is many funnie.. he wear e uniform that we were supposed to take picture in... then he forgot to return it and walked out in it.. hahhax.. until i told him... many comedy... then blood test shiok sia... take so many times liao until i no rxn already.. -_-'... then it was time for the er-hem check .. lol.. damn funnie.. not gonna type it out.. wanna know go ask me.. =) ... hahax... then took a "quick"mental examination.. which took like 1.5 hours... wah.. at least 200 questions.. on patterns... general stuff.. maths.. more maths... physics!!!!!... and whether u can follow orders... lol ... zzzzz.... damn waste time..and now my right arm has 2 holes... -_-'.. one in finger and one in elbow joint there........

wow she got an A... i'm so happy for her... but i din sms her saying congrats.... y?.. sighz..... and seeing her talk to other girls so joyfully and naturally makes me think that she forces herself to reply to me when i talk to her.... bleah... can't take it anymore...zzz... inferiority complex settling in again...dunno if it's me or her... first she dao me.. then i dao her.. wow... wad a game.... it's going nowhere... and i hate playing it... but wad can i do?... someone gimme ideas... -_-'... badminton tml.. but muz run 6 rounds during pe tml.. sighz.... nvm i'll just run till i die.... better that way.................................

*whenever u go i'll be waiting... whenever u call i will be there.... wadever it takes i'll make your darkest days so bright... *

* and if i fall i'll know u be waiting.. * .. ----> this will NVR happen...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

star wars...

hmmmz... woke up with a veri veri bad sore throat.. nearly din wanna go to sch.. but since i woke up already.. -_-'.. just went.. and died in the first few hours of the day.. felt sooooo cold... maybe it was the stupid library.. i sat in there for 2 hours reading dota strat guides.. lol .. and slept for like 5 mins.. XD..... hmmmz... then failed gp!!!.. hahahax.. but got A for maths.. heng sia.. if not i sure ban myself from com... =X..... then went to bras brasah with xm .. go buy cards.. and i go look look at the christian shop inside.. and i din wanna step inside the badminton shop .. coz i wearing ac uni.. then later he say.. "Mr Dicky teach ac students meh>?? ".. then i gg liao... hahax... then i would haf to say i private candidate for his training.. XD.. then saw a lot of stuff inside e christian shop.. photo albums.. frames... cute bookmarks... magnets with your names on it.. and got description of your name somemore.... hahax.. and my name is pronounced the same as erica.. -_-'... and the description of my name is veri accurate.. as xm says... =p... went home and chionged gundam seed.. sianz episode today.. no fighting.. hahax..

hmmz.. i think i'm being veri dao to her these days.... i juz feel like doing that coz she daos me... i dunno.. it's just weird... no feeling to talk to her nor interact... so close to her also i dun bother to make joke or stupid comments or talk..... wadever... is this the end of the road for me???... am i digging my own grave with my actions?.. as the speaker said today... nothing is absolute?.. so i cannot judge anything to be wad it is no matter how it seems.... how true... i'm judging that already on my current situation...... bleah... thnx shang for comforting me and offering advice.. =) .. lub u .. hahahax... XD... omg omg... so brokeback.. zzz.. wellz.. all i can do is take things in my stride and if i do go get wad i wan to get from jec...... then i'll chiong liao... but till then.. happy daoing!!.. =X..

Monday, March 27, 2006


okie.. i nvr listen to miss yim.. so i dunno wad androgynous is?... did i spell correctly??.. wadever... rainy today... and stupid zen ran out off batt..zzz.hahax... i mean it's true wad.. i admit i got a bit of feminine characteristics la.. i mean my girlie jacket... my stupid lollypop soft toy hanging from my bag.... my tendency to yelp at any suprise .. -_-'.. hahax.... but lucky no physical feminine traits...XD... hmmmz... so sleeeeepy... rainy day plus cold-aircon plus boring gp droning plus super soft adidas jacket plus table = sleep... hahax... sianz... chem missed one mark to a B grade.. but to charlie onli wenqing was the true A grade.. with 52/60 ... so pro.... hahax... wadever lor.. i from promos E grade to this i think i quite okay.. coz i slacked a bit and i got many many careless mistakes..zzzzz.. -_-'... nvm.. wait till e rest of e results come out.. b4 i go ban myself from computer... =X... hmmmz.. feel so sick.. ankle also pain..bleah.. i wish i din haf to go sch tml... sianz.. nothing to look foward to.. maybe danver and mathan and gang la.. -_-'..

sianz.. she heck me already.. again i msged today and no reply.. though i'm veri veri sure she got e msg from me... dunno y she wanna dao me.. sighz.... and í'm like so sianz until i also dun wanna talk to her.. and she's fine with that too... well... maybe i'm really a girl like edwin..and miss yim say so... i'm a wuss.. zzz.. -_-'.. wadever.... no mood this week to do anything... if i haf no B's in my terms i think i'll go siao this sat..

Sunday, March 26, 2006


hmmm.. veri veri sick today.. ask bryan if u dun believe... hahax... kept sniffling... and sneezing.. * who thinking of me??.. , hope it's not xs or mathan.. XD * very lethargic... couldn't think.. and when bryan went shopping for shirts i nearly fainted...-_-'... wanted to fall sick la... drank teh bing somemore... then played a bit of pool.. cost me 5 dollars!!!!!.. =l ... then went to play soccer with shang's frens .. they damn fun la.. muz play with them again.. one of them handball more free then bryan... hahax... so fun!!!... all the stupid things we did... and run like siao one.. got one adidas shirt guy.. =) .. he run many many fast.. then i pace him and run like the whole field... -_-'... then many many tired.. hahax.. then nvr def... but our keeper damn pro.. always get e ball or block it one... hahax... hmm.. love sports.. keeps my mind off stuff..... and xs wanted to kope my acjc yearbook... -_-'... hahax..

hmmmz... no sentosa trip today... coz of a bit of bad planning and slow reponses.. lucky today it rained... if not we go sentosa then it rain then byebye....... dunno why the we are is so split up... i mean sunday for a change try sentosa la... me and fang cannot even get 10 pple to go.... haiz.... i mean to get to interact more with each other and do more stuff instead of onli soccer?,.. i would like that... i hope that soon we can do this... juz try ... dunno la... quite frustrated.... zzzz... it's bad to be planners but some pple haf to do it to gain the exp... hold on to your ideals fang.. we can do this.. =) ..

***If It Happens It Happens And I'll Feel the Same.. Can't Hold Back On The Choices I've Made That Day***

Saturday, March 25, 2006


o yar.. forgot to blog this down... i got daoed by her!!!.. hahax.. wow... think it's time to a do or die decision already... though a lot of pple have been telling me to do that long ago... i wonder wad she does... maybe she dotaing like me???.. LOL ... -_-'... nvm .. sentosa trip tml.. if fang has planned it properly...


hmmz... life really sux... fails me when i need to enjoy it most.... -_-'... today was such wasted day.. think i'm changing... can't tolerate irrritating things anymore....i think i no longer wanna give face to pple that dun gimme face also... i'm gonna fight back... no more nice me... seriously .. i'm getting pissed off by all these pple who think i'm a pushover..

and i seriously am irritated by those who dun give their best to e team when it is needed... and those who shun their turn to be keeper... i mean wtf?... if the team has no permanent keeper then switch every goal change diff person la... dun be a fag... and try your best in keeping la.. dun after let in goal then say "yay!.. no more keeper!!.. ".. i'm seriously irritated by this kind of shit...

** very very bad mood now... ***

Friday, March 24, 2006

haiz. wad crap sia..

hmmmz.. happy happy day!!.. actually sleepy sleepy day.. lol... sleep sleep and sleep... and as usual.. huiling dun let me sleep and had to crack my brains to help her do killer kakuro.. -_-'... do until dun feel like sleeping... =X... haiz... onli said hi to her in e morning.. hahax.. wad a diq i am... then nvr talk liao... dun think i wanna talk.. sighz.... usual day... nothing much... now more pple in e class know bout e sesame street video!!!.. XD... so funnie... even miss yim knows.. coz we let her watch also... hahhahax... think all that watch will laugh to death.. me and mathan are especially tickled by it.. =) ... then had health talk.. lol . so sianz... then lynette came in late coz tan c.c held her up.. we talked a lot.. hahax... damn funnie... apparently virtua tennis theories dun work for real tennis.. if not i become tennis player liao.. -_- '... then at e end of the talk i saw stars... =p.. go ask lynette why... hahahax.. acs(j) had their track and field today!!!!!.. at acjc!!!.. met my old chinese teacher... she still rmb me... =) .. like duh.. i'm like one of those dun listen in chinese class one.. hahax... saw a few other teachers but i doubt they rmb me... many long ago.. like my ancient history...... hmmz.. while i walked home today... seeing e old 4 storey flats reminded of e past... and i felt like i was back to my primary sch days..... where it was so carefree... and me and this girl called cheryl ganged up to bully a guy 2 yrs our senior... hahahax.... wonder how are all e old time frens in my neighbourhood... bleah.... nvr see them anymore...except for nicholas though.. seen him twice or more this yr liao.. hahax...

hmmmz... wad a stupid horoscope i had for today... i think it really reflected wad i felt... * if u wanna know .. go read.. i'm a sagitaurus btw* ... sighz.... no mood to talk to her.. i dun feel like straining myself to think of things to talk to her... y can't i click that well with her like huiling or lynette?... i think i interact less with lynette then with her yet i can talk many many with lyn...-_-'... maybe it's just me...... looks like tml's operation is not gonna be carried out.. i din go get e thing for her... din bother.... sighz i dunno.... at least there's soccer tml... =)

Thursday, March 23, 2006


IT"S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahax... not onli exams... but also *** * * **** .. go fill in yourself... lol... but i feel kinda relaxed..... =)... ah well.. the stress that keeps me going... XD... now can dota like siao!!!.. 3 am!!!... hahax.. if i can hold on for so long.. * and i think my com will die anyway... -_-'.. * hahax.. screwed up a question in my maths.. sighz.. wad a dumb way to screw up... at least i get working marks.. =p ... think should be okie la... and miss yim still wan us do gp essay.. i not gonna do sia... we did b4 already lor... waste time... -_-'... watched V for vendetta with danver and ryan and mathan.. ahahax... stupid edwin... got gf dun care us liao... zzz.. XD.. just jokin. hmmz.. it's nice la... wanna watch it again actually... but i'm sure she wun bother about me... so i heck already... then we played pool.. damn fun.. i damn rusty... but still can do jump shot and hit ball in sia... hahahx... not bad not bad.. =p... and mathan and ryan was also damn pro after a while of warm-up.. and danver.. -_-'.. no one who paired up with him won a game.. hahax... so we played 9 games... i think.. all of us won 6/9 matches.. * er-hem no specific reference to that number... hahax... * ... and danver won 0/9 ... lol .. so fun... bought a new shirt at e pasar malam just to play pool.. but not bad la.. quite nice... mathan also bought some diesel shirt... XD...

how i wished that i watched a movie and walked beside her today... i think after wad i did yesterday.. i'm getting the cold shoulder... o wellz.. i expected it already.. just din think it would come so fast... sighz.... now i really dunno wad to do... playing dota does get my mind away from her... but i just feel like smsing her... and although she's so frenly on sms.. her real self to me is like dead... sighz.... i really dunno if she wants to avoid me... or that's how she's like... -_-'... zzzz... nvm... i think i made up my mind already.... time to do something drastic and end this crap once and for all... if i'm ever gonna take this risk.... * and i kept telling danver to take risks when playing pool... though i do take risks when playing pool * ... wad to do?... i really like her....................................... *seriously*

****NOFX- Everything Sucks ****

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


hahax.. omg omg omg... raining heavily at tiong bahru today... XD.. actually no.. just finding an excuse to show why i was totally drenched...
-_-'.... sianz... dunno why sweat soooooo much today.. can die la.... b4 chem paper somemore... but at least i think i did quite okie... just a few stupid mistakes here and there... zzzz... then ate at ghim moh market.. hahax.. took taxi there while e rest walked there... me mathan and danver and edwin are damn slack.. =X... ate a lot hahhax... but i heck bout gaining weight liao.. though i think i can neither gain or lose... -_-'..

hmmmz.. no reply to e sms i sent her.. guess she doesn't want to talk bout chem paper?. or tired??.. or just left her phone somewhere ?? -_-'... zzz.. sucky feeling again.... and i'm supposed to carry out an operation for tml... zzz.. i dunno wad to do..... mathan!!.. =( ...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


zzzzz.... stupid chem prac.. i always cannot do one... hahax... always got some stupid problem tt will irritate me and make me lose concentration.. -_-'... well.. i got one mistake!!.zzzz... lol... wrong calculation coz i dunno wad's e diff between specific heat capacity and heat capacity... zzzzzzz... but still got correct ans in e end... =p .... then went to dover market to eat vege beehoon... =) .. and also ate prawn mee... XD... hmmz. and i stared at e dessert store for many many long.. hahax... wonder why.. =X .... stupid xm.. lol...

hmmmz.. din tok to her today.. coz she was surronded by girls.. how to talk??????... zzz... haiz... i haf many ideas for june.. as edwina has kindly reminded me... lol... but i bet they wun materialize.. coz i'll probably do some stupid thing to screw it up from now to june... sighz...

spun the glass rod today.. hahax. glad it din break... XD... i rmb that time in sec4 where i broke a thermometer by spinning it..... supposed to pay 15 bucks... hahax... but too bad.. =X .. i owe acs(i) 15 bucks but they owe me 4 yrs of secondary school life... zzzz..

Monday, March 20, 2006


omg omg... i just found out.. nvr play badminton in the hse... hahax.... hit one shuttlecock out of my window.. and it's stuck at the veri veri edge of my balcony.. which i cannot access... * not becoz i cannot fit... * .. the place full of potted plants!!!!... zzz.. o well.. hahax.. i can imagine it after a few years... brown shuttlecock.. XD... lol...


hahax... omg omg... almost late for sch today.. -_-'.. my first time lor.. see?.. i so guai... =X... reached many many late... but still b4 7.30 lol.. then like almost e whole Sd combination nvr come... zzz... then onli got me and xm... hahax... so fun... then charlie chan wave at me..!!.. coz i waved at him.. -_-'... lol... feel a bit high now.. coz finish bio paper.. all e info released..aisae... so shiok... hmmmz... din know actually dun haf to come la... then realised zel was in e NL.. -_-'... hahax.. so we spent like 3 hours in e NL.. doing wad??.. studying... then i was sleeping for while.. =) ... lol.. many tired.... and we spotted 3 mcq questions!!!.. tyco ones... hahax... lucky sia... nxt time muz ask xm test us.. then confirm can get a few more marks... =p.... he many smart.... then after exam we went to cafe to eat... then we 4 pple ordered waffle.. with 2 scoops of ice-cream... lol .. so small... XD.. lucky onli 1 buck per person.. if not... zzz... so tired.. and bus 33 many packed... lucky i din take.. but took another 33.. wait so long!!!.. but met dione and another sd5 person in 33.. hahax.. long time nvr see them sia... XD...

hmmmz... seems like she's really gonna die for terms... -_-'.. but nvm.. i muz do well.. then got reason to be able to teach her... =)... i hope... hahax... bio went quite okie.. so one step taken... here goes.....................

Sunday, March 19, 2006

life.. -_-'

cool i read this little story in the chicken soup for the unsinkable soul... wait ah i slowly type it out.. =) ..

There was this farmer that saw this little sparrow lying on it's back and lifting up it's legs... 90 degrees.. * wow doing leg braces... lol ... wish i could do that so freely.. XD.. * .. okiez.. tt was not part of e story.. sidetracked.. -_-'.. okie back to e story.. the farmer asked the sparrow wad it was doing... the sparrow replied.. "i heard the sky was gonna fall today".. the farmer laughed and said.. "so u think those spindly legs of yours can hold up the sky?? ".. the sparrow said... " One Does Wad One Can.. ".. =) ...

lol.. nice story right?... quite cute... -_-'... and i used pink!!!... lol .. today go tuition.. almost late sia... coz i slacking hahax... then our plan din work coz some girl go kope bryan's seat... lol .. but after that we did some stupid stuff... though after tt he kept swearing at me and it did get on my nerves... -_-'... then go back home watch my gundam seed destiny.. then study bio.. hahax..

hmm.. dun feel anything now.. din msg her today... during tuition.. felt so tired.. i just wanna let her out of my mind... -_-'.. but something's keeping her from going away.... i dunno... void of emotion today.. bryan can testify.. i was walking like some funeral hearse liddat... zzzz.... and totally expressionless... not angry, not sad, not depressed, not happy.. just emotionless... sighz.... dunno why i feel this way... stupid me... nvm concentrate on exams first....

btw my mum promised me a new phone if i get an A in my terms.. lol .. i wan a new phone.. but...... i like my current phone coz she also has it.... =) .. nvm can change with her... lol!!!.. wishful thinking again...

stupid xs

o yar.. stupid xs... -_-'.. u again left things at my hse.. this time in a much bigger scale... cap plus clothes...* o gosh dun anyhow think wad happened pple*.. lol ... p.s xs i help u wash your clothes ah... then u can pay me washing fee... XD

always you....

hahax... had some fun yesterday... kinda like a breather from my studying... =) ... went to church to watch some movie.. called "the moment after"... so cool.. hahax... =p ... then played more sports!!!... though my ankle was still hurting.. played soccer at small field.. but me and shang and xs were late.. why??.. coz i lead them wrong way.. hahax... we went to wait at e street soccer court instead.. =p .. i always lead pple wrong way one.. -_-'... then we played soccer... wah not bad..,. they put me left flank coz xs said i cannot def ... lol.. which is many true... =) ... and b4 e game started... i said i'll score a goal for her...* and xs said he'll score 10 goals, lol ... and none came.. coz he was defender.. =p * and which it happened at my third shot on goal.. hahax.. first shot bounced off my shin and flew far far... second one got deflected off some guy's foot... and the last one... o yeah.... rammed it and it hit the cone and went in... but the other team... -_-' said it was offside... ... zzzzzzzzzzzz... nvm... i know i scored a goal and it still counts... =) .. so happy... lol ... then xs and shang went to my hse.. coz i invited them over.. then ordered pizza hut.. hahax... * fang all your fault la.. cannot come.. = no pizza.. XD.. *
then we played some com... let them watch e sesame street video.. which is totally retarded... -_-'... lol ... then we ate pizza while watching tv... and then played winning eleven on my xbox... lol.. i many long nvr touch it liao la.... zzz... forgot how to setup somemore... hahax... then i not bad... playing for e 2nd time in my life... i held a draw to xs.. but lost in p.k coz i dunno how to kick... -_-'... lol ... then shang bully me... hahahx... i own goal somemore.. dunno which stupid chelsea player... zzzz .hahax...

hmmmz... nvr msged her yesterday... * got think of me??.. * .. lol ... wishful thinking on my part..... also no mood to msg her today.. though i do it every sunday... sighz.... just tired.... veri tired..... dunno who more tired la.... -_-'.... if onli she would FOR ONCE msg me to chat... hahax... which i think she nvr will ... the only 2 times she did was to ask about stuff only... and onli 2 times... too bad she doesn't know this blog.. =)... lol...

*If It Were You And Me Tonite, I'll Would Tame The Stars And Save The Brightest One For You...*

Friday, March 17, 2006


hahax.. i'll make this short one. =) .. seems like today is e happiest day for me.. for once we had a sms convo for more then like 10 msgs... =).. lol ... HAPPY!!! SHA LA LA LA ..!!.. -_-'.. okie i'm feeling high., time to sleep.. XD... stupid shang... diq.... zzzzz sleeepppy.... hope she blogs bout me.. *which she most probably wun* .. wadever... =p


lol.. SHANG!!! U STILL HAF MY EZ-LINK CARD!!.. hahax... darn i need it for tml... right now xs.. shang,.. david gay are playing soccer... and i cannot.. -_-'... hmmm so boring at home.. juz found out that marshmallows plus studying is a veri veri bad combo..... hahax... almost finsihed one pack of marshmallows!!!!.. 4 & 1/10 more packs to go... * come on!!!.. * ... lol soon this lack of exercise is gonna make me go fat... * if i'm not already there... -_-'... * currently doing maths.... wah... many hard... i dying... the intergration qns i already dunno how 2 do la.. i need help.... maybe 2 brains is better then one... * winkz*... now my blog has it's first official lame tag... courtesy of danver... -_-'... lol .. took me like 5 secs to realise wad he meant... not bad not bad.. u're learning from xm... =) ...

hmmm.. should i sms??.. or not??.. hahax... brain not really working today... wanna sleep.... zzzzz.. a glimmer of hope is there for me... all i can do is try to capture it... * If It Happens It Happens And I'll Feel The Same* .......... maybe i'll sms her later... XD... but i can be assured that sunday will be eventful and full of smses... =) ...

i wonder how she feels...hahax... hmmmzz... -_-'.... wad fun.... lol... i think even bryan also loves this crappy feeling now... rofl... =X.... o well.. we wun live 4ever... so let's take our life to e fullest!!!!!!!!!!!!!... =) ..

Thursday, March 16, 2006


hahax.. living with my wounds is great man.. * i'm not sadistic btw * .. lol... my movement is so restricted now.. =).... hmm their healing well now.. and i can kick a ball!... -_-'... lol ... but cannot play badminton i think.. palm pain.. =X... hope it heals by monday.. or else i'll haf many many pple asking me wad happened...zzzz... just bored... stupid chem is killing me.. again i fell asleep... hahax.... muz nvr listen to music and study.. especially songs i like... -_-'... and she din reply me again after i msged a 2nd time.. lol ... nvm i'm used to it already.. =) .. msg no. 264 was especially cute... hahax... now i feel that it's quite fun for her to ignore me... but dun ignore too much can liao la... lol... =p...

hmmm... looks like all the pieces are slowly settling in.. fitting in to create the story of the year... =) ... i hope this goes on... so that i can haf a nice post-exam period...wellz... here goes.... study... then msg her... then study... then sleep... my routine for the next few days... =)


hmmm... many tired... lol ... yesterday was friendship day!!.. =p... went out to meet.. shujun.. shufeng...bethesda.. jack.. xm.. and jeremy... or yar.. and lindy... =X... first activity was street evangelism... wa ... i many nervous... hahahx... jeremy showed me the ropes by giving one to a large group.. then xm and jack went together as a pair... then i decided to try it out.. hahax... got rejected 3 times!!!!!... by groups and trios of guys. hahax... then i got "spurred"on to try harder... then got this 2 girls came by.. wah their dressing even more sophisticated then mine.. XD... but at least it worked.. but i stuttered a bit... -_-'... nervous wad.... hahax.. then xm and jack ah.. zzz... many funnie... well but they managed to give out their tracts(???) eventually.. =) ... hahax... then went fish&co to celebrate jeremy's and lindy's bdaes..... ordered a seafood platter for 2 with jeremy.. wa.. it was BIG... -_-'... muz wait till e pics are done then i post.. sure make u laugh one... hahhax... =p ... then i had a fun time msging too... for once i really felt she was making an effort to talk to me... bleah.... -_-'... hahax... o well.. expect the unexpected.. =) ... then the pple singing at the fish&co were quite good leh... sang.. U2 , Green Day , James Blunt .. hahax... not bad not bad la... then xm kept wanting to go up and sing.. -_-'.... took pics outside fish&co after e meal... jack and me were many gay... lol ... *who ask him hug me first* ... =p .... then had a sharing session.. hahax... then after that the most malu thing happened to me... dun read ah.. dun read.. dun read... dun read.. dun read... DUN READ.. but i know u will read.. sooo... lol ..

i saw 2 16 buses arrive past my bus stop at 10 plus.. father already smsing saying y so late... so i ran... and ran.. almost ran to cini... lol ... and nearly reaching e bus stop i tripped over a stupid bump..zzzzzz... y can't they pave the road properly... zzzzzzzzz.... then fell... hahahax... my best fall in my life...right ankle half twisted... left leg pain... left elbow grazed.. right palm got one cut and a friction burn... ouch... but still managed to catch e 16...hahax..with a bus stop and bus full of ppple knowing my face... -_-'... i actually made e bus stop behind me ... =) ...

hahax... it seems that i cannot play both badminton and soccer already,.. and since i got my fren's poly ez link card... i also cannot use it... later charge a lot... soooo.... time to stay at home and mug!!!!... hahax... =) ... wonder if she'll show some concern for me if i tell her... hahhax... we'll see... =p ...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


hmmmz.. studied chem... a bit la... not bad progress these days.. but i'm playing and slacking too much... din even sleep yesterday nite... stupid lyrics kept going through my head over and over again... -_-'... then fang came over to my hse and we looked at ac yearbook and talked many cock... lol ... then went over to clementi to play badminton.. hall conditions sucked todae.. maybe because someone din wanna go today... o wellz.... felt my racquet was weak... no power.. dunno why... hand felt crap... and hit the frame countless times.. had some fun with weixuan though.. -_-'.. lol .. the net dun like him.. even he right in front of net also cannot get e shuttle past e net...rofl.... then longjun ah... bring nj girl come and play badminton also... *er-hem danver the hot-blooded animal...* hahahax... eeekkk.. so gonna die for writing that down... =X....... came home and sister complain nvr play badminton with her... lol ... die la... hand quite pain leh...

*until the day i die... =) * ... hahax... as bryan said... i episode 1 also not over i already go into episode 2... lol... i'm such a diq.. but cannot help it mah.... as fang said again... lol ... i'm typing too much of wad he said.. -_-'..he said that fate has brought both of us together.. and that ****** is better then ******** .... dotxz.... i dunno wad to say la.. but it's quite fun.. i'm gonna bug someone for impairing my phone... =P ... hahax...


EHHHH THANKEW!!!... -_-'... lol... yesterday nite at sir's ( charlie chan's hse... ) ... had one specs rubber thingy lost... had my adidas superstar soaked * omg gonna take 4ever to dry.. * , and my handphone taking a "swim"also... hahax... die la... then i tot my handphone okie... still can sms.. take pic.. but guess wad?... now pple call all sounds like mouse liddat... soft and squeaky.. -_-'.. hmmz.. i dun really use my talktime.. but................... lol .... 2sc5 was a fun class.. at least they more on then our class.... din know justin and jonathan were in 2sc5 la.. lol.. i better go update myself on my surroundings liao... =X.... and i number one to go into pool.. lol ... how come?... ask joanna of 2sc5.. if i spell wrongly i also dun care... lol =p... *skarly i spell correctly... -_-'.. * hmmz.. dunno why i got pushed lor... but xm tell me is that time swimming pe we play water polo with them then she got e ball but i kope from her ... hahax... guess she still remembers??.. lol ... got pushed in in my full "uniform"... jeans...t-shirt..polo shirt... many wet.. hahax... took many pics also.. but i cannot see without my specs..... soooo.... dun care... =p ... edwina cooked me a marshmallow!!!.. XD... hahax... then she ordered me to come out of e pool to eat la... -_-'... sir's daughter many cute!!!.. look like him somemore... =p ... and i tell u... the security guard there is the funniest i ever encountered la.... he wear the uniform like i cannot tell he guard ah... muz stand in front of me and take out badge and say.. "i am security guard".. -_-'... roflmao..... and he kept coming to irritate us coz we making many noise and kept jumping in the pool with our shirts.. i mean wad's the diff la... * my place better not haf such dumb security guards too* .... lol ... badminton today!!!.... so fun.. =)... cannot wait.... o yar i wan my pics!!!. jonathan !!!!!... lol

i dunno why am i trying so hard.... am i trying to defy fate?... which i haf failed all these times?... it's sapping my energy... slowly but surely.... dunno if i should continue....May The Lord grant me strength to continue with my journey..

this song is damn nice la... i tell u... listen to it cannot sleep one.. =) ..
***Hawthorne Heights- We Are So Last Year...***

Sunday, March 12, 2006


*time check=8.25am on 13th march.. stupid blogge clock is screwed up and i haf no idea how to solve it.. -_-'... help meee.. .. can't sleep more then 7 hours..zzzzzzz...*
lol finished bio!... 2 more subs to go!!... hahax.. means i got like 3 days each?.. plus one break.. woot.. fang say go play dota some day.. and i dun wanna trash pple.. lol .. muz be kind.. =p ...and i think small font fits this better.. =) .. hmmmz.. msg no.159 in my phone is totally crappy... zzzzzzzzz... waste my time... reply liddat mite as well dun reply... scrolled through my phone.. read all my previous msgs...*which are quite few.. onli 159 currently... coz i deleted my 400 plus previous ones lol.. * .... relived the times past these weeks... msgs tt looked so deceptive... cunningly revealing a bit of the person's emotion... then suddenly shutting it off... IN YOUR FACE!!!!... zzzz... i see more of Xs's msgs then hers la... -_-'.. lol.. wonder why... even though i think i msg Xs less...

*I've come to liken my current life to that of a shuttlecock... -_-'... y? u mite ask... well.... i haf absolutely no control over who's hitting me... and how hard they wanna hit me.. and all i can do is fly over and over to each racquet to be hit again... and even if i hit the net... which describes a temporal stop in the pain... i'll be picked up again and hit over and over again... sometimes smashed too.. -_-'... and every hit makes my feathers look worse... and at the end of a long game... i'll haf frayed feathers and i'll juz get discarded and in goes a new shuttle to take my place... maybe i play too much badminton liao.. but this is exactly how i feel.... i feel like a very battered shuttlecock.. ready to fall apart any moment..... and a smash is gonna happen soon... and i'm afraid that once this smash is executed... i'll crack..... *

*** o btw i still wanna play badminton though... -_-'... lol .. ***

wah sianz...

okiexz.. mood swing oreddie... lol ... bad england... later teacher skole me... zzzz... no mood to type properly... i mean wtf la... u wanna reply a not?.. take 3 hours plus still dao.. then ru2 guo3 i msg again and u give back a stone answer the hua4...and promises aren't kept... great... so am i suppossed to accept this fate?... tml is march 13th... my fav number... y?.. coz jinx plus jinx = not jinx... if u ever wondered y i love 13... nothing's going right for me right now... i make pple happy... but i myself am swallowed up by self-pity and depression...seriously i dunno wad to do... am i a hustler?.. as mathan says??... it seems easy yet so hard to let it go... one moment i can.. one moment i cannot...i'm lucky i still can focus on my studies... bio's cracking me up... left 1/4 of it and i finish.. which i will wrap up by tml morn... if i can sleepppp......... zzzzzzzzzzzzz ..

*Life's playing tricks on me once again... wad can i do??... play along??... resist???.. ignore???... i dunno wad to do... at a loss of both words and actions...waddahell...Do i fight against it?... though i think i'll lose like 9 out of 10 times... but there's a 1/10 chance... and i always fite for chances... sighz... *

* And I Can't Make It On My Own * bryan should know this song lyrics.. lol .. was his fav once i think..... -_-'...

kkz enough of such crap... back to my life... tml bbq!!.. can't wait...u dun go then dun go lor... like i care,... i'll still carry on... having e others there ... jump into pool!!!.. =) ... o yar.. did i mention my sis badminton damn pro?.. for a p4 i tell u she sure packs some punch sia.... hahax.... muz train her go sch team... my goal for her... =p .. mp100 rocks!!!...


hahax.. zzz wad the crap la... i rushed out to tuition and forgot to tape my gundam seed destiny... zzzzzzz.. so sianz!!!.. hahax.. onli rmbered it when i came back and studied until die... hmm... so funnie la... bryan... had to assist him ... it turned out to become some sort of two man army... -_-'... as wad bryan calls it... that diq... he general... and i some sort of bao ga liao soldier... everything also do.. recon,command centre,outpost,signal,messenger,suicider... -_-'.... waddahell la... lol ... i think i camp outside e lift with a zen and handphone look damn wad la... and i haf to look out for every lift that comes... and bryan ALMOST gave up... but lucky.... i said wait for 2 more lifts... then juz nice.. she came... aisae.... lucky diq... then we went back to class... and the classs laugh coz the foo say me and fang brokeback... lol ... later mathan gets jealous.. =p ... hmmmz... i think it was damn obvious that me and fang planned this la... though actually it was me.. =) ... pro not?... hahax... tuition quite sianz... coz foo go through topics not in terms.. so i nvr bother to pay attention... *stupid vectors la.. how u pay attention.. zzz * ... so msged and msged.. and listened to music.. and talked crap.. laughed.. lol .. and foo isn't helping by making lame jokes... -_-'...

hmmz... fang's doing so well... look at me... sighz... but helping him really perks me up... coz there's nothing better * actually there is la.. lol ... * then helping your best fren and seeing him go high.. =p... hmmz... o wellz... some songs keep me going right now... tml judgement day sia.... march 13th.. -_-'.... zzzzz... i hope all goes for e best ....

*** Hawthorne Heights - We Are So Last Year ***

Saturday, March 11, 2006

so this is the end??..

hahax... wow i ate so much sia... XD... after soccer sure got appetite... =p ... got beehoon... lots of noodles... rice... wa.. can die la.. -_-'... picture taken by shang... lol ... see shang i wrote your name... say "ehhhh thankew"... hahax... this is ghim moh market... =p... the place tt time we say go go but nvr go one...

k enough bout e pic... =p ... hmmz.. no reply... wow... one whole day without a reply... like heck care bout my sms liddat... sighz... -_-'... okiexz... day started crappy.. soccer anyhow ram .. hahax... but scored some.. * like duh* ... then saw pple playing badminton in e ghim moh cc ... tot they were ffmss ... but upon closer scrutiny... turned out to be nygh.... 'now i know y there was a very severe lack of guys in the team... lol... -_-'.... i wanted to play badminton!!!... going nuts over it liao... mp100... hahahax... =p ... Xs say sometime after exam go play... set la!!... can't wait... hmmmz... stupid signs popping out all over e place... dunno if it's juz me... or God wants it this way... -_-'... even when i wanna avoid also can kena me one... sighz.... hahax.. despressing stuff aside.... tml muz help fang to achieve a lot... lol... looks like i haf to sacrifice a lot of myself to help him sia... that diq.... zzzzzzz -_-'.... o wellz... times flying by... one day liao... and i studied half of bio... then went to sleep.. wa bio can die lor... all e cycles.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... hahax....Calvin's cycle for photosynthesis and Kreb's cycle for repiration right??.. zzz.. hope i do well for this terms... muz mug!!.. =) *or desperately try to mug* XD..

Friday, March 10, 2006

o wellz....

okiez..... this iz my new blog.. not bad right?.. coz my com cannot use stupid flashy blogskins...... zzzzzzz ... hahax... nvr put up frens yet... sibei sianz la... today is also e day where i die.. lol ... just like my blogskin.. =) ... hmmmz.. found out a certain info that i din feel like knowing... .. kkz.. enough crap... time to blog... -_-'... today go sch... felt crappy... y?... tired and too much on my mind... seriously.. i dun think i'm tt serious ever in my sch life yet... came to sch.. stoned and slept... and huiling still come bug me lol... always liddat one... hmmz.. then slept and slept... and slept..zzzzzzzz... and juz din feel like smiling.. dead reaction.. then did gp exam... wah not bad... i think i quite okie.. juz that aq left half a point and my conclusion tt's all... hmmmz... then played badminton at my hse there... wa my mp100 damn long la... longer then normal racquet.. tt's y i got some difficulty at first... lol.. then after xm left we challenged these china pple to match.. but they wanna play single's 5 point matches.. think i won e most.. =p ... with my beloved mp100.. =) learnt how to make use of it fully... long so can stretch better.. =) ... and i smashed it differently.. =p .. shiok!.. then danver stayed at my hse for a while after e badminton where we bought kfc and ate... and we surfed net and downloaded songs on my com.. where i found out the info... zzzzzzz... ultra sianz.... dun tell me i kena twice in a row.... i tell u i cannot take it anymore lor... any more blows (er hem..dun think mathan) ... and i sure become an introvert.... o wellz.... until the day i die... =)