Sunday, March 19, 2006

life.. -_-'

cool i read this little story in the chicken soup for the unsinkable soul... wait ah i slowly type it out.. =) ..

There was this farmer that saw this little sparrow lying on it's back and lifting up it's legs... 90 degrees.. * wow doing leg braces... lol ... wish i could do that so freely.. XD.. * .. okiez.. tt was not part of e story.. sidetracked.. -_-'.. okie back to e story.. the farmer asked the sparrow wad it was doing... the sparrow replied.. "i heard the sky was gonna fall today".. the farmer laughed and said.. "so u think those spindly legs of yours can hold up the sky?? ".. the sparrow said... " One Does Wad One Can.. ".. =) ...

lol.. nice story right?... quite cute... -_-'... and i used pink!!!... lol .. today go tuition.. almost late sia... coz i slacking hahax... then our plan din work coz some girl go kope bryan's seat... lol .. but after that we did some stupid stuff... though after tt he kept swearing at me and it did get on my nerves... -_-'... then go back home watch my gundam seed destiny.. then study bio.. hahax..

hmm.. dun feel anything now.. din msg her today... during tuition.. felt so tired.. i just wanna let her out of my mind... -_-'.. but something's keeping her from going away.... i dunno... void of emotion today.. bryan can testify.. i was walking like some funeral hearse liddat... zzzz.... and totally expressionless... not angry, not sad, not depressed, not happy.. just emotionless... sighz.... dunno why i feel this way... stupid me... nvm concentrate on exams first....

btw my mum promised me a new phone if i get an A in my terms.. lol .. i wan a new phone.. but...... i like my current phone coz she also has it.... =) .. nvm can change with her... lol!!!.. wishful thinking again...

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