Tuesday, March 21, 2006


zzzzz.... stupid chem prac.. i always cannot do one... hahax... always got some stupid problem tt will irritate me and make me lose concentration.. -_-'... well.. i got one mistake!!.zzzz... lol... wrong calculation coz i dunno wad's e diff between specific heat capacity and heat capacity... zzzzzzz... but still got correct ans in e end... =p .... then went to dover market to eat vege beehoon... =) .. and also ate prawn mee... XD... hmmz. and i stared at e dessert store for many many long.. hahax... wonder why.. =X .... stupid xm.. lol...

hmmmz.. din tok to her today.. coz she was surronded by girls.. how to talk??????... zzz... haiz... i haf many ideas for june.. as edwina has kindly reminded me... lol... but i bet they wun materialize.. coz i'll probably do some stupid thing to screw it up from now to june... sighz...

spun the glass rod today.. hahax. glad it din break... XD... i rmb that time in sec4 where i broke a thermometer by spinning it..... supposed to pay 15 bucks... hahax... but too bad.. =X .. i owe acs(i) 15 bucks but they owe me 4 yrs of secondary school life... zzzz..

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