Thursday, March 16, 2006


hmmm... many tired... lol ... yesterday was friendship day!!.. =p... went out to meet.. shujun.. shufeng...bethesda.. jack.. xm.. and jeremy... or yar.. and lindy... =X... first activity was street evangelism... wa ... i many nervous... hahahx... jeremy showed me the ropes by giving one to a large group.. then xm and jack went together as a pair... then i decided to try it out.. hahax... got rejected 3 times!!!!!... by groups and trios of guys. hahax... then i got "spurred"on to try harder... then got this 2 girls came by.. wah their dressing even more sophisticated then mine.. XD... but at least it worked.. but i stuttered a bit... -_-'... nervous wad.... hahax.. then xm and jack ah.. zzz... many funnie... well but they managed to give out their tracts(???) eventually.. =) ... hahax... then went fish&co to celebrate jeremy's and lindy's bdaes..... ordered a seafood platter for 2 with jeremy.. wa.. it was BIG... -_-'... muz wait till e pics are done then i post.. sure make u laugh one... hahhax... =p ... then i had a fun time msging too... for once i really felt she was making an effort to talk to me... bleah.... -_-'... hahax... o well.. expect the unexpected.. =) ... then the pple singing at the fish&co were quite good leh... sang.. U2 , Green Day , James Blunt .. hahax... not bad not bad la... then xm kept wanting to go up and sing.. -_-'.... took pics outside fish&co after e meal... jack and me were many gay... lol ... *who ask him hug me first* ... =p .... then had a sharing session.. hahax... then after that the most malu thing happened to me... dun read ah.. dun read.. dun read... dun read.. dun read... DUN READ.. but i know u will read.. sooo... lol ..

i saw 2 16 buses arrive past my bus stop at 10 plus.. father already smsing saying y so late... so i ran... and ran.. almost ran to cini... lol ... and nearly reaching e bus stop i tripped over a stupid bump..zzzzzz... y can't they pave the road properly... zzzzzzzzz.... then fell... hahahax... my best fall in my life...right ankle half twisted... left leg pain... left elbow grazed.. right palm got one cut and a friction burn... ouch... but still managed to catch e 16...hahax..with a bus stop and bus full of ppple knowing my face... -_-'... i actually made e bus stop behind me ... =) ...

hahax... it seems that i cannot play both badminton and soccer already,.. and since i got my fren's poly ez link card... i also cannot use it... later charge a lot... soooo.... time to stay at home and mug!!!!... hahax... =) ... wonder if she'll show some concern for me if i tell her... hahhax... we'll see... =p ...

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