Tuesday, March 14, 2006


hmmmz.. studied chem... a bit la... not bad progress these days.. but i'm playing and slacking too much... din even sleep yesterday nite... stupid lyrics kept going through my head over and over again... -_-'... then fang came over to my hse and we looked at ac yearbook and talked many cock... lol ... then went over to clementi to play badminton.. hall conditions sucked todae.. maybe because someone din wanna go today... o wellz.... felt my racquet was weak... no power.. dunno why... hand felt crap... and hit the frame countless times.. had some fun with weixuan though.. -_-'.. lol .. the net dun like him.. even he right in front of net also cannot get e shuttle past e net...rofl.... then longjun ah... bring nj girl come and play badminton also... *er-hem danver the hot-blooded animal...* hahahax... eeekkk.. so gonna die for writing that down... =X....... came home and sister complain nvr play badminton with her... lol ... die la... hand quite pain leh...

*until the day i die... =) * ... hahax... as bryan said... i episode 1 also not over i already go into episode 2... lol... i'm such a diq.. but cannot help it mah.... as fang said again... lol ... i'm typing too much of wad he said.. -_-'..he said that fate has brought both of us together.. and that ****** is better then ******** .... dotxz.... i dunno wad to say la.. but it's quite fun.. i'm gonna bug someone for impairing my phone... =P ... hahax...

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