Sunday, March 12, 2006

wah sianz...

okiexz.. mood swing oreddie... lol ... bad england... later teacher skole me... zzzz... no mood to type properly... i mean wtf la... u wanna reply a not?.. take 3 hours plus still dao.. then ru2 guo3 i msg again and u give back a stone answer the hua4...and promises aren't kept... great... so am i suppossed to accept this fate?... tml is march 13th... my fav number... y?.. coz jinx plus jinx = not jinx... if u ever wondered y i love 13... nothing's going right for me right now... i make pple happy... but i myself am swallowed up by self-pity and depression...seriously i dunno wad to do... am i a hustler?.. as mathan says??... it seems easy yet so hard to let it go... one moment i can.. one moment i cannot...i'm lucky i still can focus on my studies... bio's cracking me up... left 1/4 of it and i finish.. which i will wrap up by tml morn... if i can sleepppp......... zzzzzzzzzzzzz ..

*Life's playing tricks on me once again... wad can i do??... play along??... resist???.. ignore???... i dunno wad to do... at a loss of both words and actions...waddahell...Do i fight against it?... though i think i'll lose like 9 out of 10 times... but there's a 1/10 chance... and i always fite for chances... sighz... *

* And I Can't Make It On My Own * bryan should know this song lyrics.. lol .. was his fav once i think..... -_-'...

kkz enough of such crap... back to my life... tml bbq!!.. can't wait...u dun go then dun go lor... like i care,... i'll still carry on... having e others there ... jump into pool!!!.. =) ... o yar.. did i mention my sis badminton damn pro?.. for a p4 i tell u she sure packs some punch sia.... hahax.... muz train her go sch team... my goal for her... =p .. mp100 rocks!!!...

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