Tuesday, March 14, 2006


EHHHH THANKEW!!!... -_-'... lol... yesterday nite at sir's ( charlie chan's hse... ) ... had one specs rubber thingy lost... had my adidas superstar soaked * omg gonna take 4ever to dry.. * , and my handphone taking a "swim"also... hahax... die la... then i tot my handphone okie... still can sms.. take pic.. but guess wad?... now pple call all sounds like mouse liddat... soft and squeaky.. -_-'.. hmmz.. i dun really use my talktime.. but................... lol .... 2sc5 was a fun class.. at least they more on then our class.... din know justin and jonathan were in 2sc5 la.. lol.. i better go update myself on my surroundings liao... =X.... and i number one to go into pool.. lol ... how come?... ask joanna of 2sc5.. if i spell wrongly i also dun care... lol =p... *skarly i spell correctly... -_-'.. * hmmz.. dunno why i got pushed lor... but xm tell me is that time swimming pe we play water polo with them then she got e ball but i kope from her ... hahax... guess she still remembers??.. lol ... got pushed in in my full "uniform"... jeans...t-shirt..polo shirt... many wet.. hahax... took many pics also.. but i cannot see without my specs..... soooo.... dun care... =p ... edwina cooked me a marshmallow!!!.. XD... hahax... then she ordered me to come out of e pool to eat la... -_-'... sir's daughter many cute!!!.. look like him somemore... =p ... and i tell u... the security guard there is the funniest i ever encountered la.... he wear the uniform like i cannot tell he guard ah... muz stand in front of me and take out badge and say.. "i am security guard".. -_-'... roflmao..... and he kept coming to irritate us coz we making many noise and kept jumping in the pool with our shirts.. i mean wad's the diff la... * my place better not haf such dumb security guards too* .... lol ... badminton today!!!.... so fun.. =)... cannot wait.... o yar i wan my pics!!!. jonathan !!!!!... lol

i dunno why am i trying so hard.... am i trying to defy fate?... which i haf failed all these times?... it's sapping my energy... slowly but surely.... dunno if i should continue....May The Lord grant me strength to continue with my journey..

this song is damn nice la... i tell u... listen to it cannot sleep one.. =) ..
***Hawthorne Heights- We Are So Last Year...***

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