Sunday, March 26, 2006


hmmm.. veri veri sick today.. ask bryan if u dun believe... hahax... kept sniffling... and sneezing.. * who thinking of me??.. , hope it's not xs or mathan.. XD * very lethargic... couldn't think.. and when bryan went shopping for shirts i nearly fainted...-_-'... wanted to fall sick la... drank teh bing somemore... then played a bit of pool.. cost me 5 dollars!!!!!.. =l ... then went to play soccer with shang's frens .. they damn fun la.. muz play with them again.. one of them handball more free then bryan... hahax... so fun!!!... all the stupid things we did... and run like siao one.. got one adidas shirt guy.. =) .. he run many many fast.. then i pace him and run like the whole field... -_-'... then many many tired.. hahax.. then nvr def... but our keeper damn pro.. always get e ball or block it one... hahax... hmm.. love sports.. keeps my mind off stuff..... and xs wanted to kope my acjc yearbook... -_-'... hahax..

hmmmz... no sentosa trip today... coz of a bit of bad planning and slow reponses.. lucky today it rained... if not we go sentosa then it rain then byebye....... dunno why the we are is so split up... i mean sunday for a change try sentosa la... me and fang cannot even get 10 pple to go.... haiz.... i mean to get to interact more with each other and do more stuff instead of onli soccer?,.. i would like that... i hope that soon we can do this... juz try ... dunno la... quite frustrated.... zzzz... it's bad to be planners but some pple haf to do it to gain the exp... hold on to your ideals fang.. we can do this.. =) ..

***If It Happens It Happens And I'll Feel the Same.. Can't Hold Back On The Choices I've Made That Day***

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