Monday, March 27, 2006


okie.. i nvr listen to miss yim.. so i dunno wad androgynous is?... did i spell correctly??.. wadever... rainy today... and stupid zen ran out off batt..zzz.hahax... i mean it's true wad.. i admit i got a bit of feminine characteristics la.. i mean my girlie jacket... my stupid lollypop soft toy hanging from my bag.... my tendency to yelp at any suprise .. -_-'.. hahax.... but lucky no physical feminine traits...XD... hmmmz... so sleeeeepy... rainy day plus cold-aircon plus boring gp droning plus super soft adidas jacket plus table = sleep... hahax... sianz... chem missed one mark to a B grade.. but to charlie onli wenqing was the true A grade.. with 52/60 ... so pro.... hahax... wadever lor.. i from promos E grade to this i think i quite okay.. coz i slacked a bit and i got many many careless mistakes..zzzzz.. -_-'... nvm.. wait till e rest of e results come out.. b4 i go ban myself from computer... =X... hmmmz.. feel so sick.. ankle also pain..bleah.. i wish i din haf to go sch tml... sianz.. nothing to look foward to.. maybe danver and mathan and gang la.. -_-'..

sianz.. she heck me already.. again i msged today and no reply.. though i'm veri veri sure she got e msg from me... dunno y she wanna dao me.. sighz.... and í'm like so sianz until i also dun wanna talk to her.. and she's fine with that too... well... maybe i'm really a girl like edwin..and miss yim say so... i'm a wuss.. zzz.. -_-'.. wadever.... no mood this week to do anything... if i haf no B's in my terms i think i'll go siao this sat..

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