Thursday, March 16, 2006


hahax.. living with my wounds is great man.. * i'm not sadistic btw * .. lol... my movement is so restricted now.. =).... hmm their healing well now.. and i can kick a ball!... -_-'... lol ... but cannot play badminton i think.. palm pain.. =X... hope it heals by monday.. or else i'll haf many many pple asking me wad happened...zzzz... just bored... stupid chem is killing me.. again i fell asleep... hahax.... muz nvr listen to music and study.. especially songs i like... -_-'... and she din reply me again after i msged a 2nd time.. lol ... nvm i'm used to it already.. =) .. msg no. 264 was especially cute... hahax... now i feel that it's quite fun for her to ignore me... but dun ignore too much can liao la... lol... =p...

hmmm... looks like all the pieces are slowly settling in.. fitting in to create the story of the year... =) ... i hope this goes on... so that i can haf a nice post-exam period...wellz... here goes.... study... then msg her... then study... then sleep... my routine for the next few days... =)

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