Thursday, March 23, 2006


IT"S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahax... not onli exams... but also *** * * **** .. go fill in yourself... lol... but i feel kinda relaxed..... =)... ah well.. the stress that keeps me going... XD... now can dota like siao!!!.. 3 am!!!... hahax.. if i can hold on for so long.. * and i think my com will die anyway... -_-'.. * hahax.. screwed up a question in my maths.. sighz.. wad a dumb way to screw up... at least i get working marks.. =p ... think should be okie la... and miss yim still wan us do gp essay.. i not gonna do sia... we did b4 already lor... waste time... -_-'... watched V for vendetta with danver and ryan and mathan.. ahahax... stupid edwin... got gf dun care us liao... zzz.. XD.. just jokin. hmmz.. it's nice la... wanna watch it again actually... but i'm sure she wun bother about me... so i heck already... then we played pool.. damn fun.. i damn rusty... but still can do jump shot and hit ball in sia... hahahx... not bad not bad.. =p... and mathan and ryan was also damn pro after a while of warm-up.. and danver.. -_-'.. no one who paired up with him won a game.. hahax... so we played 9 games... i think.. all of us won 6/9 matches.. * er-hem no specific reference to that number... hahax... * ... and danver won 0/9 ... lol .. so fun... bought a new shirt at e pasar malam just to play pool.. but not bad la.. quite nice... mathan also bought some diesel shirt... XD...

how i wished that i watched a movie and walked beside her today... i think after wad i did yesterday.. i'm getting the cold shoulder... o wellz.. i expected it already.. just din think it would come so fast... sighz.... now i really dunno wad to do... playing dota does get my mind away from her... but i just feel like smsing her... and although she's so frenly on sms.. her real self to me is like dead... sighz.... i really dunno if she wants to avoid me... or that's how she's like... -_-'... zzzz... nvm... i think i made up my mind already.... time to do something drastic and end this crap once and for all... if i'm ever gonna take this risk.... * and i kept telling danver to take risks when playing pool... though i do take risks when playing pool * ... wad to do?... i really like her....................................... *seriously*

****NOFX- Everything Sucks ****

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