Sunday, March 12, 2006


hahax.. zzz wad the crap la... i rushed out to tuition and forgot to tape my gundam seed destiny... zzzzzzz.. so sianz!!!.. hahax.. onli rmbered it when i came back and studied until die... hmm... so funnie la... bryan... had to assist him ... it turned out to become some sort of two man army... -_-'... as wad bryan calls it... that diq... he general... and i some sort of bao ga liao soldier... everything also do.. recon,command centre,outpost,signal,messenger,suicider... -_-'.... waddahell la... lol ... i think i camp outside e lift with a zen and handphone look damn wad la... and i haf to look out for every lift that comes... and bryan ALMOST gave up... but lucky.... i said wait for 2 more lifts... then juz nice.. she came... aisae.... lucky diq... then we went back to class... and the classs laugh coz the foo say me and fang brokeback... lol ... later mathan gets jealous.. =p ... hmmmz... i think it was damn obvious that me and fang planned this la... though actually it was me.. =) ... pro not?... hahax... tuition quite sianz... coz foo go through topics not in terms.. so i nvr bother to pay attention... *stupid vectors la.. how u pay attention.. zzz * ... so msged and msged.. and listened to music.. and talked crap.. laughed.. lol .. and foo isn't helping by making lame jokes... -_-'...

hmmz... fang's doing so well... look at me... sighz... but helping him really perks me up... coz there's nothing better * actually there is la.. lol ... * then helping your best fren and seeing him go high.. =p... hmmz... o wellz... some songs keep me going right now... tml judgement day sia.... march 13th.. -_-'.... zzzzz... i hope all goes for e best ....

*** Hawthorne Heights - We Are So Last Year ***

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