Tuesday, March 28, 2006

star wars...

hmmmz... woke up with a veri veri bad sore throat.. nearly din wanna go to sch.. but since i woke up already.. -_-'.. just went.. and died in the first few hours of the day.. felt sooooo cold... maybe it was the stupid library.. i sat in there for 2 hours reading dota strat guides.. lol .. and slept for like 5 mins.. XD..... hmmmz... then failed gp!!!.. hahahax.. but got A for maths.. heng sia.. if not i sure ban myself from com... =X..... then went to bras brasah with xm .. go buy cards.. and i go look look at the christian shop inside.. and i din wanna step inside the badminton shop .. coz i wearing ac uni.. then later he say.. "Mr Dicky teach ac students meh>?? ".. then i gg liao... hahax... then i would haf to say i private candidate for his training.. XD.. then saw a lot of stuff inside e christian shop.. photo albums.. frames... cute bookmarks... magnets with your names on it.. and got description of your name somemore.... hahax.. and my name is pronounced the same as erica.. -_-'... and the description of my name is veri accurate.. as xm says... =p... went home and chionged gundam seed.. sianz episode today.. no fighting.. hahax..

hmmz.. i think i'm being veri dao to her these days.... i juz feel like doing that coz she daos me... i dunno.. it's just weird... no feeling to talk to her nor interact... so close to her also i dun bother to make joke or stupid comments or talk..... wadever... is this the end of the road for me???... am i digging my own grave with my actions?.. as the speaker said today... nothing is absolute?.. so i cannot judge anything to be wad it is no matter how it seems.... how true... i'm judging that already on my current situation...... bleah... thnx shang for comforting me and offering advice.. =) .. lub u .. hahahax... XD... omg omg... so brokeback.. zzz.. wellz.. all i can do is take things in my stride and if i do go get wad i wan to get from jec...... then i'll chiong liao... but till then.. happy daoing!!.. =X..

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