Wednesday, March 22, 2006


hahax.. omg omg omg... raining heavily at tiong bahru today... XD.. actually no.. just finding an excuse to show why i was totally drenched...
-_-'.... sianz... dunno why sweat soooooo much today.. can die la.... b4 chem paper somemore... but at least i think i did quite okie... just a few stupid mistakes here and there... zzzz... then ate at ghim moh market.. hahax.. took taxi there while e rest walked there... me mathan and danver and edwin are damn slack.. =X... ate a lot hahhax... but i heck bout gaining weight liao.. though i think i can neither gain or lose... -_-'..

hmmmz.. no reply to e sms i sent her.. guess she doesn't want to talk bout chem paper?. or tired??.. or just left her phone somewhere ?? -_-'... zzz.. sucky feeling again.... and i'm supposed to carry out an operation for tml... zzz.. i dunno wad to do..... mathan!!.. =( ...

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