Thursday, March 30, 2006


This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

lol... wad a dumb test.. o wellz... wa i veri average type of score sia... hahax.. decided to take.. if u take muz tell me ah.. i wanna read.. XD... hmmz.. today so crappy... pe was soooo slack.. lol.. and i can do a bit of pullups!!! happy.. =) ..bleah... no jacket today,... so sad... cannot sleep... -_-'.. dun feel warm... had a bit of time which i really concentrated and did bio tutorial.. =X... hahax.. and fang say i many free.. sch still can msg him.. -_-'... then i again comedy central... move whiteboard also can laugh like siao and anyhow push... and miss yim said that a wire also can stop me from pushing a board.. lol... and that 1 min of exercise made me sweat for 5 mins.. -_-'... then it rained many many.. and i haf a hole in my shoe...zzzzzz... die la.. i wan new shoes..XD... then borrowed wenqing's brolly to ferry lynette and ryan wong across to e canteen there... -_-'... lol ,.. great service.. o did i mention i was edwina's fedEX service?.. took her pe clothes to her and took her chem book back to e NL for her... hahax... played badminton.. many tired.. and i can smash better with my racquet.. =X... hahax... muz train sia.. still veri weak...

hmmz... the test above came from her blog also... and her love score is 2.1???... -_-'... does that mean anything good for me???if im a 4 and they say it's low.... zzzz.. .. i dunno.. as fang said today.. i'm ambivalent... * lol his english suddenly so pro.. XD * coz i wanna talk to her... but on the other side i dun wanna talk to her........-_-'.. so the side that doesn't wan me to talk bout her won,... and so i nvr talk to her... sighz.... wad's wrong with me sia.... wad happened to the die die also heck care bout everything eric..... =(... i wan him back... =( ...sighz... well sat is approaching... time to carry out my plans... here goes.....

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